Moved to Team 9.

Fork of LineScan by Nicholas Gan

Thu May 21 06:54:06 2015 +0000
Reduced thresh, increased framerate. Now suitable for indoor usage.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ng3600 0:2d546112b0b8 1 #include "mbed.h"
ng3600 0:2d546112b0b8 2 #include "rtos.h"
ikrase 6:984ccef5ca19 3 #include "telemetry-mbed.h"
ng3600 18:8a65598abf2f 4 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
ng3600 0:2d546112b0b8 5
ng3600 0:2d546112b0b8 6 #define NUM_PIX 128
ng3600 8:b9ec2f3e12b6 7 #define SKIP 15
ikrase 27:173b2f564143 8 #define UPDATE_RATE 15 //ms
ng3600 0:2d546112b0b8 9
ikrase 1:f10ec868cd71 10 /** Linescan functions (Nicholas Gan)
dnleek 24:774104c34063 11 * to capture linescan frames and process them.
ikrase 1:f10ec868cd71 12 */
ikrase 1:f10ec868cd71 13
ng3600 0:2d546112b0b8 14 uint16_t read1Bit(AnalogIn cam, DigitalOut *camClk);
ng3600 0:2d546112b0b8 15 void startRead(DigitalOut *camSi, DigitalOut *camClk);
dnleek 24:774104c34063 16 float processFn(uint16_t *array, int arraySz, int* exposure, telemetry::NumericArray<uint16_t, NUM_PIX> &tele_linescan_diff);
dnleek 24:774104c34063 17 float processFn2(uint16_t *array, int arraySz, int* exposure);
dnleek 24:774104c34063 18 float getLinePos(AnalogIn cam,
dnleek 24:774104c34063 19 DigitalOut *camSi,
dnleek 24:774104c34063 20 DigitalOut *camClk,
dnleek 24:774104c34063 21 int *exposure,
dnleek 24:774104c34063 22 telemetry::NumericArray<uint16_t, NUM_PIX> &tele_linescan,
dnleek 24:774104c34063 23 telemetry::NumericArray<uint16_t, NUM_PIX> &tele_linescan_diff);
dnleek 24:774104c34063 24 float getLinePos2(AnalogIn cam,
dnleek 24:774104c34063 25 DigitalOut *camSi,
dnleek 24:774104c34063 26 DigitalOut *camClk,
dnleek 24:774104c34063 27 int *exposure);
ng3600 18:8a65598abf2f 28 extern MODSERIAL serial;