DipCortex PwmOut Example
Dependencies: mbed
Fork of DipCortex-PWM by
PwmOut Example for the DipCortex
Mbed PwmOut library can use the following pins :
Timer/Match Register Pinout Options CT16B0/MR0 p15 (P0_8) and p19 (p1_13) CT16B0/MR1 p16 (P0_9) and p20 (p1_14) CT16B0/MR2 p27 (P1_15) and p27 (p1_15) CT16B1/MR0 p24 (P0_21) CT16B1/MR1 p9 (P0_22) and p38 (P1_23) CT32B0/MR0 p17 (P1_24) and p26 (P0_18) CT32B0/MR1 p29 (P1_25) and p25 (P0_19) CT32B0/MR2 p35 (P1_26)
Please refer to the Pin Out diagram for the WiFi DipCortex to avoid Pins used to communicate with the CC3000 http://www.soldersplash.co.uk/products/wifi-dipcortex/