Library used to control ST Nucleo Evaluation board IHM04A1, based on L6206 motor control driver.

Dependencies:   ST_INTERFACES

Dependents:   HelloWorld_IHM04A1 RoboCane_Motore arm_dcmotor_can arm_linear_can_2 ... more

Fork of X_NUCLEO_IHM04A1 by ST Expansion SW Team

Motor Control Library

Library to handle the X-NUCLEO-IHM04A1 Motor Control Expansion Board based on the L6206 component.

It allows a complete management of the L6206 by providing a complete APIs.

The key features of the library are :

  • Configuration of the L6206 (bridges inputs and enabling signals, bridges paralleling)
  • FLAG interrupts handling (overcurrent and thermal alarms reporting)
  • Handling of up to two bidirectional Brush DC motors or up to 4 unidirectional Brush DC motors depending of the bridges paralleling configuration
  • Nucleo and expansion board configuration (GPIOs, PWMs, IRQs…)

To use the L6206 driver library, the user first has to call its initialization method which:

  • Setups the required GPIOs to handle the bridges enable pins, the FLAG interrupt which reports overcurrent detection or thermal protection.
  • Loads the driver parameters with initial values configured by the user or with their predefined values from “l6206_target_config.h”, in order to program the PWMs frequency of the bridges inputs, the bridges paralleling configuration, the number and the type (bidirectional or unidirectional) of brush DC motors.

Once the initialization is done, the user can modify the driver parameters by calling specific functions to change the bridges paralleling configuration, types and numbers of motors or the PWMs frequency.

The user can also write callback functions and attach them to:

  • The flag interrupt handler depending on the actions he wants to perform when an overcurrent or a thermal alarm is reported.
  • The Error handler which is called by the library when it reports an error.

Then, the user can drive the different brush DC motors by requesting to run in a specified direction and by changing the maximal speed. When a motor is requested to run, the corresponding bridge is automatically enabled.

A motion command can be stopped at any moment:

  • Either by a hard stop which immediately stops the motor.
  • Or by a hardHiz command which immediately stops the motor and disables the bridge which is used by the motor.

The library also provides functions to disable or enable the bridges independently from the run or stop commands.

Arduino Connector Compatibility Warning

Using the X-NUCLEO-IHM04A1 expansion board with the NUCLEO-F429ZI requires adopting the following patch:

  • to connect with a wire the PB_4 Nucleo pin to the IN1A expansion board pin;
  • to connect with a wire the PC_7 Nucleo pin to the IN2A expansion board pin;
  • to connect with a wire the PA_15 Nucleo pin to the IN1B expansion board pin;
  • to connect with a wire the PB_3 Nucleo pin to the IN2B expansion board pin.

Board configuration for HelloWorld_IHM04A1 example


diff -r b06e38d365d7 -r 24158c44f02e Components/l6206/l6206.h
--- a/Components/l6206/l6206.h	Tue Jun 14 12:14:28 2016 +0000
+++ b/Components/l6206/l6206.h	Fri Mar 24 10:59:06 2017 +0100
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-  * @file    l6206.h 
+  * @file    L6206.h
   * @author  IPC Rennes
-  * @version V1.2.0
-  * @date    March 30, 2016
-  * @brief   Header for L6206 driver (dual full bridge driver)
-  * @note    (C) COPYRIGHT 2015 STMicroelectronics
+  * @version V1.1.0
+  * @date    March 02, 2016
+  * @brief   L6206 driver (dual full bridge driver)
+  * @note     (C) COPYRIGHT 2015 STMicroelectronics
   * @attention
-  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
   * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
   * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
@@ -36,193 +36,800 @@
-/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef __L6206_H
-#define __L6206_H
+/* Generated with STM32CubeTOO -----------------------------------------------*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
+/* Revision ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	Repository:
+	Branch/Trunk/Tag: trunk
+	Based on:         X-CUBE-SPN4/trunk/Drivers/BSP/Components/L6206/L6206.h
+	Revision:         0
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __L6206_CLASS_H
+#define __L6206_CLASS_H
 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include "l6206_target_config.h"
-#include "../Common/motor.h"
-/** @addtogroup BSP
-  * @{
-  */   
-/** @addtogroup Components
-  * @{
-  */  
-/** @addtogroup L6206
-  * @{
-  */   
-/* Exported Constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @defgroup L6206_Exported_Defines L6206 Exported Defines
-  * @{
-  */   
-/// Current FW version
-#define L6206_FW_VERSION (0)
-///Max number of Brush DC motors
-#define L6206_NB_MAX_MOTORS (4)
-///Max number of Bridges
-#define L6206_NB_MAX_BRIDGES (2)
-///Max number of input of Bridges
-#define L6206_NB_MAX_BRIDGE_INPUT (2 * L6206_NB_MAX_BRIDGES)
-/// MCU wait time in ms after power bridges are enabled
- /**
-  * @}
-  */
-/* Exported Types  -------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @defgroup L6206_Exported_Types L6206 Exported Types
-  * @{
-  */   
+/* ACTION 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Include here platform specific header files.                               *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/		
+#include "mbed.h"
+/* ACTION 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Include here component specific header files.                              *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/		
+#include "L6206.h"
+/* ACTION 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Include here interface specific header files.                              *
+ *                                                                            *
+ * Example:                                                                   *
+ *   #include "HumiditySensor.h"                                              *
+ *   #include "TemperatureSensor.h"                                           *
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "BDCMotor.h"
+/* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @defgroup Initialization_Structure Initialization Structure
+/** @defgroup L6206_Private_Constants L6206 Private Constants
   * @{
-typedef struct
-    /// Bridge configuration structure.
-    dualFullBridgeConfig_t config;
+/// The Number of L6206 devices required for initialisation is not supported
+#define L6206_ERROR_0   (0x8000)
+/// Error: Access a motor index greater than the one of the current brigde configuration
+#define L6206_ERROR_1   (0x8001)
+/// Error: Access a motor index which is not bidirectionnal
+#define L6206_ERROR_2   (0x8002)
-    /// PWM frequency
-    uint32_t pwmFreq[L6206_NB_MAX_BRIDGE_INPUT];
+/// Maximum frequency of the PWMs in Hz
+#define L6206_MAX_PWM_FREQ   (100000)
+/// Minimum frequency of the PWMs in Hz
+#define L6206_MIN_PWM_FREQ   (2)
-    /// Motor speed
-    uint16_t speed[L6206_NB_MAX_MOTORS];
-    /// Motor direction
-    motorDir_t direction[L6206_NB_MAX_MOTORS];
+/// Bridge Input 1A
+#define INPUT_1A         (0)
+/// Bridge Input 2A
+#define INPUT_2A         (1)
+/// Bridge Input 1B
+#define INPUT_1B         (2)
+/// Bridge Input 2B
+#define INPUT_2B         (3)
-    /// Current motor state
-    motorState_t motionState[L6206_NB_MAX_MOTORS];
+/// Bridge A
+#define BRIDGE_A         (0)
+/// Bridge B
+#define BRIDGE_B         (1)
-    /// Bridge enabled (true) or not (false)
-    bool bridgeEnabled[L6206_NB_MAX_BRIDGES];
-} deviceParams_t;
-typedef deviceParams_t L6206_Init_t;
+/* Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * @brief Class representing a L6206 component.
+ */
+class L6206 : public BDCMotor
+	/*** Constructor and Destructor Methods ***/
+	/**
+	 * @brief Constructor.
+	 */
+	L6206(PinName EN_flag_A, PinName EN_flag_B, PinName pwm_1A, PinName pwm_2A, PinName pwm_1B, PinName pwm_2B) : BDCMotor(), flag_A_irq(EN_flag_A), flag_B_irq(EN_flag_B), EN_flag_A(EN_flag_A), EN_flag_B(EN_flag_B), pwm_1A(pwm_1A), pwm_2A(pwm_2A), pwm_1B(pwm_1B), pwm_2B(pwm_2B)
+	{
+		/* ACTION 4 ----------------------------------------------------------*
+		 * Initialize here the component's member variables, one variable per *
+		 * line.                                                              *
+		 *                                                                    *
+		 * Example:                                                           *
+		 *   measure = 0;                                                     *
+		 *   instance_id = number_of_instances++;                             *
+		 *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+		flagInterruptCallback = 0;
+		errorHandlerCallback = 0;
+		numberOfDevices = 0;
+		deviceInstance = 0;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @brief Destructor.
+	 */
+	virtual ~L6206(void) {}
+	/*** Public Component Related Methods ***/
+	/* ACTION 5 --------------------------------------------------------------*
+	 * Implement here the component's public methods, as wrappers of the C    *
+	 * component's functions.                                                 *
+	 * They should be:                                                        *
+	 *   + Methods with the same name of the C component's virtual table's    *
+	 *     functions (1);                                                     *
+	 *   + Methods with the same name of the C component's extended virtual   *
+	 *     table's functions, if any (2).                                     *
+	 *                                                                        *
+	 * Example:                                                               *
+	 *   virtual int GetValue(float *f)  //(1)                                *
+	 *   {                                                                    *
+	 *     return COMPONENT_GetValue(float *f);                               *
+	 *   }                                                                    *
+	 *                                                                        *
+	 *   virtual int EnableFeature(void) //(2)                                *
+	 *   {                                                                    *
+	 *     return COMPONENT_EnableFeature();                                  *
+	 *   }                                                                    *
+	 *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /**
+     * @brief  Initializing the component.
+     * @param  init Pointer to device specific initalization structure.
+     * @retval "0" in case of success, an error code otherwise.
+     */
+	virtual int init(void *init = NULL)
+	{
+		return (int) L6206_Init((void *) init);
+	}
+    /**
+     * @brief  Getting the ID of the component.
+     * @param  id Pointer to an allocated variable to store the ID into.
+     * @retval "0" in case of success, an error code otherwise.
+     */
+	virtual int read_id(uint8_t *id = NULL)
+	{
+		return (int) L6206_ReadId((uint8_t *) id);
+	}
-  * @}
-  */
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Attaches a user callback to the error Handler.
+ 	* The call back will be then called each time the library detects an error
+ 	* @param[in] callback Name of the callback to attach to the error Hanlder
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
+	virtual void attach_error_handler(void (*callback)(uint16_t error))
+	{
+		L6206_AttachErrorHandler((void (*)(uint16_t error)) callback);
+	}
-/** @defgroup Data_Structure Data Structure
-  * @{
-  */
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Attaches a user callback to the flag Interrupt
+ 	* The call back will be then called each time the status 
+ 	* flag pin will be pulled down due to the occurrence of 
+ 	* a programmed alarms ( OCD, thermal alert)
+ 	* @param[in] callback Name of the callback to attach 
+ 	* to the Flag Interrupt
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
+	virtual void attach_flag_interrupt(void (*callback)(void))
+	{
+		L6206_attach_flag_interrupt((void (*)(void)) callback);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Returns the current speed of the specified motor
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @retval current speed in % from 0 to 100
+ 	*/
+	virtual unsigned int get_speed(unsigned int motorId)
+	{
+		return (unsigned int) L6206_GetCurrentSpeed((uint8_t) motorId);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Returns the device state
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @retval State (STEADY or INACTIVE)
+ 	*/
+	virtual motorState_t get_device_state(unsigned int motorId)
+	{
+		return (motorState_t) L6206_get_device_state((uint8_t) motorId);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Returns the FW version of the library
+ 	* @retval L6206_FW_VERSION
+ 	*/
+	virtual uint8_t get_fw_version(void)
+	{
+		return (uint8_t) L6206_GetFwVersion();
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Returns the max  speed of the specified motor
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @retval maxSpeed in % from 0 to 100
+ 	*/
+	virtual uint16_t get_max_speed(unsigned int motorId)
+	{
+		return (uint16_t) L6206_GetMaxSpeed((uint8_t) motorId);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Stops the motor without disabling the bridge
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @retval none
+ 	*/
+	virtual void hard_stop(unsigned int motorId)
+	{
+		L6206_HardStop((uint8_t) motorId);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Runs the motor
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @param[in] direction FORWARD or BACKWARD
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  For unidirectionnal motor, direction parameter has no effect
+ 	*/
+	virtual void run(unsigned int motorId, direction_t direction)
+	{
+		L6206_Run((uint8_t) motorId, (motorDir_t) direction);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Changes the max speed of the specified device
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @param[in] newMaxSpeed in % from 0 to 100
+ 	* @retval true if the command is successfully executed, else false
+ 	*/
+	virtual bool set_speed(unsigned int motorId, unsigned int newMaxSpeed)
+	{
+		return (bool) L6206_SetMaxSpeed((uint8_t) motorId, (uint16_t) newMaxSpeed);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Disable the specified bridge
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId (from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B)
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  When input of different brigdes are parallelized 
+ 	* together, the disabling of one bridge leads to the disabling
+ 	* of the second one
+ 	*/
+	virtual void disable_bridge(unsigned int bridgeId)
+	{
+		L6206_DisableBridge((uint8_t) bridgeId);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Enable the specified bridge
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId (from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B)
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  When input of different brigdes are parallelized 
+ 	* together, the enabling of one bridge leads to the enabling
+ 	* of the second one
+ 	*/
+	virtual void enable_bridge(unsigned int bridgeId)
+	{
+		L6206_EnableBridge((uint8_t) bridgeId);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Get the status of the bridge enabling of the corresponding bridge
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B
+ 	* @retval State of the Enable&Flag pin of the corresponding bridge (1 set, 0 for reset)
+  	*/
+	virtual unsigned int get_bridge_status(unsigned int bridgeId)
+	{
+		return (unsigned int) L6206_GetBridgeStatus((uint8_t) bridgeId);
+	}
-/* ACTION --------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Declare here the structure of component's data, if any, one variable per   *
- * line without initialization.                                               *
- *                                                                            *
- * Example:                                                                   *
- *   typedef struct                                                           *
- *   {                                                                        *
- *       int T0_out;                                                          *
- *       int T1_out;                                                          *
- *       float T0_degC;                                                       *
- *       float T1_degC;                                                       *
- *   } COMPONENT_Data_t;                                                      *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-typedef struct
-  /// Function pointer to flag interrupt call back
-  void (*flagInterruptCallback)(void);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Immediatly stops the motor and disable the power bridge
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  if two motors uses the same power bridge, the 
+ 	* power bridge will be disable only if the two motors are stopped
+ 	*/
+	virtual void hard_hiz(unsigned int motorId)
+	{
+		L6206_HardHiz((uint8_t) motorId);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Error handler which calls the user callback (if defined)
+ 	* @param[in] error Number of the error
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
+	virtual void error_handler(uint16_t error)
+	{
+		L6206_ErrorHandler((uint16_t) error);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Set dual full bridge parallelling configuration
+ 	* @param[in] newConfig bridge configuration to apply from 
+ 	* dualFullBridgeConfig_t enum
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
+	virtual void set_dual_full_bridge_config(unsigned int newConfig)
+	{
+		L6206_SetDualFullBridgeConfig((uint8_t) newConfig);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Get the PWM frequency of the specified bridge 
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId 0 for bridge A, 1 for bridge B
+ 	* @retval Freq in Hz
+ 	*/
+	virtual unsigned int  get_bridge_input_pwm_freq(unsigned int bridgeId)
+	{
+		return (unsigned int) L6206_GetBridgeInputPwmFreq((uint8_t) bridgeId);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Changes the PWM frequency of the bridge input
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId 0 for bridge A, 1 for bridge B
+ 	* @param[in] newFreq in Hz
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
+	virtual void set_bridge_input_pwm_freq(unsigned int bridgeId, unsigned int newFreq)
+	{
+		L6206_SetBridgeInputPwmFreq((uint8_t) bridgeId, (uint32_t) newFreq);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Sets the number of devices to be used
+ 	* @param[in] nbDevices (from 1 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES)
+ 	* @retval TRUE if successfull, FALSE if failure, attempt to set a number of
+ 	* devices greater than MAX_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES
+ 	*/
+	virtual bool set_nb_devices(uint8_t nbDevices)
+	{
+		return (bool) L6206_SetNbDevices((uint8_t) nbDevices);
+	}
-  /// Function pointer to error handler call back
-  void (*errorHandlerCallback)(uint16_t error);
+	/*** Public Interrupt Related Methods ***/
-  /// number of L6206 devices
-  uint8_t numberOfDevices;
+	/* ACTION 6 --------------------------------------------------------------*
+	 * Implement here interrupt related methods, if any.                      *
+	 * Note that interrupt handling is platform dependent, e.g.:              *
+	 *   + mbed:                                                              *
+	 *     InterruptIn feature_irq(pin);           //Interrupt object.        *
+	 *     feature_irq.fall(callback);             //Attach a callback.       *
+	 *     feature_irq.mode(PullNone);             //Set interrupt mode.      *
+	 *     feature_irq.enable_irq();               //Enable interrupt.        *
+	 *     feature_irq.disable_irq();              //Disable interrupt.       *
+	 *   + Arduino:                                                           *
+	 *     attachInterrupt(pin, callback, RISING); //Attach a callback.       *
+	 *     detachInterrupt(pin);                   //Detach a callback.       *
+	 *                                                                        *
+	 * Example (mbed):                                                        *
+	 *   void attach_feature_irq(void (*fptr) (void))                         *
+	 *   {                                                                    *
+	 *     feature_irq.fall(fptr);                                            *
+	 *   }                                                                    *
+	 *                                                                        *
+	 *   void enable_feature_irq(void)                                        *
+	 *   {                                                                    *
+	 *     feature_irq.enable_irq();                                          *
+	 *   }                                                                    *
+	 *                                                                        *
+	 *   void disable_feature_irq(void)                                       *
+	 *   {                                                                    *
+	 *     feature_irq.disable_irq();                                         *
+	 *   }                                                                    *
+	 *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /// L6206 driver instance
-  uint8_t deviceInstance;
+	/**
+     * @brief  Enabling the FLAG interrupt handling.
+     * @param[in]  bridgeId 0 for bridge A, 1 for bridge B
+     * @retval None.
+     */
+    virtual void enable_flag_irq(uint8_t bridgeId)
+    {
+		if (bridgeId == BRIDGE_A)
+		{
+			flag_A_irq.mode(PullUp);
+			flag_A_irq.fall(this, &L6206::L6206_FlagInterruptHandler);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			flag_B_irq.mode(PullUp);
+			flag_B_irq.fall(this, &L6206::L6206_FlagInterruptHandler);
+		}
+    }
-  /// L6206 Device Paramaters structure
-  deviceParams_t devicePrm;
-} L6206_Data_t;
+    /**
+     * @brief  Disabling the FLAG interrupt handling.
+     * @param[in]  bridgeId 0 for bridge A, 1 for bridge B
+     * @retval None.
+     */
+    virtual void disable_flag_irq(uint8_t bridgeId)
+    {
+    	if (bridgeId == BRIDGE_A)
+    		flag_A_irq.fall(NULL);
+    	else
+    		flag_B_irq.fall(NULL);
+    }
-  * @}
-  */
+	/*** Public In/Out Related Methods ***/
-  * @}
-  */
+	/*** Protected Component Related Methods ***/
+	/* ACTION 7 --------------------------------------------------------------*
+	 * Declare here the component's specific methods.                         *
+	 * They should be:                                                        *
+	 *   + Methods with the same name of the C component's virtual table's    *
+	 *     functions (1);                                                     *
+	 *   + Methods with the same name of the C component's extended virtual   *
+	 *     table's functions, if any (2);                                     *
+	 *   + Helper methods, if any, like functions declared in the component's *
+	 *     source files but not pointed by the component's virtual table (3). *
+	 *                                                                        *
+	 * Example:                                                               *
+	 *   status_t COMPONENT_get_value(float *f);   //(1)                      *
+	 *   status_t COMPONENT_enable_feature(void);  //(2)                      *
+	 *   status_t COMPONENT_compute_average(void); //(3)                      *
+	 *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	status_t L6206_Init(void *init);
+	status_t L6206_ReadId(uint8_t *id);
+	void L6206_TickHandler(uint8_t deviceId);                                    //Handle the device state machine at each tick timer pulse end
+	void L6206_AttachErrorHandler(void (*callback)(uint16_t error));  //Attach a user callback to the error handler
+	void L6206_attach_flag_interrupt(void (*callback)(void));                  //Attach a user callback to the flag Interrupt
+	void L6206_DisableBridge(uint8_t bridgeId);                              //Disable the specified bridge
+	void L6206_EnableBridge(uint8_t bridgeId);                               //Enable the specified bridge
+	uint16_t L6206_GetBridgeStatus(uint8_t deviceId);                        //Get bridge status
+	uint16_t L6206_GetCurrentSpeed(uint8_t motorId);                         //Return the current speed in pps
+	motorState_t L6206_get_device_state(uint8_t motorId);                      //Return the device state
+	uint8_t L6206_GetFwVersion(void);                                        //Return the FW version
+	uint16_t L6206_GetMaxSpeed(uint8_t motorId);                             //Return the max speed in pps
+	void L6206_HardHiz(uint8_t motorId);                                     //Stop the motor and disable the power bridge
+	void L6206_HardStop(uint8_t motorId);                                    //Stop the motor without disabling the power bridge
+	void L6206_Run(uint8_t motorId, motorDir_t direction);                   //run the motor
+	uint32_t L6206_GetBridgeInputPwmFreq(uint8_t bridgeId);                  // Get the PWM frequency of the bridge input
+	void L6206_SetBridgeInputPwmFreq(uint8_t bridgeId, uint32_t newFreq);    // Set the PWM frequency of the bridge input
+	void L6206_SetDualFullBridgeConfig(uint8_t newConfig);                   // Set dual full bridge configuration
+	bool L6206_SetMaxSpeed(uint8_t motorId,uint16_t newMaxSpeed);            //Set the max speed in pps
+	bool L6206_SetNbDevices(uint8_t nbDevices);                              //Set the number of driver devices
+	void L6206_ErrorHandler(uint16_t error);
+	void L6206_FlagInterruptHandler(void);
+	uint8_t L6206_GetBridgeIdUsedByMotorId(uint8_t motorId);
+	uint8_t L6206_GetBridgeInputUsedByMotorId(uint8_t motorId);
+	uint8_t L6206_GetMotorIdUsingbridgeInput(uint8_t bridgeInput);
+	uint8_t L6206_GetSecondBridgeInputUsedByMotorId(uint8_t motorId);
+	bool L6206_IsBidirectionnalMotor(uint8_t motorId);
+	void L6206_SetDeviceParamsToPredefinedValues(void);
+	void L6206_SetDeviceParamsToGivenValues(L6206_init_t* initDevicePrm);
+	/*** Component's I/O Methods ***/
+	/* ACTION 8 --------------------------------------------------------------*
+	 * Implement here other I/O methods beyond those already implemented      *
+	 * above, which are declared extern within the component's header file.   *
+	 *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/**
+     * @brief      Utility function to set or unset EN pin for Bridge A or Bridge B.
+     * @param[out] none
+     * @param[in]  bridgeId 0 for bridge A, 1 for bridge B
+     * @retval     none
+     */
+	void L6206_OutVal( uint8_t bridgeId, uint8_t val)
+    {
+    	if( bridgeId == BRIDGE_A)
+    	{
+    		EN_flag_A.output();
+    		EN_flag_A.mode(PullNone);
+    		EN_flag_A.write(val);
+    	}
+    	else
+    	{
+    		EN_flag_B.output();
+    		EN_flag_B.mode(PullNone);
+    		EN_flag_B.write(val);
+    	}
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief  Making the CPU wait.
+     * @param  None.
+     * @retval None.
+     */
+	void L6206_Board_Delay(uint32_t delay)
+	{
+		wait_ms(delay);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Disable the specified bridge
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId (from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B)
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  When input of different brigdes are parallelized 
+ 	* together, the disabling of one bridge leads to the disabling
+ 	* of the second one
+ 	*/
+	void L6206_Board_DisableBridge(uint8_t bridgeId)
+	{
+		disable_flag_irq(BRIDGE_A);
+		disable_flag_irq(BRIDGE_B);
+		__disable_irq();
+		L6206_OutVal( bridgeId, 0);
+		__enable_irq();
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Enable the specified bridge
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId (from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B)
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  When input of different brigdes are parallelized 
+ 	* together, the enabling of one bridge leads to the enabling
+ 	* of the second one
+ 	*/
+	void L6206_Board_EnableBridge(uint8_t bridgeId, uint8_t addDelay)
+	{
+		L6206_OutVal( bridgeId, 1);
+  		if (addDelay != 0)
+			{
+			}
-/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
+  		enable_flag_irq( bridgeId);
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Returns the FLAG pin state.
+ 	* @param[in]  bridgeId (from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B)
+ 	* @retval The FLAG pin value.
+ 	*/
+	uint32_t L6206_Board_GetFlagPinState(uint8_t bridgeId)
+	{
+  		if (bridgeId == 0)
+  		{
+  			EN_flag_A.input();
+  			return;
+  		}
+  		else
+  		{
+  			EN_flag_B.input();
+  			return; 
+  		}
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Initiliases the GPIOs used by the L6206s
+ 	* @retval None
+  	*/
+	void L6206_Board_GpioInit(void)
+	{
+		/* init bridge Enable */
+		EN_flag_A.output();
+		EN_flag_A.write(0);
+		EN_flag_A.input();
+		EN_flag_B.output();
+		EN_flag_B.write(0);
+		EN_flag_B.input();
+		/* init flag Irq */
+		disable_flag_irq(BRIDGE_A);
+		disable_flag_irq(BRIDGE_B);
+	}
+	/**
+	* @brief  Sets the frequency of PWM used for bridges inputs
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeInput 0 for input 1A, 1 for input 2A,
+  	* 2 for input 1B,  3 for input 2B
+ 	* @param[in] newFreq in Hz
+ 	* @param[in] duty Duty cycle
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note The frequency is directly the current speed of the device
+ 	*/
+	void L6206_Board_PwmSetFreq(uint8_t bridgeInput, uint32_t newFreq, uint8_t duty)
+	{
+        /* Computing the period of PWM. */
+        float period = 1.0f / newFreq;
+        float duty_cycle;
+        int period_us = (int)(period * 1000000);
+        if (duty > 100)   duty = 100;
+        duty_cycle = (float)duty / 100.0f;
+        switch (bridgeInput)
+  		{
+    		case 0:
+    		default:
+        		/* Setting the period and the duty-cycle of PWM. */
+        		pwm_1A.period_us(period_us);
+        		pwm_1A.write(duty_cycle);
+      			break;
+    		case  1:
+        		/* Setting the period and the duty-cycle of PWM. */
+        		pwm_2A.period_us(period_us);
+        		pwm_2A.write(duty_cycle);
+      			break;
+    		case 2:
+        		/* Setting the period and the duty-cycle of PWM. */
+        		pwm_1B.period_us(period_us);
+        		pwm_1B.write(duty_cycle);
+      			break;
+    		case 3:
+        		/* Setting the period and the duty-cycle of PWM. */
+        		pwm_2B.period_us(period_us);
+        		pwm_2B.write(duty_cycle);
+      			break;    
+  		}
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Reset the PWM for the specified brigde input
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeInput 0 for input 1A, 1 for input 2A,
+ 	* 2 for input 1B, 3 for input 2B
+ 	* @retval None
+  	*/
+	void L6206_Board_PwmDeInit(uint8_t bridgeInput)
+	{
+		  switch (bridgeInput)
+		  {
+		    case 0:
+		    default:
+		    	//timer_pwm_1A.detach();
+		    	break;
+		    case  1:
+		    	//timer_pwm_2A.detach();
+		    	break;
+		    case 2:
+		    	//timer_pwm_1B.detach();
+		    	break;
+		    case 3:
+		    	//timer_pwm_2B.detach();
+		    	break;
+		  }
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Set the PWM frequency the for the specified bridge input
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeInput 0 for input 1A, 1 for input 2A,
+ 	* 2 for input 1B, 3 for input 2B
+ 	* @retval None
+  	*/
+	void L6206_Board_PwmInit(uint8_t bridgeInput)
+	{
+	}
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Stops the PWM uses for the specified brige input
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeInput 0 for input 1A, 1 for input 2A,
+ 	* 2 for input 1B, 3 for input 2B
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
+	void L6206_Board_PwmStop(uint8_t bridgeInput)
+	{
+		  switch (bridgeInput)
+		  {
+		    case 0:
+		    default:
+        		pwm_1A.write(0.0);
+		    	break;
+		    case  1:
+        		pwm_2A.write(0.0);
+		    	break;
+		    case 2:
+        		pwm_1B.write(0.0);
+		    	break;
+		    case 3:
+        		pwm_2B.write(0.0);
+		    	break;
+		  }
+	}
-/** @defgroup MotorControl_Board_Linked_Functions MotorControl Board Linked Functions
-  * @{
-  */   
-///Delay of the requested number of milliseconds
-extern void L6206_Board_Delay(void *handle, uint32_t delay);
-///Disable the specified bridge
-extern void L6206_Board_DisableBridge(void *handle, uint8_t bridgeId);
-///Enable the specified bridge
-extern void L6206_Board_EnableBridge(void *handle, uint8_t bridgeId, uint8_t addDelay);
-//Get the status of the flag and enable Pin
-extern uint32_t L6206_Board_GetFlagPinState(void *handle, uint8_t bridgeId);
-///Initialise GPIOs used for L6206s
-extern void L6206_Board_GpioInit(void *handle);
-///Set Briges Inputs PWM frequency and start it
-extern void L6206_Board_PwmSetFreq(void *handle, uint8_t bridgeInput, uint32_t newFreq, uint8_t duty);
-///Deinitialise the PWM of the specified bridge input
-extern void L6206_Board_PwmDeInit(void *handle, uint8_t bridgeInput);
-///Init the PWM of the specified bridge input
-extern void L6206_Board_PwmInit(void *handle, uint8_t bridgeInput);
-///Stop the PWM of the specified bridge input
-extern void L6206_Board_PwmStop(void *handle, uint8_t bridgeInput);
-  * @}
-  */
+	/*** Component's Instance Variables ***/
+	/* ACTION 9 --------------------------------------------------------------*
+	 * Declare here interrupt related variables, if needed.                   *
+	 * Note that interrupt handling is platform dependent, see                *
+	 * "Interrupt Related Methods" above.                                     *
+	 *                                                                        *
+	 * Example:                                                               *
+	 *   + mbed:                                                              *
+	 *     InterruptIn feature_irq;                                           *
+	 *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/* Flag Interrupt. */
+    InterruptIn flag_A_irq;
+    InterruptIn flag_B_irq;
+	/* ACTION 10 -------------------------------------------------------------*
+	 * Declare here other pin related variables, if needed.                   *
+	 *                                                                        *
+	 * Example:                                                               *
+	 *   + mbed:                                                              *
+	 *     DigitalOut standby_reset;                                          *
+	 *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Digital In/Out for Flag EN pin */
+    DigitalInOut EN_flag_A;
+	DigitalInOut EN_flag_B;
+    /* PWM Out  pin */
+	PwmOut pwm_1A;
+	PwmOut pwm_2A;
+	PwmOut pwm_1B;
+	PwmOut pwm_2B;
+	/* ACTION 11 -------------------------------------------------------------*
+	 * Declare here communication related variables, if needed.               *
+	 *                                                                        *
+	 * Example:                                                               *
+	 *   + mbed:                                                              *
+	 *     DigitalOut address;                                                *
+	 *     DevI2C &dev_i2c;                                                   *
+	 *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/* ACTION 12 -------------------------------------------------------------*
+	 * Declare here identity related variables, if needed.                    *
+	 * Note that there should be only a unique identifier for each component, *
+	 * which should be the "who_am_i" parameter.                              *
+	 *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/* Identity */
+	uint8_t who_am_i;
+	/* ACTION 13 -------------------------------------------------------------*
+	 * Declare here the component's static and non-static data, one variable  *
+	 * per line.                                                              *
+	 *                                                                        *
+	 * Example:                                                               *
+	 *   float measure;                                                       *
+	 *   int instance_id;                                                     *
+	 *   static int number_of_instances;                                      *
+	 *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	void (*flagInterruptCallback)(void);
+	void (*errorHandlerCallback)(uint16_t error);
+	uint8_t numberOfDevices;
+	uint8_t deviceInstance;
+	deviceParams_t devicePrm;
-  * @}
-  */
-  * @}
-  */
+	/** PWM timer variables */
-  * @}
-  */
+	bool pwm_1A_activated;
+	bool pwm_2A_activated;
+	bool pwm_1B_activated;
+	bool pwm_2B_activated;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-  }
-#endif /* #ifndef __L6206_H */
+#endif /* __L6206_CLASS_H */
 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/