IBM LoRa MAC in C (LMiC) mbed library port

Dependents:   lora-temperature LoRaWAN-lmic-app_HS LoRaWAN-lmic-app_huynh

LoRa WAN in C for sx1276 shield

Currently version 1.5

LoRaWAN network configuration for end-device

The following three pieces of information uniquely identifies end-device to network to allow over-the-air activation. These are stored in the end-device prior to join procedure.


Uniquely identifies application provider of end-device.

Least-significant byte first, 8 bytes, use reverse memcpy() to keep same order as shown on lora server.

example C code

static const u1_t APPEUI[8]  = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x25, 0x00 };

This is copied into LMIC by os_getArtEui() callback function in application.


End-device ID, unique to each end-node.

Least-significant byte first, 8 bytes, use reverse memcpy() to keep same order as shown on lora server.

example C code

static const u1_t DEVEUI[8]  = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x25, 0x00 }; 

This is copied into LMIC by os_getDevEui() callback function in application.

AppKey (aka DevKey)

128-bit (16byte) AES key.

example C code

static const u1_t DEVKEY[16] = { 0xe4, 0x72, 0x71, 0xc5, 0xf5, 0x30, 0xa9, 0x9f, 0xcf, 0xc4, 0x0e, 0xab, 0xea, 0xd7, 0x19, 0x42 };

This is copied into LMIC by os_getDevKey() callback function in application.

Using over-the air activation, the end-device (LMIC) performs a join procedure every time it starts for first time, or has lost session context information. When join procedure has successfully completed, the end-device will have a network session key (NwkSKey) and an application session key (AppSKey), which are used for encryption and message integrity check.

US915 configuration with

  • log in to server
  • click on Applications
  • find your application and click it
  • go to configure motes
  • to create a mote, you may enter a new DevEUI
    • you may copy-paste the 16byte application key from an already existing mote, if you desire.
defined valuechannelschannel
00 to 764
18 to 1565
216 to 2366
324 to 3167
432 to 3968
540 to 4769
648 to 5570
756 to 6371
undef0 to 6364 to 71



File content as of revision 0:62d1edcc13d1:

 * Copyright (c) 2014 IBM Corporation.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    IBM Zurich Research Lab - initial API, implementation and documentation

#define NEW_CHNL 1

#ifndef _lmic_h_
#define _lmic_h_

#define CFG_DEBUG    1
#define CFG_eu868    1
//#define CFG_us915    0


//#define CFG_sx1272_radio    0
#define CFG_sx1276_radio    1

#include "mbed.h"
#include "oslmic.h"
#include "lorabase.h"

enum { MAX_FRAME_LEN      =  64 };   // Library cap on max frame length
enum { TXCONF_ATTEMPTS    =   8 };   // transmit attempts for confirmed frames
enum { MAX_MISSED_BCNS    =  20 };   // threshold for triggering rejoin requests
enum { MAX_RXSYMS         = 100 };   // stop tracking beacon beyond this

enum { LINK_CHECK_CONT    =   6 };   // continue with this after reported dead link
enum { LINK_CHECK_DEAD    =  12 };   // after this UP frames and no response from NWK assume link is dead
enum { LINK_CHECK_INIT    = -12 };   // UP frame count until we inc datarate

enum { TIME_RESYNC        = 6*128 }; // secs
enum { TXRX_GUARD_ms      =  6000 };  // msecs - don't start TX-RX transaction before beacon
enum { JOIN_GUARD_ms      =  9000 };  // msecs - don't start Join Req/Acc transaction before beacon
enum { TXRX_BCNEXT_secs   =     2 };  // secs - earliest start after beacon time
enum { RETRY_PERIOD_secs  =     3 };  // secs - random period for retrying a confirmed send

#if CFG_eu868 // EU868 spectrum ====================================================

enum { MAX_CHANNELS = 8 };      // library may not support all 16 channels
enum { MAX_BANDS    = 4 };

enum { LIMIT_CHANNELS = (1<<4) };   // EU868 will never have more channels
struct band_t {
    u2_t     txcap;  // duty cycle limitation: 1/txcap
    s1_t     txpow;  // maximum TX power
    ostime_t avail;  // channel is blocked until this time

#elif CFG_us915  // US915 spectrum =================================================

enum { MAX_XCHANNELS = 2 };      // extra channels in RAM, channels 0-71 are immutable 
enum { MAX_TXPOW_125kHz = 30 };

#endif // ==========================================================================

// Keep in sync with evdefs.hpp::drChange
enum { KEEP_TXPOW = -128 };

struct rxsched_t {
    u1_t     dr;
    u1_t     intvExp;   // 0..7
    u1_t     slot;      // runs from 0 to 128
    u1_t     rxsyms;
    ostime_t rxbase;
    ostime_t rxtime;    // start of next spot
    u4_t     freq;

// Information extracted from (last) beacon
enum { BCN_NONE    = 0x00,
       BCN_PARTIAL = 0x01,
       BCN_FULL    = 0x02,
       BCN_NODRIFT = 0x04,    // no drift value measured
       BCN_NODDIFF = 0x08 };  // no differential drift measured yet
struct bcninfo_t {
    rxqu_t   rxq;
    ostime_t txtime;  // time when beacon was sent
    u1_t     flags;
    u4_t     time;    // GPS time in seconds
    // This part is valid only if flags==BCN_FULL
    u1_t     info;    // info field
    s4_t     lat;
    s4_t     lon;

// purpose of receive window - lmic_t.rxState
// Netid values /  lmic_t.netid
enum { NETID_NONE=(int)~0U, NETID_MASK=0xFFFFFF };
// MAC operation modes (lmic_t.opmode).
enum { OP_NONE     = 0x0000,
       OP_SCAN     = 0x0001, // radio scan to find a beacon
       OP_TRACK    = 0x0002, // track my networks beacon (netid)
       OP_JOINING  = 0x0004, // device joining in progress (blocks other activities)
       OP_TXDATA   = 0x0008, // TX user data (buffered in pendTxData)
       OP_POLL     = 0x0010, // send empty UP frame to ACK confirmed DN/fetch more DN data
       OP_REJOIN   = 0x0020, // occasionally send JOIN REQUEST
       OP_SHUTDOWN = 0x0040, // prevent MAC from doing anything
       OP_TXRXPEND = 0x0080, // TX/RX transaction pending
       OP_RNDTX    = 0x0100, // prevent TX lining up after a beacon
       OP_PINGINI  = 0x0200, // pingable is initialized and scheduling active
       OP_PINGABLE = 0x0400, // we're pingable
       OP_NEXTCHNL = 0x0800, // find a new channel
       OP_LINKDEAD = 0x1000, // link was reported as dead
       OP_OTA      = 0x2000, // Over the Air Activation in use
// TX-RX transaction flags - report back to user
enum { TXRX_ACK    = 0x80,   // confirmed UP frame was acked
       TXRX_NACK   = 0x40,   // confirmed UP frame was not acked
       TXRX_NOPORT = 0x20,   // set if a frame with a port was RXed, clr if no frame/no port
       TXRX_DNW1   = 0x01,   // received in 1st DN slot
       TXRX_DNW2   = 0x02,   // received in 2dn DN slot
       TXRX_PING   = 0x04 }; // received in a scheduled RX slot
// Event types for event callback
typedef enum _ev_t ev_t;

struct lmic_t {
    // Radio settings TX/RX (also accessed by HAL)
    ostime_t    txend;
    ostime_t    rxtime;
    rxqu_t      rxq;
    u4_t        freq;
    rps_t       rps;
    u1_t        rxsyms;
    s1_t        txpow;     // dBm

    osjob_t     osjob;

    // Channel scheduling
#if CFG_eu868
    band_t      bands[MAX_BANDS];
    u4_t        channelFreq[MAX_CHANNELS];
    u1_t        channelDrs[MAX_CHANNELS];
    u2_t        channelMap;
#elif CFG_us915
    u4_t        xchFreq[MAX_XCHANNELS];  // extra channel frequencies (if device is behind a repeater)
    u1_t        xchDrs[MAX_XCHANNELS];   // extra channel datarate ranges  ---XXX: ditto
    u2_t        channelMap[(72+MAX_XCHANNELS+15)/16];  // enabled bits
    u1_t        chRnd;        // channel randomizer
    u1_t        txChnl;          // channel for next TX
    u1_t        globalDutyRate;  // max rate: 1/2^k
    ostime_t    globalDutyAvail; // time device can send again
    u4_t        netid;        // current network id (~0 - none)
    u2_t        opmode;
    u1_t        upRepeat;     // configured up repeat
    s1_t        adrTxPow;     // ADR adjusted TX power
    u1_t        datarate;     // current data rate
    u1_t        errcr;        // error coding rate (used for TX only)
    u1_t        rejoinCnt;    // adjustment for rejoin datarate
    s2_t        drift;        // last measured drift
    s2_t        lastDriftDiff;
    s2_t        maxDriftDiff;

    u1_t        pendTxPort;
    u1_t        pendTxConf;   // confirmed data
    u1_t        pendTxLen;    // +0x80 = confirmed
    u1_t        pendTxData[MAX_LEN_PAYLOAD];

    u2_t        devNonce;     // last generated nonce
    u1_t        nwkKey[16];   // network session key
    u1_t        artKey[16];   // application router session key
    devaddr_t   devaddr;
    u4_t        seqnoDn;      // device level down stream seqno
    u4_t        seqnoUp;

    u1_t        dnConf;       // dn frame confirm pending: LORA::FCT_ACK or 0
    s1_t        adrAckReq;    // counter until we reset data rate (0=off)
    u1_t        adrChanged;

    u1_t        margin;
    bit_t       ladrAns;      // link adr adapt answer pending
    bit_t       devsAns;      // device status answer pending
    u1_t        adrEnabled;
    u1_t        moreData;     // NWK has more data pending
    bit_t       dutyCapAns;   // have to ACK duty cycle settings
    u1_t        snchAns;      // answer set new channel
    // 2nd RX window (after up stream)
    u1_t        dn2Dr;
    u4_t        dn2Freq;
    u1_t        dn2Ans;       // 0=no answer pend, 0x80+ACKs

    // Class B state
    u1_t        missedBcns;   // unable to track last N beacons
    u1_t        bcninfoTries; // how often to try (scan mode only)
    u1_t        pingSetAns;   // answer set cmd and ACK bits
    rxsched_t   ping;         // pingable setup

    // Public part of MAC state
    u1_t        txCnt;
    u1_t        txrxFlags;  // transaction flags (TX-RX combo)
    u1_t        dataBeg;    // 0 or start of data (dataBeg-1 is port)
    u1_t        dataLen;    // 0 no data or zero length data, >0 byte count of data
    u1_t        frame[MAX_LEN_FRAME];

    u1_t        bcnChnl;
    u1_t        bcnRxsyms;    // 
    ostime_t    bcnRxtime;
    bcninfo_t   bcninfo;      // Last received beacon info

void  LMIC_setDrTxpow   (dr_t dr, s1_t txpow);  // set default/start DR/txpow
void  LMIC_setAdrMode   (bit_t enabled);        // set ADR mode (if mobile turn off)
bit_t LMIC_startJoining (void);

void  LMIC_shutdown     (void);
void  LMIC_init         (void);
void  LMIC_reset        (void);
void  LMIC_clrTxData    (void);
void  LMIC_setTxData    (void);
int   LMIC_setTxData2   (u1_t port, xref2u1_t data, u1_t dlen, u1_t confirmed);
void  LMIC_sendAlive    (void);

bit_t LMIC_enableTracking  (u1_t tryBcnInfo);
void  LMIC_disableTracking (void);

void  LMIC_stopPingable  (void);
void  LMIC_setPingable   (u1_t intvExp);
void  LMIC_tryRejoin     (void);
void  LMIC_startABP      (u4_t netid, devaddr_t devaddr, u1_t* nwkKey, u1_t* artKey);

#endif // _lmic_h_