Debugged library

Dependents:   MX106-finaltest dynamixel Arm_dynamixel_can Arm_dynamixel_can_procedurale

Fork of AX12_v2 by Team DIANA

--- a/AX12.cpp	Sun Jun 26 21:14:17 2016 +0000
+++ b/AX12.cpp	Wed Jul 13 15:52:28 2016 +0000
@@ -1,452 +1,35 @@
 #include "AX12.h"
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include <cmath>
 #define AX12_DEBUG 1
-AX12::AX12(PinName tx, PinName rx, int ID)
-        : _ax12(tx,rx) {
-    _ax12.baud(9600);
-    _ID = ID;
+AX12::AX12(communication_1& line, int ID, float gear_train) 
+  : MX(line, ID, gear_train) {
 // Set the mode of the servo
 //  0 = Positional (0-300 degrees)
 //  1 = Rotational -1 to 1 speed
-int AX12::SetMode(int mode) {
-    if (mode == 1) { // set CR
-        SetCWLimit(0);
-        SetCCWLimit(0);
-        SetCRSpeed(0.0);
-    } else {
-        SetCWLimit(0);
-        SetCCWLimit(360);
-        SetCRSpeed(0.0);
-    }
-    return(0);
-// if flag[0] is set, were blocking
-// if flag[1] is set, we're registering
-// they are mutually exclusive operations
-int AX12::SetGoal(int degrees, int flags) {
-    char reg_flag = 0;
-    char data[2];
-    // set the flag is only the register bit is set in the flag
-    if (flags == 0x2) {
-        reg_flag = 1;
-    }
-    // 1023 / 300 * degrees
-    short goal = (4093 * degrees) / 300;
-    if (AX12_DEBUG) {
-        printf("SetGoal to 0x%x\n",goal);
-    }
-    data[0] = goal & 0xff; // bottom 8 bits
-    data[1] = goal >> 8;   // top 8 bits
-    // write the packet, return the error code
-    int rVal = write(_ID, AX12_REG_GOAL_POSITION, 2, data, reg_flag);
-    if (flags == 1) {
-        // block until it comes to a halt
-        while (isMoving()) {}
-    }
-    return(rVal);
-// Set continuous rotation speed from -1 to 1
-int AX12::SetCRSpeed(float speed) {
-    // bit 10     = direction, 0 = CCW, 1=CW
-    // bits 9-0   = Speed
-    char data[2];
-    int goal = (0x3ff * abs(speed));
-    // Set direction CW if we have a negative speed
-    if (speed < 0) {
-        goal |= (0x1 << 10);
-    }
-    data[0] = goal & 0xff; // bottom 8 bits
-    data[1] = goal >> 8;   // top 8 bits
-    // write the packet, return the error code
-    int rVal = write(_ID, 0x20, 2, data);
-    return(rVal);
-int AX12::SetCWLimit (int degrees) {
-    char data[2];
-    // 1023 / 300 * degrees
-    short limit = (4093 * degrees) / 300;
-    if (AX12_DEBUG) {
-        printf("SetCWLimit to 0x%x\n",limit);
-    }
-    data[0] = limit & 0xff; // bottom 8 bits
-    data[1] = limit >> 8;   // top 8 bits
-    // write the packet, return the error code
-    return (write(_ID, AX12_REG_CW_LIMIT, 2, data));
-int AX12::SetCCWLimit (int degrees) {
-    char data[2];
-    // 1023 / 300 * degrees
-    short limit = (4093 * degrees) / 300;
-    if (AX12_DEBUG) {
-        printf("SetCCWLimit to 0x%x\n",limit);
+void AX12::setMode(int mode) {
+    switch (mode) {
+        //Wheel Mode
+        case (0):
+            setCWLimitUnits(0);
+            setCCWLimitUnits(0);
+            //setCRSpeed(0.0);
+            break;
+        //Joint Mode
+        case (1):
+            setCWLimit(360);
+            setCCWLimit(360);
+            //setCRSpeed(0.0);
+            break;
+        default:
+            if (READ_DEBUG) {
+                printf("Not valid mode for AX12");
+                return;
+            }
-    data[0] = limit & 0xff; // bottom 8 bits
-    data[1] = limit >> 8;   // top 8 bits
-    // write the packet, return the error code
-    return (write(_ID, AX12_REG_CCW_LIMIT, 2, data));
-int AX12::SetID (int CurrentID, int NewID) {
-    char data[1];
-    data[0] = NewID;
-    if (AX12_DEBUG) {
-        printf("Setting ID from 0x%x to 0x%x\n",CurrentID,NewID);
-    }
-    return (write(CurrentID, AX12_REG_ID, 1, data));
-// return 1 is the servo is still in flight
-int AX12::isMoving(void) {
-    char data[1];
-    read(_ID,AX12_REG_MOVING,1,data);
-    return(data[0]);
-void AX12::trigger(void) {
-    char TxBuf[16];
-    char sum = 0;
-    if (AX12_TRIGGER_DEBUG) {
-        printf("\nTriggered\n");
-    }
-    // Build the TxPacket first in RAM, then we'll send in one go
-    if (AX12_TRIGGER_DEBUG) {
-        printf("\nTrigger Packet\n  Header : 0xFF, 0xFF\n");
-    }
-    TxBuf[0] = 0xFF;
-    TxBuf[1] = 0xFF;
-    // ID - Broadcast
-    TxBuf[2] = 0xFE;
-    sum += TxBuf[2];
-    if (AX12_TRIGGER_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  ID : %d\n",TxBuf[2]);
-    }
-    // Length
-    TxBuf[3] = 0x02;
-    sum += TxBuf[3];
-    if (AX12_TRIGGER_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Length %d\n",TxBuf[3]);
-    }
-    // Instruction - ACTION
-    TxBuf[4] = 0x04;
-    sum += TxBuf[4];
-    if (AX12_TRIGGER_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Instruction 0x%X\n",TxBuf[5]);
-    }
-    // Checksum
-    TxBuf[5] = 0xFF - sum;
-    if (AX12_TRIGGER_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Checksum 0x%X\n",TxBuf[5]);
-    }
-    // Transmit the packet in one burst with no pausing
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) {
-        _ax12.putc(TxBuf[i]);
-    }
-    // This is a broadcast packet, so there will be no reply
-    return;
-float AX12::GetPosition(void) {
-    if (AX12_DEBUG) {
-        printf("\nGetPosition(%d)",_ID);
-    }
-    char data[2];
-    int ErrorCode = read(_ID, AX12_REG_POSITION, 2, data);
-    short position = data[0] + (data[1] << 8);
-    float angle = (position * 300)/4093;
-    return (angle);
-float AX12::GetTemp (void) {
-    if (AX12_DEBUG) {
-        printf("\nGetTemp(%d)",_ID);
-    }
-    char data[1];
-    int ErrorCode = read(_ID, AX12_REG_TEMP, 1, data);
-    float temp = data[0];
-    return(temp);
+    _mode = mode;
-float AX12::GetVolts (void) {
-    if (AX12_DEBUG) {
-        printf("\nGetVolts(%d)",_ID);
-    }
-    char data[1];
-    int ErrorCode = read(_ID, AX12_REG_VOLTS, 1, data);
-    float volts = data[0]/10.0;
-    return(volts);
-int AX12::read(int ID, int start, int bytes, char* data) {
-    char PacketLength = 0x4;
-    char TxBuf[16];
-    char sum = 0;
-    char Status[16];
-    Status[4] = 0xFE; // return code
-    if (AX12_READ_DEBUG) {
-        printf("\nread(%d,0x%x,%d,data)\n",ID,start,bytes);
-    }
-    // Build the TxPacket first in RAM, then we'll send in one go
-    if (AX12_READ_DEBUG) {
-        printf("\nInstruction Packet\n  Header : 0xFF, 0xFF\n");
-    }
-    TxBuf[0] = 0xff;
-    TxBuf[1] = 0xff;
-    // ID
-    TxBuf[2] = ID;
-    sum += TxBuf[2];
-    if (AX12_READ_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  ID : %d\n",TxBuf[2]);
-    }
-    // Packet Length
-    TxBuf[3] = PacketLength;    // Length = 4 ; 2 + 1 (start) = 1 (bytes)
-    sum += TxBuf[3];            // Accululate the packet sum
-    if (AX12_READ_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Length : 0x%x\n",TxBuf[3]);
-    }
-    // Instruction - Read
-    TxBuf[4] = 0x2;
-    sum += TxBuf[4];
-    if (AX12_READ_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Instruction : 0x%x\n",TxBuf[4]);
-    }
-    // Start Address
-    TxBuf[5] = start;
-    sum += TxBuf[5];
-    if (AX12_READ_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Start Address : 0x%x\n",TxBuf[5]);
-    }
-    // Bytes to read
-    TxBuf[6] = bytes;
-    sum += TxBuf[6];
-    if (AX12_READ_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  No bytes : 0x%x\n",TxBuf[6]);
-    }
-    // Checksum
-    TxBuf[7] = 0xFF - sum;
-    if (AX12_READ_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Checksum : 0x%x\n",TxBuf[7]);
-    }
-    // Transmit the packet in one burst with no pausing
-    for (int i = 0; i<8 ; i++) {
-       // printf("Inizio scrittura numero %d\n",i);
-        _ax12.putc(TxBuf[i]);
-         //printf("Fine scrittura numero %d\n",i);
-    }
-    // Wait for the bytes to be transmitted
-   // wait (0.00002);
-    // Skip if the read was to the broadcast address
-    if (_ID != 0xFE) {
-        // Receive the Status packet 6+ number of bytes read
-        for (int i=0; i<(6+bytes) ; i++) {
-             //printf("Inizio lettura numero %d\n",i);
-            Status[i] = _ax12.getc();
-        }
-        // Copy the data from Status into data for return
-        for (int i=0; i < Status[3]-2 ; i++) {
-            data[i] = Status[5+i];
-        }
-        if (AX12_READ_DEBUG) {
-            printf("\nStatus Packet\n");
-            printf("  Header : 0x%x\n",Status[0]);
-            printf("  Header : 0x%x\n",Status[1]);
-            printf("  ID : 0x%x\n",Status[2]);
-            printf("  Length : 0x%x\n",Status[3]);
-            printf("  Error Code : 0x%x\n",Status[4]);
-            for (int i=0; i < Status[3]-2 ; i++) {
-                printf("  Data : 0x%x\n",Status[5+i]);
-            }
-            printf("  Checksum : 0x%x\n",Status[5+(Status[3]-2)]);
-        }
-    } // if (ID!=0xFE)
-    return(Status[4]);
-int AX12:: write(int ID, int start, int bytes, char* data, int flag) {
-// 0xff, 0xff, ID, Length, Intruction(write), Address, Param(s), Checksum
-    char TxBuf[16];
-    char sum = 0;
-    char Status[6];
-    if (AX12_WRITE_DEBUG) {
-        printf("\nwrite(%d,0x%x,%d,data,%d)\n",ID,start,bytes,flag);
-    }
-    // Build the TxPacket first in RAM, then we'll send in one go
-    if (AX12_WRITE_DEBUG) {
-        printf("\nInstruction Packet\n  Header : 0xFF, 0xFF\n");
-    }
-    TxBuf[0] = 0xff;
-    TxBuf[1] = 0xff;
-    // ID
-    TxBuf[2] = ID;
-    sum += TxBuf[2];
-    if (AX12_WRITE_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  ID : %d\n",TxBuf[2]);
-    }
-    // packet Length
-    TxBuf[3] = 3+bytes;
-    sum += TxBuf[3];
-    if (AX12_WRITE_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Length : %d\n",TxBuf[3]);
-    }
-    // Instruction
-    if (flag == 1) {
-        TxBuf[4]=0x04;
-        sum += TxBuf[4];
-    } else {
-        TxBuf[4]=0x03;
-        sum += TxBuf[4];
-    }
-    if (AX12_WRITE_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Instruction : 0x%x\n",TxBuf[4]);
-    }
-    // Start Address
-    TxBuf[5] = start;
-    sum += TxBuf[5];
-    if (AX12_WRITE_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Start : 0x%x\n",TxBuf[5]);
-    }
-    // data
-    for (char i=0; i<bytes ; i++) {
-        TxBuf[6+i] = data[i];
-        sum += TxBuf[6+i];
-        if (AX12_WRITE_DEBUG) {
-            printf("  Data : 0x%x\n",TxBuf[6+i]);
-        }
-    }
-    // checksum
-    TxBuf[6+bytes] = 0xFF - sum;
-    if (AX12_WRITE_DEBUG) {
-        printf("  Checksum : 0x%x\n",TxBuf[6+bytes]);
-    }
-    // Transmit the packet in one burst with no pausing
-    for (int i = 0; i < (7 + bytes) ; i++) {
-        _ax12.putc(TxBuf[i]);
-    }
-    // Wait for data to transmit
-    wait (0.00002);
-    // make sure we have a valid return
-    Status[4]=0x00;
-    // we'll only get a reply if it was not broadcast
-    if (_ID!=0xFE) {
-        // response is always 6 bytes
-        // 0xFF, 0xFF, ID, Length Error, Param(s) Checksum
-        for (int i=0; i < 6 ; i++) {
-            Status[i] = _ax12.getc();
-        }
-        // Build the TxPacket first in RAM, then we'll send in one go
-        if (AX12_WRITE_DEBUG) {
-            printf("\nStatus Packet\n  Header : 0x%X, 0x%X\n",Status[0],Status[1]);
-            printf("  ID : %d\n",Status[2]);
-            printf("  Length : %d\n",Status[3]);
-            printf("  Error : 0x%x\n",Status[4]);
-            printf("  Checksum : 0x%x\n",Status[5]);
-        }
-    }
-    return(Status[4]); // return error code