Control 3 colors LED with Serial to Bluetooth(HC-05) on WIZwiki-W7500 paltform
Dependencies: mbed
This example is to control LEDs using bluetooth.
To implement this function, you need a Platform board, XBee Shield, XBee Bluetooth module.
Below are what we used.
- WIZwiki-W7500 from WIZnet (Platform board) http://wizwiki.net/wiki/doku.php?id=products:wizwiki_w7500:start
- XBee Shield http://www.elecfreaks.com/829.html
- XBee Bluetooth Module https://www.itead.cc/wiki/XBee_Shield
Hardware Configuration
WIZwiki-W7500 Pin map
include "mbed.h" /* Digital Out Pin Configuration */ DigitalOut RED(LED_RED,1); DigitalOut GREEN(LED_GREEN,1); DigitalOut BLUE(LED_BLUE,1); /* UART Pin Configuration */ Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); Serial bt(D1,D0); int main(void) { /* baudrate configuration */ pc.baud(115200); bt.baud(9600); pc.printf("WIZwiki-W7500 BT\n\r"); char ch; char msg[256]; while(1) { /* WIZwiki-W7500 to Bluetooth */ if(pc.readable()) { pc.scanf("%s",&msg); bt.printf("%s",msg); } /* Bluetooth to WIZwiki-W7500 */ if(bt.readable()) { ch = bt.getc(); pc.putc(ch); /* Control 3 colors LED */ if(ch == 'r'){ RED = !RED; /* Notice RED LED condition to Bluethooth */ if(RED == 0) bt.printf("RED ON"); else bt.printf("RED OFF"); }else if(ch == 'g'){ GREEN = !GREEN; /* Notice GREEN LED condition to Bluethooth */ if(GREEN == 0) bt.printf("GREEN ON"); else bt.printf("GREEN OFF"); }else if(ch == 'b'){ BLUE = !BLUE; /* Notice BLUE LED condition to Bluethooth */ if(BLUE == 0) bt.printf("BLUE ON"); else bt.printf("BLUE OFF"); } } } }
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