High resolution barometer and altimeter using i2c mode

Dependents:   Q2_Stabi

Fork of ms5611 by Kevin Braun

diff -r 461f68bc94f2 -r 6104e8cdb3ec ms5611.h
--- a/ms5611.h	Tue Apr 28 23:36:22 2015 +0000
+++ b/ms5611.h	Tue Jul 14 16:19:59 2015 +0000
@@ -3,18 +3,20 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#if(defined(TARGET_KL25Z) )//|| defined(TARGET_K64F))
+//IMPORTANT NOTE: First attempt at also using the MS5805.  This code is untested!!
+//    #define MS5611i2cLOWLEVEL   1           //if the use of low-level I2C routines is needed
+//    #warning "MS5611 using low level I2C routines"
+// IMPORTANT NOTE:  On the K64F, "ack/nack", returns from single byte i2c.write(int data) are opposite 
+//                  of i2c.write(int address, const char *data, int length, bool repeated=false)    
-    #define MS5611i2cLOWLEVEL   1           //if the use of low-level I2C routines is needed
-    #warning "MS5611 using low level I2C routines"
-#define SEA_PRESS   1013.25                 //default sea level pressure level in mb
-#define KNOWNALT    327.0                   //default known altitude, 5200 Franklin Dr., 94588
-#define INHG        0.02952998751           //convert mb to in/Hg constant
-#define MB          33.8638815              //convert in/Hg to mb constant
-#define FTMETERS    0.3048                  //convert feet to meters
+#define SEA_PRESS           1013.25         //default sea level pressure level in mb
+#define KNOWNALT            327.0           //default known altitude, 5200 Franklin Dr., 94588
+#define DEGC_DEGF_FLOAT     9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0//convert degrees C to degrees F
+#define METERS_FEET         3.2808399       //convert meters to feet
+#define FEET_METERS         0.3048006       //convert feet to meters
+#define MB_INHG_DOUBLE      0.02952998751   //convert millibars to inches_of_mercury
+#define INHG_MB_DOUBLE      33.8638815767   //convert inches_of_mercury to millibars
 /** Software routines to access the Measurement Specialties' MS5611-01BA03 
@@ -46,34 +48,40 @@
  * @code
  * #include "mbed.h"
  * #include "ms5611.h" 
- *
- * //ms5611 ms(p9, p10);                        // i2c pins used
- * ms5611 ms(p9, p10, ms5611::CSBpin_0);      // NEW!! with rev 7. User can set polarity of CSB pin
- * //ms5611 ms(p9, p10, ms5611::CSBpin_1);
- *
- * Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                   // local terminal interface
- *
- *
+ *  
+ * #define SDA  PTE25
+ * #define SCL  PTE24
+ *  
+ * //ms5611 ms(SDA, SCL);                        // i2c pins used, legacy default constructor
+ * ms5611 ms(SDA, SCL, ms5611::CSBpin_0);      // NEW!! with rev 7. User can set polarity of CSB pin
+ * //ms5611 ms(SDA, SCL, ms5611::CSBpin_1);
+ * //ms5611 ms(SDA, SCL, ms5611::MS5805);      // NEW!! with rev 8. Allow use of MS5805 as well
+ *  
+ * Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                    // local terminal interface
+ *  
  * int main (void) {
- *     pc.baud(921600);                        // set up USB serial speed
- *
+ *     pc.baud(230400);                        // set up USB serial speed
+ *  
  *     // set up the ms5611
- *     pc.printf("\n\nInitializing the MS5611..\n");
- *     ms.cmd_reset();
+ *     pc.printf("\n\nInitializing the MS5611..\r\n");
+ *     int msFlag = ms.cmd_reset();
+ *     if(!(msFlag)) {
+ *        pc.printf("MS5611 I2C error!!\r\n");
+ *        return(-1);
+ *    }
  *     pc.printf("Ready\n");
- *
+ *  
  *     while(1) {
  *         double Temp = ms.calcTemp();                         //calculate press and temp, then returns current temperature in degC
  *         double Press = ms.calcPressure();                    //calculate press and temp, then returns current pressure in mb
  *         double GetPress = ms.getPressure();                  //returns current pressure in mb. Does no calculations.  Ususally done after calcTemp()
  *         double Altitude = ms.getAltitudeFT(1013.25);         //enter pressure at sea level in mb, returns altitude in feet
  *         double PressSeaLvlFT = ms.getSeaLevelBaroFT(327.2);  //enter known altitude in feet, returns sea level pressure in mb
- *         double PressSeaLvlM = ms.getAltitudeFT(99.73);       //enter known altitude in meters, returns seal level pressure in mb
- *
- *         pc.printf("Temp: %.2f degC\n", Temp);    
- *         pc.printf("Barometer: %.1f mB  %.3f in/Hg\n", Press, Press * 0.0295301);
- *         pc.printf("Alt: %.1f ft\n", Altitude);
- *         pc.printf("Sea_Lvl: %.1f ft   %.2f m\n", PressSeaLvlFT, PressSeaLvlM);
+ *  
+ *         pc.printf("Temp:       %6.2f degC   %6.2f  degF\r\n", Temp, Temp * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0);    
+ *         pc.printf("Barometer: %7.2f mB    %8.3f in/Hg\r\n", Press, Press * MB_INHG_DOUBLE);
+ *         pc.printf("Sea_Lvl:   %7.2f mB    %8.3f in/Hg\r\n", PressSeaLvlFT, PressSeaLvlFT * MB_INHG_DOUBLE);
+ *         pc.printf("Alt:       %7.2f m     %7.2f  ft\r\n\r\n", Altitude, Altitude * FEET_METERS);
  *         wait(2.0);
  *     }
  * }
@@ -83,19 +91,20 @@
 //_____ M A C R O S
-#define MS5611_ADDR_W 0xEE // Module address write mode (CSBpin = 0);
-#define MS5611_ADDR_R 0xEF // Module address read mode
-#define MS5611_CMD_RESET 0x1E // ADC reset command
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_READ 0x00 // ADC read command
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_CONV 0x40 // ADC conversion command
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_D1 0x00 // ADC D1 conversion
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_D2 0x10 // ADC D2 conversion
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_256 0x00 // ADC OSR=256
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_512 0x02 // ADC OSR=512
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_1024 0x04 // ADC OSR=1024
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_2048 0x06 // ADC OSR=2048
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_4096 0x08 // ADC OSR=4096
-#define MS5611_CMD_PROM_RD 0xA0 // Prom read command
+#define MS5611_ADDR_W 0xEE          // Module address write mode (CSBpin = 0);
+#define MS5611_ADDR_R 0xEF          // Module address read mode
+#define MS5611_CMD_RESET 0x1E       // ADC reset command
+#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_READ 0x00    // ADC read command
+#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_CONV 0x40    // ADC conversion command
+#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_D1 0x00      // ADC D1 conversion
+#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_D2 0x10      // ADC D2 conversion
+#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_256 0x00     // ADC OSR=256
+#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_512 0x02     // ADC OSR=512
+#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_1024 0x04    // ADC OSR=1024
+#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_2048 0x06    // ADC OSR=2048
+#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_4096 0x08    // ADC OSR=4096
+#define MS5805_CMD_ADC_8192 0x0A    // ADC OSR=8192
+#define MS5611_CMD_PROM_RD 0xA0     // Prom read command
     /** Create ms5611 controller class
@@ -106,16 +115,20 @@
     enum CSBpolarity {
-        CSBpin_0,  //CSB pin is grounded, I2C address is 0xEE and 0xEF
-        CSBpin_1,  //CSB pin is tied to Vdd, I2C address is 0xEC and 0xED
+        CSBpin_0,   //CSB pin is grounded, I2C address is 0xEE and 0xEF
+        CSBpin_1,   //CSB pin is tied to Vdd, I2C address is 0xEC and 0xED
+        MS5805,     //MS5805 fixed at 0EC and 0xED
     /** Create a MS5611 object using the specified I2C object
      *   - User fixed I2C address 0xEE, CSB pin = 0
      *   - This is the default legacy constructor
      * @param sda - mbed I2C interface pin
      * @param scl - mbed I2C interface pin
+     * @return NONE
     ms5611(PinName sda, PinName scl);
     /** Create a MS5611 object using the specified I2C object
      *   - User defined use of the CSB pin
      *   - CSB pin = 0, user set I2C address to 0xEE
@@ -124,53 +137,56 @@
      * @param scl - mbed I2C interface pin
      * @param ms5611::CSBpin_0 - CSB pin tied to ground
      * @param ms5611::CSBpin_1 - CSB pin tied to VDD
+     * @param ms5611::MS5805   - MS5805 has only one i2c address
+     * @return NONE
     ms5611(PinName sda, PinName scl, CSBpolarity CSBpin);
     /** Initialize the MS5611 and set up the coefficients
-     *    First - reset the MS5611
-     *    Second - load coefficient values from the MS5611 PROM
-     *    Third  - calculate coefficient checksum
-     *  This routine only needs to be run once at boot up
-     *
+     *   - First - reset the MS5611
+     *   - Second - load coefficient values from the MS5611 PROM
+     *   - Third  - calculate coefficient checksum
+     *   - This routine only needs to be run once at boot up
      * @param NONE
+     * @return int I2C ack/nack status
-    void cmd_reset();
-    /** Calculate and return compensated temperature
-     *    Returns double temperature in degC
-     *
+    int cmd_reset();
+    /** Calculates compensated temperature
      * @param NONE
+     * @return double temperature in degC
     double calcTemp();
-    /** Calculate and return compensated barometric pressure
-     *    Returns double pressure in millibars
-     *
+    /** Calculates compensated barometric pressure
      * @param NONE
+     * @return double pressure in millibars
     double calcPressure();
-    /** Return compensated barometric pressure
-     *    Returns double pressure in millibars
-     *    Saves time if you calcTemp(); first
-     *
+    /** Get compensated barometric pressure
+     *  - Result only valid if you calcTemp(); first
      * @param NONE
+     * @eturn double pressure in millibars
     double getPressure();
-    /** Calculate and returns altitude in feet
-     *    Returns float altitude in feet
-     *
+    /** Calculates altitude in feet
      * @param float known pressure (mB) at sea level
+     * @return float altitude in feet
     float getAltitudeFT(float sea_pressure);
-    /** Calculate and returns sea level baro
-     *    Returns float seal level barometer in feet
-     *
+    /** Calculates sea level baro
      * @param float known altitude in feet
+     * @return float sea level barometer in feet
     float getSeaLevelBaroFT(float known_alt);
-    /** Calculate and returns sea level baro
-     *    Returns float seal level barometer in meters
-     *
+    /** Calculates sea level baro
      * @param float known altitude in meters
+     * @return float sea level barometer in meters
     float getSeaLevelBaroM(float known_alt);
@@ -178,11 +194,12 @@
     char _i2cWAddr;
     char _i2cRAddr;
     int m_i2c_start(bool readMode);
+    int MStype;
     void m_i2c_stop(void);
     unsigned char m_i2c_write(unsigned char data);
     unsigned char m_i2c_readAck(void);
     unsigned char m_i2c_readNak(void);
-    void m_i2c_send(char cmd);
+    int m_i2c_send(char cmd);
     void loadCoefs();
     unsigned long cmd_adc(char cmd);
     unsigned int cmd_prom(char coef_num);