Mochu Yao explorer game

Dependencies:   mbed

--- a/explorer/explorer.h	Wed Apr 22 04:04:08 2020 +0000
+++ b/explorer/explorer.h	Thu Apr 23 07:49:39 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/** explorer 
+* @the explorer file has three functions
+  1 the movement of a explorer to jump and move in left or right direction
+  2 check fallen and collision
+  3 reset the game
+* @date April 15th 2020
+* @author Yaomochu
+#ifndef EXPLORER_H
+#define EXPLORER_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Gamepad.h"
+//use the enum to define the value we need for the explorer
+enum explorer_sprite{Move_right,Move_left,Stand_left, Stand_right};
+//we have four sprite form so we can define the sprite on the screen by using these enum
+//the explorer's direction
+enum Player_direction {right,left};
+class Explorer {
+ public:
+ Explorer();
+ //Constructor
+ ~Explorer();
+ //Destructor
+void set_x_coordinate(float joy_x, int speed, Player_direction direction);
+void set_y_coordinate(bool ifjump, int jump_height, int level);
+int get_y();
+int get_x();
+int get_speed();
+int get_jump_height();
+Player_direction get_direction();
+explorer_sprite get_explorer_sprite();
+int * get_form(explorer_sprite sprite);
+//this function is used to get the players form and print on the screen (same as the item file)
+void fall(bool f_flag, Gamepad &gamepad);
+//the fall flag need to add music to hint the player that the game is over
+void reset_flag(bool reset_flag,Gamepad &gamepad);
+//the reset flag also need to add music to hint the player that the game has been reseted
+bool get_fall_flag();
+bool get_reset_flag();
+ private:
+  int _x;
+  int _y;
+  int _speed;
+  int _level;
+  int _jump_height;
+  bool _f_flag;
+  bool _r_flag;
+  Player_direction _player_direction;
+  explorer_sprite _explorer_sprite;   