This is a basic program that provides the necessary BLE service to allow communications with the UPAS
Dependencies: BLE_API mbed nRF51822 CronoDot EEPROM NCP5623BMUTBG ADS1115 BME280 Calibration_one MCP40D17 SDFileSystem LSM303 SI1145 STC3100
Fork of BLE_Button by
semi works. seems to be hanging at the SD card file creation and writing calls.
2015-12-08, by caseyquinn [Tue, 08 Dec 2015 05:41:19 +0000] rev 19
semi works. seems to be hanging at the SD card file creation and writing calls.
added in all libraries. this still works with the app.
2015-12-08, by caseyquinn [Tue, 08 Dec 2015 05:03:24 +0000] rev 18
added in all libraries. this still works with the app.
Code now works with app to turn on and off the UPAS based on sample start and end times. Currently no data logging is being done.
2015-12-04, by jelord [Fri, 04 Dec 2015 22:08:09 +0000] rev 17
Code now works with app to turn on and off the UPAS based on sample start and end times. Currently no data logging is being done.
Up-to-date backup...Revert here for testing
2015-11-03, by jelord [Tue, 03 Nov 2015 20:33:27 +0000] rev 16
Up-to-date backup...Revert here for testing
uncomment runready for it to work with rest of code
2015-11-03, by jelord [Tue, 03 Nov 2015 01:41:53 +0000] rev 15
uncomment runready for it to work with rest of code
bit 54 on eprom now set by app for run modes
2015-11-03, by jelord [Tue, 03 Nov 2015 01:34:58 +0000] rev 14
bit 54 on eprom now set by app for run modes
Updated to correctly show the app the real-time on the UPAS
2015-11-02, by jelord [Mon, 02 Nov 2015 20:54:48 +0000] rev 13
Updated to correctly show the app the real-time on the UPAS
Added characteristic to UPAS_SERVICE.h that advertises the subject label from the EEPROM
2015-10-26, by jelord [Mon, 26 Oct 2015 21:27:48 +0000] rev 12
Added characteristic to UPAS_SERVICE.h that advertises the subject label from the EEPROM
App can now set real-time, sample start and end time with this custom menu.
2015-10-23, by jelord [Fri, 23 Oct 2015 02:44:23 +0000] rev 11
App can now set real-time, sample start and end time with this custom menu.
Program to control BLE communication with UPAS
2015-10-20, by jelord [Tue, 20 Oct 2015 20:38:04 +0000] rev 10
Program to control BLE communication with UPAS