Uploading sensor data (voltage divider, MAX4172, INA219) over Ethernet to Thing Speak service. Uses old mbed revision that is compatible with NetServices library. I2C communication is made with I2CR library.

Dependencies:   C12832 I2CR INA219 NetServices mbed

Fork of NetServices_HelloWorld by Segundo Equipo

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Sensor.h	Fri Nov 20 08:28:11 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#ifndef _SENSOR_H
+#define SENSOR_H  
+#include "mbed.h"
+class Sensor {
+     public:
+        Sensor(PinName, float);    //* Konsturktor klase Sensor koji uzima kao argument pin na kojem je spojen senzor može biti od p15-p20 *//
+                                    //* i varijablu float kao koeficijent množenja vrijednosti dobivene ADC pretvorbom
+        void read();                 //* Funkcija read() bez povratnog argumenta ocitava vrijednost 10 puta i spremaju u float polje
+        float calc();                 //* Fukcija calac() raćuna srednju vrijednost readVal polja te vraća float varijablu sa stvarnom vrijednosti 
+                                       //* mjernog signala 
+     private:
+        AnalogIn sensorInput;           
+        float readVal[], realVal, K;
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