Uploading sensor data (voltage divider, MAX4172, INA219) over Ethernet to Thing Speak service. Uses old mbed revision that is compatible with NetServices library. I2C communication is made with I2CR library.

Dependencies:   C12832 I2CR INA219 NetServices mbed

Fork of NetServices_HelloWorld by Segundo Equipo

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for SensorsThingSpeak


Sensor Simple class for sensor with linear otuput
ThingSpeak Class for sending data to ThingSpeak over ethernet, Class is using old mbed library revision and EthernetNetIf from https://developer.mbed.org/users/okini3939/notebook/TCPSocket_jp/ Example:


main.cpp [code]
Sensor.cpp [code]
Sensor.h [code]
ThingSpeak.cpp [code]
ThingSpeak.h [code]