Versione modificata con sensore e IR LED a 38kHz.
Dependencies: TextLCD keypadLib mbed
Fork of Chronometer_V2 by
- Committer:
- peps
- Date:
- 2018-05-22
- Revision:
- 5:47a452a6f248
- Parent:
- 4:23472c2b246b
- Child:
- 6:853da83fe5a9
File content as of revision 5:47a452a6f248:
//############################################################## //## //## Event: RoboVal - Robot Race //## //## Chronometer double use //## //## Version 1.99A //## //## Hardware platform used: ST NUCLEO-F401RE //## //## Software IDE used: mbed online version //## //## Organizzation: Verona FabLab //## //## Date creation: 2018.01.01 //## //## Software developpers: FdF,GV, AG //## //## Base on original version of by FdF //## //############################################################## #include <stdlib.h> #include "mbed.h" #include "TextLCD.h" // Default Number Lap #define NUM_LAP 3 // Reference for Low/Min Voltage battery #define VBAT_MIN 7.2 // Different function modes // Switch among them using the USER button // (waiting for the keypad to work properly) enum modes { LABYRINTH, SPEED } mode = SPEED; // Human-readable time helper typedef struct time_screen { int cents; int seconds; int minutes; } measured_time; // Heartbeat LED DigitalOut heartbeat(LED1); // read Voltage battery, analog pin used PC_3 (Pin 37 of Morpho layout) //AnalogIn vbat(PC_3); // User button pressure InterruptIn user_button(USER_BUTTON); // Gates connected to digital input PA_15 and PB_7 InterruptIn gateStart(PA_15), gateEnd(PB_7); // LCD Display (RS, E, D4, D5, D6, D7); TextLCD lcd(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7); // Timer for the chrono function Timer t; // Number of laps int lap = -1; // Best lap int best_lap = 0; // Last time read int last_read = 0; // Last lap time int lap_time = 0; // Best lap time int best_time = -1; // Pointer to the loop function (depending on the selected mode) void (*loopMethod)(void); // Flag to avoid unwanted mode switch when running bool isRunning = false; /*** Keypad handling ****/ PinName rowPins[4] = { PA_13, PA_14, PC_2, PC_3 }; PinName colPins[4] = { PA_0, PA_1, PA_4, PB_0 }; DigitalOut* _rows[4]; DigitalIn* _cols[4]; // Define your own keypad values char Keytable[] = { '1', '2', '3', 'A', // r0 '4', '5', '6', 'B', // r1 '7', '8', '9', 'C', // r2 '*', '0', '#', 'D' // r3 // c0 c1 c2 c3 }; int getKeyIndex() { int result = -1; for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) { _rows[r]->write(1); for(int c = 0;c < 4 ;c++){ DigitalIn *col = _cols[c]; if(col->read() == 1) { result = r*4+c; } } _rows[r]->write(0); } return result; } char getKey() { int idx = getKeyIndex(); return idx != -1 ? Keytable[idx] : '\0'; } void keypadInit() { for(int i = 0;i < 4; i++){ _rows[i] = new DigitalOut(rowPins[i]); _rows[i]->write(0); } for(int i = 0;i < 4; i++){ _cols[i] = new DigitalIn(colPins[i],PullDown); } } /**** End keypad handling ****/ //Convert milliseconds in human-readabe (mm:ss:cc) format measured_time human_read(int ms){ measured_time read; div_t qr = div(ms,1000); read.cents = qr.rem % 100; qr = div(qr.quot,60); read.seconds = qr.rem; qr = div(qr.quot,60); read.minutes = qr.rem; return read; } // Invoked when startGate triggered in SPEED mode. // Start the timer or read the timer and store lap and best time void measure_time() { isRunning = true; int read = t.read_ms(); if(lap == -1){ t.start(); lap++; }else{ //Dabouncing per evitare problemi if(read - last_read > 1000){ lap++; lap_time = read - last_read; if (best_time < 0 || lap_time < best_time) { best_time = lap_time; best_lap = lap; } if(lap >= NUM_LAP) { t.stop(); } last_read = read; } } } // Handler for loop when in SPEED mode void speedLoop() { int read = t.read_ms(); measured_time time = human_read(read); lcd.locate(0,0); lcd.printf("Totale %02d:%02d:%02d",time.minutes,time.seconds,time.cents); // Handle lap time display switch(lap) { // only display time if at least 1 lap completed case -1: case 0: break; // all laps completed - display best lap time case NUM_LAP + 1: time = human_read(best_time); lcd.locate(0,1); lcd.printf("Best %d %02d:%02d:%02d",best_lap,time.minutes,time.seconds,time.cents); isRunning = false; break; // Default - display last completed lap time // In case of last lap, wait 1 sec -- next time, best lap will be displayed default: time = human_read(lap_time); lcd.locate(0,1); lcd.printf("Giro %d %02d:%02d:%02d",lap,time.minutes,time.seconds,time.cents); if (lap == NUM_LAP) { wait(1); lap++; } break; } } // Invoked when startGate triggered in LABIRYNTH mode. void start_time() { isRunning = true; lap = 0; t.start(); } // Invoked when endGate triggered in LABIRYNTH mode. void stop_time() { isRunning = false; lap = 1; t.stop(); int read = t.read_ms(); measured_time time = human_read(read); lcd.cls(); lcd.locate(0,0); lcd.printf("Finish!"); lcd.locate(0,1); lcd.printf("Totale %02d:%02d:%02d",time.minutes,time.seconds,time.cents); gateStart.disable_irq(); gateEnd.disable_irq(); } void labyrinthLoop() { int read = t.read_ms(); measured_time time = human_read(read); lcd.locate(0,1); lcd.printf("Elapsed %02d:%02d:%02d",time.minutes,time.seconds,time.cents); } void configMode() { switch(mode) { case LABYRINTH: gateStart.enable_irq(); gateStart.rise(&start_time); gateEnd.enable_irq(); gateEnd.rise(&stop_time); loopMethod = &labyrinthLoop; lcd.cls(); lcd.locate(0,0); lcd.printf("Mode: LABYRINTH "); wait(1); break; case SPEED: default: gateStart.enable_irq(); gateStart.rise(&measure_time); gateEnd.disable_irq(); loopMethod = &speedLoop; lcd.cls(); lcd.locate(0,0); lcd.printf("Mode: SPEED "); wait(1); lcd.cls(); break; } } // Reset state and configure current mode // Invoked when RESET (#) key pressed on the keypad void reset_measure(){ isRunning = false; t.stop(); t.reset(); lap = -1; last_read = 0; best_lap = 0; best_time = -1; configMode(); } void switchMode() { mode = mode == SPEED ? LABYRINTH : SPEED; reset_measure(); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // // Main body // //------------------------------------------------------------ int main() { char key; keypadInit(); user_button.fall(&switchMode); gateStart.mode(PullDown); gateEnd.mode(PullDown); reset_measure(); while(true) { heartbeat = !heartbeat; loopMethod(); wait(0.1); key = getKey(); if (key != '\0') { if (!isRunning) { if(key == 'A') { mode = LABYRINTH; reset_measure(); } else if(key == 'B') { mode = SPEED; reset_measure(); } } if(key == '#') { reset_measure(); } } } }