Library to handle the X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 Motor Control Expansion Board based on the L6474 component.


Dependents:   Stepper_Matlab_Control SunTracker_BLE Stepper_Matlab_Control MemsMotorControl ... more

Fork of X_NUCLEO_IHM01A1 by ST Expansion SW Team

Motor Control Library


Library to handle the X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 Motor Control Expansion Board based on the the L6474 component.

Daisy-Chain Configuration

This board can be stacked up to three times so that the L6474 components will be connected in daisy-chain configuration. For this purpose, some resistors must be correctly connected on the boards as depicted here below:


Platform compatibility

  • NUCLEO boards have been tested with the default configuration provided by the HelloWorld_IHM01A1 example.
  • LPCXpresso11U68 board has been tested with the following patch:
    • to connect with a wire from the LPCX’s D4 pin to the IHM01A1’s D9 pin;
    • to initialize the pwm PinName variable with D4 rather than D9.
  • FRDM-K64F board has been tested with the following patch:
    • to connect with a wire from the FRDM’s D4 pin to the IHM01A1’s D8 pin;
    • to initialize the standby_reset PinName variable with D4 rather than D8.

Example Applications

--- a/Components/l6474/L6474.cpp	Fri Mar 10 14:07:49 2017 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1421 +0,0 @@
-  ******************************************************************************
-  * @file    L6474.cpp
-  * @author  IPC Rennes
-  * @version V1.5.0
-  * @date    November 12, 2014
-  * @brief   L6474 driver (fully integrated microstepping motor driver)
-  * @note    (C) COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics
-  ******************************************************************************
-  * @attention
-  *
-  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
-  *
-  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
-  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-  *      without specific prior written permission.
-  *
-  *
-  ******************************************************************************
-  */
-/* Generated with STM32CubeTOO -----------------------------------------------*/
-/* Revision ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    Repository:
-    Branch/Trunk/Tag: trunk
-    Based on:         X-CUBE-SPN1/trunk/Drivers/BSP/Components/l6474/l6474.c
-    Revision:         0
-/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include "L6474.h"
-/* Definitions ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Error while initialising the SPI. */
-#define L6474_ERROR_0        (0x8000)   
-/* Error of bad SPI transaction. */
-#define L6474_ERROR_1        (0x8001)
-/* Maximum number of steps. */
-#define MAX_STEPS            (0x7FFFFFFF)
-/* Maximum frequency of the PWMs in Hz. */
-#define L6474_MAX_PWM_FREQ   (10000)
-/* Minimum frequency of the PWMs in Hz. */
-#define L6474_MIN_PWM_FREQ   (2)
-/* Variables  ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Number of devices. */
-uint8_t L6474::number_of_devices = 0;
-/* ISR flags used to restart an interrupted SPI transfer when an error is reported. */
-bool L6474::spi_preemtion_by_isr = FALSE;
-bool L6474::isr_flag = FALSE;
-/* SPI Transmission for Daisy-Chain Configuration. */
-uint8_t L6474::spi_tx_bursts[L6474_CMD_ARG_MAX_NB_BYTES][MAX_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES];
-uint8_t L6474::spi_rx_bursts[L6474_CMD_ARG_MAX_NB_BYTES][MAX_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES];
-/* Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief  Attaches a user callback to the error Handler.
- * The call back will be then called each time the library 
- * detects an error
- * @param[in] callback Name of the callback to attach 
- * to the error Hanlder
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_AttachErrorHandler(void (*callback)(uint16_t error))
-  error_handler_callback = (void (*)(uint16_t error)) callback;
- * @brief Starts the L6474 library
- * @param  init Initialization structure.
- * @retval COMPONENT_OK in case of success.
- **********************************************************/
-status_t L6474::L6474_Init(void *init)
-  /* Initialise the PWMs used for the Step clocks ----------------------------*/
-  L6474_PwmInit();
-  /* Initialise the L6474s ------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Standby-reset deactivation */
-  L6474_ReleaseReset();
-  /* Let a delay after reset */
-  L6474_Delay(1); 
-  /* Set device parameters to the predefined values from "l6474_target_config.h". */
-  L6474_SetDeviceParamsToPredefinedValues();
-  if (init == NULL)
-    /* Set device registers to the predefined values from "l6474_target_config.h". */
-    L6474_SetRegisterToPredefinedValues();
-  else
-    /* Set device registers to the passed initialization values. */
-    L6474_SetRegisterToInitializationValues((L6474_init_t *) init);
-  /* Disable L6474 powerstage */
-  L6474_CmdDisable();
-  /* Get Status to clear flags after start up */
-  L6474_CmdGetStatus();
-  return COMPONENT_OK;
- * @brief Read id
- * @param id pointer to the identifier to be read.
- * @retval COMPONENT_OK in case of success.
- **********************************************************/
-status_t L6474::L6474_ReadID(uint8_t *id)
-  *id = device_instance;
-  return COMPONENT_OK;
- * @brief Returns the acceleration of the specified device
- * @retval Acceleration in pps^2
- **********************************************************/
-uint16_t L6474::L6474_GetAcceleration(void)
-  return (device_prm.acceleration);
- * @brief Returns the current speed of the specified device
- * @retval Speed in pps
- **********************************************************/
-uint16_t L6474::L6474_GetCurrentSpeed(void)
-  return device_prm.speed;
- * @brief Returns the deceleration of the specified device
- * @retval Deceleration in pps^2
- **********************************************************/
-uint16_t L6474::L6474_GetDeceleration(void)
-  return (device_prm.deceleration);
- * @brief Returns the device state
- **********************************************************/
-motorState_t L6474::L6474_GetDeviceState(void)
-  return device_prm.motionState;
- * @brief Returns the FW version of the library
- * @param None
- * @retval L6474_FW_VERSION
- **********************************************************/
-uint8_t L6474::L6474_GetFwVersion(void)
-  return (L6474_FW_VERSION);
- * @brief  Returns the mark position  of the specified device
- * @retval Mark register value converted in a 32b signed integer 
- **********************************************************/
-int32_t L6474::L6474_GetMark(void)
-  return L6474_ConvertPosition(L6474_CmdGetParam(L6474_MARK));
- * @brief  Returns the max speed of the specified device
- * @retval maxSpeed in pps
- **********************************************************/
-uint16_t L6474::L6474_GetMaxSpeed(void)
-  return (device_prm.maxSpeed);
- * @brief  Returns the min speed of the specified device
- * @retval minSpeed in pps
- **********************************************************/
-uint16_t L6474::L6474_GetMinSpeed(void)
-  return (device_prm.minSpeed);
- * @brief  Returns the ABS_POSITION of the specified device
- * @retval ABS_POSITION register value converted in a 32b signed integer
- **********************************************************/
-int32_t L6474::L6474_GetPosition(void)
-  return L6474_ConvertPosition(L6474_CmdGetParam(L6474_ABS_POS));
- * @brief  Requests the motor to move to the home position (ABS_POSITION = 0)
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_GoHome(void)
-  L6474_GoTo(0);
- * @brief  Requests the motor to move to the mark position 
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_GoMark(void)
-    uint32_t mark;
-    mark = L6474_ConvertPosition(L6474_CmdGetParam(L6474_MARK));
-    L6474_GoTo(mark);  
- * @brief  Requests the motor to move to the specified position 
- * @param[in] targetPosition absolute position in steps
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_GoTo(int32_t targetPosition)
-  motorDir_t direction;
-  int32_t steps;
-  /* Eventually deactivate motor */
-  if (device_prm.motionState != INACTIVE) 
-  {
-    L6474_HardStop();
-  }
-  /* Get current position */
-  device_prm.currentPosition = L6474_ConvertPosition(L6474_CmdGetParam(L6474_ABS_POS));
-  /* Compute the number of steps to perform */
-  steps = targetPosition - device_prm.currentPosition;
-  if (steps >= 0) 
-  {
-    device_prm.stepsToTake = steps;
-    direction = FORWARD;
-  } 
-  else 
-  {
-    device_prm.stepsToTake = -steps;
-    direction = BACKWARD;
-  }
-  if (steps != 0) 
-  {
-    device_prm.commandExecuted = MOVE_CMD;
-    /* Direction setup */
-    L6474_SetDirection(direction);
-    L6474_ComputeSpeedProfile(device_prm.stepsToTake);
-    /* Motor activation */
-    L6474_StartMovement();
-  }  
- * @brief  Immediatly stops the motor and disable the power bridge
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_HardStop(void) 
-  /* Disable corresponding PWM */
-  L6474_PwmStop();
-  /* Set inactive state */
-  device_prm.motionState = INACTIVE;
-  device_prm.commandExecuted = NO_CMD;
-  device_prm.stepsToTake = MAX_STEPS;  
- * @brief  Moves the motor of the specified number of steps
- * @param[in] direction FORWARD or BACKWARD
- * @param[in] stepCount Number of steps to perform
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_Move(motorDir_t direction, uint32_t stepCount)
-  /* Eventually deactivate motor */
-  if (device_prm.motionState != INACTIVE) 
-  {
-    L6474_HardStop();
-  }
-  if (stepCount != 0) 
-  {
-    device_prm.stepsToTake = stepCount;
-    device_prm.commandExecuted = MOVE_CMD;
-    device_prm.currentPosition = L6474_ConvertPosition(L6474_CmdGetParam(L6474_ABS_POS));
-    /* Direction setup */
-    L6474_SetDirection(direction);
-    L6474_ComputeSpeedProfile(stepCount);
-    /* Motor activation */
-    L6474_StartMovement();
-  }  
- * @brief  Runs the motor. It will accelerate from the min 
- * speed up to the max speed by using the device acceleration.
- * @param[in] direction FORWARD or BACKWARD
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_Run(motorDir_t direction)
-  /* Eventually deactivate motor */
-  if (device_prm.motionState != INACTIVE) 
-  {
-    L6474_HardStop();
-  }
-  /* Direction setup */
-  L6474_SetDirection(direction);
-  device_prm.commandExecuted = RUN_CMD;
-  /* Motor activation */
-  L6474_StartMovement(); 
- * @brief  Changes the acceleration of the specified device
- * @param[in] newAcc New acceleration to apply in pps^2
- * @retval true if the command is successfully executed, else false
- * @note The command is not performed is the device is executing 
- * a MOVE or GOTO command (but it can be used during a RUN command)
- **********************************************************/
-bool L6474::L6474_SetAcceleration(uint16_t newAcc)
-  bool cmdExecuted = FALSE;
-  if ((newAcc != 0)&&
-      ((device_prm.motionState == INACTIVE)||
-       (device_prm.commandExecuted == RUN_CMD)))
-  {
-    device_prm.acceleration = newAcc;
-    cmdExecuted = TRUE;
-  }    
-  return cmdExecuted;
- * @brief  Changes the deceleration of the specified device
- * @param[in] newDec New deceleration to apply in pps^2
- * @retval true if the command is successfully executed, else false
- * @note The command is not performed is the device is executing 
- * a MOVE or GOTO command (but it can be used during a RUN command)
- **********************************************************/
-bool L6474::L6474_SetDeceleration(uint16_t newDec)
-  bool cmdExecuted = FALSE;
-  if ((newDec != 0)&& 
-      ((device_prm.motionState == INACTIVE)||
-       (device_prm.commandExecuted == RUN_CMD)))
-  {
-    device_prm.deceleration = newDec;
-    cmdExecuted = TRUE;
-  }      
-  return cmdExecuted;
- * @brief  Set current position to be the Home position (ABS pos set to 0)
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_SetHome(void)
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(L6474_ABS_POS, 0);
- * @brief  Sets current position to be the Mark position 
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_SetMark(void)
-  uint32_t mark = L6474_CmdGetParam(L6474_ABS_POS);
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(L6474_MARK, mark);
- * @brief  Changes the max speed of the specified device
- * @param[in] newMaxSpeed New max speed  to apply in pps
- * @retval true if the command is successfully executed, else false
- * @note The command is not performed is the device is executing 
- * a MOVE or GOTO command (but it can be used during a RUN command).
- **********************************************************/
-bool L6474::L6474_SetMaxSpeed(uint16_t newMaxSpeed)
-  bool cmdExecuted = FALSE;
-  if ((newMaxSpeed >= L6474_MIN_PWM_FREQ)&&
-      (newMaxSpeed <= L6474_MAX_PWM_FREQ) &&
-      (device_prm.minSpeed <= newMaxSpeed) &&
-      ((device_prm.motionState == INACTIVE)||
-       (device_prm.commandExecuted == RUN_CMD)))
-  {
-    device_prm.maxSpeed = newMaxSpeed;
-    cmdExecuted = TRUE;
-  }
-  return cmdExecuted;
- * @brief  Changes the min speed of the specified device
- * @param[in] newMinSpeed New min speed  to apply in pps
- * @retval true if the command is successfully executed, else false
- * @note The command is not performed is the device is executing 
- * a MOVE or GOTO command (but it can be used during a RUN command).
- **********************************************************/
-bool L6474::L6474_SetMinSpeed(uint16_t newMinSpeed)
-  bool cmdExecuted = FALSE;
-  if ((newMinSpeed >= L6474_MIN_PWM_FREQ)&&
-      (newMinSpeed <= L6474_MAX_PWM_FREQ) &&
-      (newMinSpeed <= device_prm.maxSpeed) && 
-      ((device_prm.motionState == INACTIVE)||
-       (device_prm.commandExecuted == RUN_CMD)))
-  {
-    device_prm.minSpeed = newMinSpeed;
-    cmdExecuted = TRUE;
-  }  
-  return cmdExecuted;
- * @brief  Stops the motor by using the device deceleration
- * @retval true if the command is successfully executed, else false
- * @note The command is not performed is the device is in INACTIVE state.
- **********************************************************/
-bool L6474::L6474_SoftStop(void)
-  bool cmdExecuted = FALSE;
-  if (device_prm.motionState != INACTIVE)
-  {
-    device_prm.commandExecuted = SOFT_STOP_CMD;
-    cmdExecuted = TRUE;
-  }
-  return (cmdExecuted);
- * @brief  Locks until the device state becomes Inactive
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_WaitWhileActive(void)
-  /* Wait while motor is running */
-  while (L6474_GetDeviceState() != INACTIVE);
- * @brief  Issue the Disable command to the L6474 of the specified device
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_CmdDisable(void)
-  L6474_SendCommand(L6474_DISABLE);
- * @brief  Issues the Enable command to the L6474 of the specified device
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_CmdEnable(void)
-  L6474_SendCommand(L6474_ENABLE);
- * @brief  Issues the GetParam command to the L6474 of the specified device
- * @param[in] parameter Register adress (L6474_ABS_POS, L6474_MARK,...)
- * @retval Register value
- **********************************************************/
-uint32_t L6474::L6474_CmdGetParam(L6474_Registers_t parameter)
-  uint32_t i;
-  uint32_t spiRxData;
-  uint8_t maxArgumentNbBytes = 0;
-  uint8_t spiIndex = number_of_devices - device_instance - 1;
-  bool itDisable = FALSE;  
-  do
-  {
-    spi_preemtion_by_isr = FALSE;
-    if (itDisable)
-    {
-      /* re-enable L6474_EnableIrq if disable in previous iteration */
-      L6474_EnableIrq();
-      itDisable = FALSE;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < number_of_devices; i++)
-    {
-      spi_tx_bursts[0][i] = L6474_NOP;
-      spi_tx_bursts[1][i] = L6474_NOP;
-      spi_tx_bursts[2][i] = L6474_NOP;
-      spi_tx_bursts[3][i] = L6474_NOP;
-      spi_rx_bursts[1][i] = 0;
-      spi_rx_bursts[2][i] = 0;
-      spi_rx_bursts[3][i] = 0;    
-    }
-    switch (parameter)
-    {
-      case L6474_ABS_POS: ;
-      case L6474_MARK:
-        spi_tx_bursts[0][spiIndex] = ((uint8_t)L6474_GET_PARAM )| (parameter);
-        maxArgumentNbBytes = 3;
-        break;
-      case L6474_EL_POS: ;
-      case L6474_CONFIG: ;
-      case L6474_STATUS:
-        spi_tx_bursts[1][spiIndex] = ((uint8_t)L6474_GET_PARAM )| (parameter);
-        maxArgumentNbBytes = 2;
-        break;
-      default:
-        spi_tx_bursts[2][spiIndex] = ((uint8_t)L6474_GET_PARAM )| (parameter);
-        maxArgumentNbBytes = 1;
-    }
-    /* Disable interruption before checking */
-    /* pre-emption by ISR and SPI transfers*/
-    L6474_DisableIrq();
-    itDisable = TRUE;
-  } while (spi_preemtion_by_isr); // check pre-emption by ISR
-  for (i = L6474_CMD_ARG_MAX_NB_BYTES-1-maxArgumentNbBytes;
-       i < L6474_CMD_ARG_MAX_NB_BYTES;
-       i++)
-  {
-     L6474_WriteBytes(&spi_tx_bursts[i][0], &spi_rx_bursts[i][0]);
-  }
-  spiRxData = ((uint32_t)spi_rx_bursts[1][spiIndex] << 16) |
-              (spi_rx_bursts[2][spiIndex] << 8) |
-              (spi_rx_bursts[3][spiIndex]);
-  /* re-enable L6474_EnableIrq after SPI transfers*/
-  L6474_EnableIrq();
-  return (spiRxData);
- * @brief  Issues the GetStatus command to the L6474 of the specified device
- * @retval Status Register value
- * @note Once the GetStatus command is performed, the flags of the status register
- * are reset. This is not the case when the status register is read with the
- * GetParam command (via the functions L6474ReadStatusRegister or L6474_CmdGetParam).
- **********************************************************/
-uint16_t L6474::L6474_CmdGetStatus(void)
-  uint32_t i;
-  uint16_t status;
-  uint8_t spiIndex = number_of_devices - device_instance - 1;
-  bool itDisable = FALSE;  
-  do
-  {
-    spi_preemtion_by_isr = FALSE;
-    if (itDisable)
-    {
-      /* re-enable L6474_EnableIrq if disable in previous iteration */
-      L6474_EnableIrq();
-      itDisable = FALSE;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < number_of_devices; i++)
-    {
-       spi_tx_bursts[0][i] = L6474_NOP;
-       spi_tx_bursts[1][i] = L6474_NOP;
-       spi_tx_bursts[2][i] = L6474_NOP;
-       spi_rx_bursts[1][i] = 0;
-       spi_rx_bursts[2][i] = 0;
-    }
-    spi_tx_bursts[0][spiIndex] = L6474_GET_STATUS;
-    /* Disable interruption before checking */
-    /* pre-emption by ISR and SPI transfers*/
-    L6474_DisableIrq();
-    itDisable = TRUE;
-  } while (spi_preemtion_by_isr); // check pre-emption by ISR
-  for (i = 0; i < L6474_CMD_ARG_NB_BYTES_GET_STATUS + L6474_RSP_NB_BYTES_GET_STATUS; i++)
-  {
-     L6474_WriteBytes(&spi_tx_bursts[i][0], &spi_rx_bursts[i][0]);
-  }
-  status = (spi_rx_bursts[1][spiIndex] << 8) | (spi_rx_bursts[2][spiIndex]);
-  /* re-enable L6474_EnableIrq after SPI transfers*/
-  L6474_EnableIrq();
-  return (status);
- * @brief  Issues the Nop command to the L6474 of the specified device
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_CmdNop(void)
-  L6474_SendCommand(L6474_NOP);
- * @brief  Issues the SetParam command to the L6474 of the specified device
- * @param[in] parameter Register adress (L6474_ABS_POS, L6474_MARK,...)
- * @param[in] value Value to set in the register
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_CmdSetParam(L6474_Registers_t parameter, uint32_t value)
-  uint32_t i;
-  uint8_t maxArgumentNbBytes = 0;
-  uint8_t spiIndex = number_of_devices - device_instance - 1;
-  bool itDisable = FALSE;  
-  do
-  {
-    spi_preemtion_by_isr = FALSE;
-    if (itDisable)
-    {
-      /* re-enable L6474_EnableIrq if disable in previous iteration */
-      L6474_EnableIrq();
-      itDisable = FALSE;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < number_of_devices; i++)
-    {
-      spi_tx_bursts[0][i] = L6474_NOP;
-      spi_tx_bursts[1][i] = L6474_NOP;
-      spi_tx_bursts[2][i] = L6474_NOP;
-      spi_tx_bursts[3][i] = L6474_NOP;
-    }
-    switch (parameter)
-    {
-      case L6474_ABS_POS: ;
-      case L6474_MARK:
-          spi_tx_bursts[0][spiIndex] = parameter;
-          spi_tx_bursts[1][spiIndex] = (uint8_t)(value >> 16);
-          spi_tx_bursts[2][spiIndex] = (uint8_t)(value >> 8);
-          maxArgumentNbBytes = 3;
-          break;
-      case L6474_EL_POS: ;
-      case L6474_CONFIG:
-          spi_tx_bursts[1][spiIndex] = parameter;
-          spi_tx_bursts[2][spiIndex] = (uint8_t)(value >> 8);
-          maxArgumentNbBytes = 2;
-          break;
-      default:
-          spi_tx_bursts[2][spiIndex] = parameter;
-          maxArgumentNbBytes = 1;
-          break;
-    }
-    spi_tx_bursts[3][spiIndex] = (uint8_t)(value);
-    /* Disable interruption before checking */
-    /* pre-emption by ISR and SPI transfers*/
-    L6474_DisableIrq();
-    itDisable = TRUE;
-  } while (spi_preemtion_by_isr); // check pre-emption by ISR
-  /* SPI transfer */
-  for (i = L6474_CMD_ARG_MAX_NB_BYTES-1-maxArgumentNbBytes;
-       i < L6474_CMD_ARG_MAX_NB_BYTES;
-       i++)
-  {
-     L6474_WriteBytes(&spi_tx_bursts[i][0],&spi_rx_bursts[i][0]);
-  }
-  /* re-enable L6474_EnableIrq after SPI transfers*/
-  L6474_EnableIrq();
- * @brief  Reads the Status Register value
- * @retval Status register valued
- * @note The status register flags are not cleared 
- * at the difference with L6474CmdGetStatus()
- **********************************************************/
-uint16_t L6474::L6474_ReadStatusRegister(void)
-  return (L6474_CmdGetParam(L6474_STATUS));
- * @brief  Set the stepping mode 
- * @param[in] stepMod from full step to 1/16 microstep as specified in enum motorStepMode_t
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_SelectStepMode(motorStepMode_t stepMod)
-  uint8_t stepModeRegister;
-  L6474_STEP_SEL_t l6474StepMod;
-  switch (stepMod)
-  {
-    case STEP_MODE_FULL:
-      l6474StepMod = L6474_STEP_SEL_1;
-      break;
-    case STEP_MODE_HALF:
-      l6474StepMod = L6474_STEP_SEL_1_2;
-      break;    
-    case STEP_MODE_1_4:
-      l6474StepMod = L6474_STEP_SEL_1_4;
-      break;        
-    case STEP_MODE_1_8:
-      l6474StepMod = L6474_STEP_SEL_1_8;
-      break;       
-    case STEP_MODE_1_16:
-    default:
-      l6474StepMod = L6474_STEP_SEL_1_16;
-      break;       
-  }
-  /* Eventually deactivate motor */
-  if (device_prm.motionState != INACTIVE) 
-  {
-    L6474_HardStop();
-  }
-  /* Read Step mode register and clear STEP_SEL field */
-  stepModeRegister = (uint8_t)(0xF8 & L6474_CmdGetParam(L6474_STEP_MODE)) ;
-  /* Apply new step mode */
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(L6474_STEP_MODE, stepModeRegister | (uint8_t)l6474StepMod);
-  /* Reset abs pos register */
-  L6474_SetHome();
- * @brief  Get the direction
- * @param  None
- * @retval direction FORWARD or BACKWARD
- **********************************************************/
-motorDir_t L6474::L6474_GetDirection(void)
-  return device_prm.direction;
- * @brief  Specifies the direction 
- * @param[in] dir FORWARD or BACKWARD
- * @note The direction change is only applied if the device 
- * is in INACTIVE state
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_SetDirection(motorDir_t direction)
-  if (device_prm.motionState == INACTIVE)
-  {
-    device_prm.direction = direction;
-    L6474_SetDirectionGpio(direction);
-  }
- * @brief  Updates the current speed of the device
- * @param[in] newSpeed in pps
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_ApplySpeed(uint16_t newSpeed)
-  if (newSpeed < L6474_MIN_PWM_FREQ)
-  {
-    newSpeed = L6474_MIN_PWM_FREQ;  
-  }
-  if (newSpeed > L6474_MAX_PWM_FREQ)
-  {
-    newSpeed = L6474_MAX_PWM_FREQ;
-  }
-  device_prm.speed = newSpeed;
-  L6474_PwmSetFreq(newSpeed);
- * @brief  Computes the speed profile according to the number of steps to move
- * @param[in] nbSteps number of steps to perform
- * @retval None
- * @note Using the acceleration and deceleration of the device,
- * this function determines the duration in steps of the acceleration,
- * steady and deceleration phases.
- * If the total number of steps to perform is big enough, a trapezoidal move
- * is performed (i.e. there is a steady phase where the motor runs at the maximum
- * speed.
- * Else, a triangular move is performed (no steady phase: the maximum speed is never
- * reached.
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_ComputeSpeedProfile(uint32_t nbSteps)
-  uint32_t reqAccSteps; 
-  uint32_t reqDecSteps;
-  /* compute the number of steps to get the targeted speed */
-  uint16_t minSpeed = device_prm.minSpeed;
-  reqAccSteps = (device_prm.maxSpeed - minSpeed);
-  reqAccSteps *= (device_prm.maxSpeed + minSpeed);
-  reqDecSteps = reqAccSteps;
-  reqAccSteps /= (uint32_t)device_prm.acceleration;
-  reqAccSteps /= 2;
-  /* compute the number of steps to stop */
-  reqDecSteps /= (uint32_t)device_prm.deceleration;
-  reqDecSteps /= 2;
-  if(( reqAccSteps + reqDecSteps ) > nbSteps)
-  { 
-    /* Triangular move  */
-    /* reqDecSteps = (Pos * Dec) /(Dec+Acc) */
-    uint32_t dec = device_prm.deceleration;
-    uint32_t acc = device_prm.acceleration;
-    reqDecSteps =  ((uint32_t) dec * nbSteps) / (acc + dec);
-    if (reqDecSteps > 1)
-    {
-      reqAccSteps = reqDecSteps - 1;
-      if(reqAccSteps == 0)
-      {
-        reqAccSteps = 1;
-      }      
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      reqAccSteps = 0;
-    }
-    device_prm.endAccPos = reqAccSteps;
-    device_prm.startDecPos = reqDecSteps;
-  }
-  else
-  {  
-    /* Trapezoidal move */
-    /* accelerating phase to endAccPos */
-    /* steady phase from  endAccPos to startDecPos */
-    /* decelerating from startDecPos to stepsToTake*/
-    device_prm.endAccPos = reqAccSteps;
-    device_prm.startDecPos = nbSteps - reqDecSteps - 1;
-  }
- * @brief  Converts the ABS_POSITION register value to a 32b signed integer
- * @param[in] abs_position_reg value of the ABS_POSITION register
- * @retval operation_result 32b signed integer corresponding to the absolute position 
- **********************************************************/
-int32_t L6474::L6474_ConvertPosition(uint32_t abs_position_reg)
-  int32_t operation_result;
-  if (abs_position_reg & L6474_ABS_POS_SIGN_BIT_MASK) 
-  {
-    /* Negative register value */
-    abs_position_reg = ~abs_position_reg;
-    abs_position_reg += 1;
-    operation_result = (int32_t) (abs_position_reg & L6474_ABS_POS_VALUE_MASK);
-    operation_result = -operation_result;
-  } 
-  else 
-  {
-    operation_result = (int32_t) abs_position_reg;
-  }
-  return operation_result;
- * @brief Error handler which calls the user callback (if defined)
- * @param[in] error Number of the error
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_ErrorHandler(uint16_t error)
-  if (error_handler_callback != 0)
-  {
-    (void) error_handler_callback(error);
-  }
-  else   
-  {
-    /* Aborting the program. */
-    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-  }
- * @brief  Sends a command without arguments to the L6474 via the SPI
- * @param[in] param Command to send 
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_SendCommand(uint8_t param)
-  uint32_t i;
-  bool itDisable = FALSE;
-  uint8_t spiIndex = number_of_devices - device_instance - 1;
-  do
-  {
-    spi_preemtion_by_isr = FALSE;
-    if (itDisable)
-    {
-      /* re-enable L6474_EnableIrq if disable in previous iteration */
-      L6474_EnableIrq();
-      itDisable = FALSE;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < number_of_devices; i++)
-    {
-      spi_tx_bursts[3][i] = L6474_NOP;     
-    }
-    spi_tx_bursts[3][spiIndex] = param;
-    /* Disable interruption before checking */
-    /* pre-emption by ISR and SPI transfers*/
-    L6474_DisableIrq();
-    itDisable = TRUE;
-  } while (spi_preemtion_by_isr); // check pre-emption by ISR
-  L6474_WriteBytes(&spi_tx_bursts[3][0], &spi_rx_bursts[3][0]); 
-  /* re-enable L6474_EnableIrq after SPI transfers*/
-  L6474_EnableIrq();
- * @brief  Sets the registers of the L6474 to their predefined values 
- * from l6474_target_config.h
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_SetRegisterToPredefinedValues(void)
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_ABS_POS,
-                    0);
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_EL_POS,
-                    0);
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_MARK,
-                    0);
-  switch (device_instance)
-  {
-    case 0:
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_TVAL,
-                        L6474_Tval_Current_to_Par(L6474_CONF_PARAM_TVAL_DEVICE_0));
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_T_FAST,
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_FAST_DEVICE_0 |
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_FAST_STEP_DEVICE_0);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_TON_MIN,
-                        L6474_Tmin_Time_to_Par(L6474_CONF_PARAM_TON_MIN_DEVICE_0)
-                        );
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_TOFF_MIN,
-                        L6474_Tmin_Time_to_Par(L6474_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_MIN_DEVICE_0));
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_OCD_TH,
-                        L6474_CONF_PARAM_OCD_TH_DEVICE_0);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_STEP_MODE,
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_STEP_SEL_DEVICE_0 |
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_SYNC_SEL_DEVICE_0);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_ALARM_EN,
-                        L6474_CONF_PARAM_ALARM_EN_DEVICE_0);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_CONFIG,
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_CLOCK_SETTING_DEVICE_0 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_TQ_REG_DEVICE_0 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_OC_SD_DEVICE_0 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_SR_DEVICE_0 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_DEVICE_0);
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_TVAL,
-                        L6474_Tval_Current_to_Par(L6474_CONF_PARAM_TVAL_DEVICE_1));
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_T_FAST,
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_FAST_DEVICE_1 |
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_FAST_STEP_DEVICE_1);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_TON_MIN,
-                        L6474_Tmin_Time_to_Par(L6474_CONF_PARAM_TON_MIN_DEVICE_1));
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_TOFF_MIN,
-                        L6474_Tmin_Time_to_Par(L6474_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_MIN_DEVICE_1));
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_OCD_TH,
-                        L6474_CONF_PARAM_OCD_TH_DEVICE_1);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_STEP_MODE,
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_STEP_SEL_DEVICE_1 |
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_SYNC_SEL_DEVICE_1);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_ALARM_EN,
-                        L6474_CONF_PARAM_ALARM_EN_DEVICE_1);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_CONFIG,
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_CLOCK_SETTING_DEVICE_1 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_TQ_REG_DEVICE_1 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_OC_SD_DEVICE_1 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_SR_DEVICE_1 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_DEVICE_1);
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_TVAL,
-                        L6474_Tval_Current_to_Par(L6474_CONF_PARAM_TVAL_DEVICE_2));
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_T_FAST,
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_FAST_DEVICE_2 |
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_FAST_STEP_DEVICE_2);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_TON_MIN,
-                        L6474_Tmin_Time_to_Par(L6474_CONF_PARAM_TON_MIN_DEVICE_2));
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_TOFF_MIN,
-                        L6474_Tmin_Time_to_Par(L6474_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_MIN_DEVICE_2));
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_OCD_TH,
-                        L6474_CONF_PARAM_OCD_TH_DEVICE_2);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_STEP_MODE,
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_STEP_SEL_DEVICE_2 |
-                        (uint8_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_SYNC_SEL_DEVICE_2);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_ALARM_EN,
-                        L6474_CONF_PARAM_ALARM_EN_DEVICE_2);
-      L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                        L6474_CONFIG,
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_CLOCK_SETTING_DEVICE_2 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_TQ_REG_DEVICE_2 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_OC_SD_DEVICE_2 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_SR_DEVICE_2 |
-                        (uint16_t)L6474_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_DEVICE_2);
-      break;
-    default: ;
-  }
- * @brief  Sets the registers of the L6474 to initialization values.
- * @param  init Initialization structure.
- * @retval None.
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_SetRegisterToInitializationValues(L6474_init_t *init)
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_ABS_POS,
-                    0
-                    );
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_EL_POS,
-                    0
-                    );
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_MARK,
-                    0
-                    );
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_TVAL,
-                    L6474_Tval_Current_to_Par(init->torque_regulation_current_mA)
-                    );
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_T_FAST,
-                    (uint8_t) init->maximum_fast_decay_time |
-                    (uint8_t) init->fall_time
-                    );
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_TON_MIN,
-                    L6474_Tmin_Time_to_Par(init->minimum_ON_time_us)
-                    );
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_TOFF_MIN,
-                    L6474_Tmin_Time_to_Par(init->minimum_OFF_time_us)
-                    );
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_OCD_TH,
-                    init->overcurrent_threshold
-                    );
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_STEP_MODE,
-                    (uint8_t) init->step_selection |
-                    (uint8_t) init->sync_selection
-                    );
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_ALARM_EN,
-                    init->alarm
-                    );
-  L6474_CmdSetParam(
-                    L6474_CONFIG,
-                    (uint16_t) init->clock |
-                    (uint16_t) init->torque_regulation_method |
-                    (uint16_t) init->overcurrent_shutwdown |
-                    (uint16_t) init->slew_rate |
-                    (uint16_t) init->target_swicthing_period
-                    );
-  L6474_SetAcceleration((uint16_t) init->acceleration_pps_2);
-  L6474_SetDeceleration((uint16_t) init->deceleration_pps_2);
-  L6474_SetMaxSpeed((uint16_t) init->maximum_speed_pps);
-  L6474_SetMinSpeed((uint16_t) init->minimum_speed_pps);
- * @brief  Sets the parameters of the device to predefined values
- * from l6474_target_config.h
- * @param None
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_SetDeviceParamsToPredefinedValues(void)
-  switch (device_instance)
-  {
-    case 0:
-      device_prm.acceleration = L6474_CONF_PARAM_ACC_DEVICE_0;
-      device_prm.deceleration = L6474_CONF_PARAM_DEC_DEVICE_0;
-      device_prm.maxSpeed = L6474_CONF_PARAM_MAX_SPEED_DEVICE_0;
-      device_prm.minSpeed = L6474_CONF_PARAM_MIN_SPEED_DEVICE_0;
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      device_prm.acceleration = L6474_CONF_PARAM_ACC_DEVICE_1;
-      device_prm.deceleration = L6474_CONF_PARAM_DEC_DEVICE_1;
-      device_prm.maxSpeed = L6474_CONF_PARAM_MAX_SPEED_DEVICE_1;
-      device_prm.minSpeed = L6474_CONF_PARAM_MIN_SPEED_DEVICE_1;
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      device_prm.acceleration = L6474_CONF_PARAM_ACC_DEVICE_2;
-      device_prm.deceleration = L6474_CONF_PARAM_DEC_DEVICE_2;
-      device_prm.maxSpeed = L6474_CONF_PARAM_MAX_SPEED_DEVICE_2;
-      device_prm.minSpeed = L6474_CONF_PARAM_MIN_SPEED_DEVICE_2;
-      break;
-  }
-  device_prm.accu = 0;
-  device_prm.currentPosition = 0;
-  device_prm.endAccPos = 0;
-  device_prm.relativePos = 0;
-  device_prm.startDecPos = 0;
-  device_prm.stepsToTake = 0;
-  device_prm.speed = 0;
-  device_prm.commandExecuted = NO_CMD;
-  device_prm.direction = FORWARD;
-  device_prm.motionState = INACTIVE;
- * @brief Initialises the bridge parameters to start the movement
- * and enable the power bridge
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_StartMovement(void)  
-  /* Enable L6474 powerstage */
-  L6474_CmdEnable();
-  if (device_prm.endAccPos != 0)
-  {
-    device_prm.motionState = ACCELERATING;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    device_prm.motionState = DECELERATING;    
-  }
-  device_prm.accu = 0;
-  device_prm.relativePos = 0;
-  L6474_ApplySpeed(device_prm.minSpeed);
- * @brief  Handles the device state machine at each ste
- * @retval None
- * @note Must only be called by the timer ISR
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_StepClockHandler(void)
-  /* Set isr flag */
-  isr_flag = TRUE;
-  /* Incrementation of the relative position */
-  device_prm.relativePos++;
-  switch (device_prm.motionState) 
-  {
-    case ACCELERATING: 
-    {
-        uint32_t relPos = device_prm.relativePos;
-        uint32_t endAccPos = device_prm.endAccPos;
-        uint16_t speed = device_prm.speed;
-        uint32_t acc = ((uint32_t)device_prm.acceleration << 16);
-        if ((device_prm.commandExecuted == SOFT_STOP_CMD)||
-            ((device_prm.commandExecuted != RUN_CMD)&&  
-             (relPos == device_prm.startDecPos)))
-        {
-          device_prm.motionState = DECELERATING;
-          device_prm.accu = 0;
-        }
-        else if ((speed >= device_prm.maxSpeed)||
-                 ((device_prm.commandExecuted != RUN_CMD)&&
-                  (relPos == endAccPos)))
-        {
-          device_prm.motionState = STEADY;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          bool speedUpdated = FALSE;
-          /* Go on accelerating */
-          if (speed == 0) speed =1;
-          device_prm.accu += acc / speed;
-          while (device_prm.accu >= (0X10000L))
-          {
-            device_prm.accu -= (0X10000L);
-            speed +=1;
-            speedUpdated = TRUE;
-          }
-          if (speedUpdated)
-          {
-            if (speed > device_prm.maxSpeed)
-            {
-              speed = device_prm.maxSpeed;
-            }    
-            device_prm.speed = speed;
-            L6474_ApplySpeed(device_prm.speed);
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    case STEADY: 
-    {
-      uint16_t maxSpeed = device_prm.maxSpeed;
-      uint32_t relativePos = device_prm.relativePos;
-      if  ((device_prm.commandExecuted == SOFT_STOP_CMD)||
-           ((device_prm.commandExecuted != RUN_CMD)&&
-            (relativePos >= (device_prm.startDecPos))) ||
-           ((device_prm.commandExecuted == RUN_CMD)&&
-            (device_prm.speed > maxSpeed)))
-      {
-        device_prm.motionState = DECELERATING;
-        device_prm.accu = 0;
-      }
-      else if ((device_prm.commandExecuted == RUN_CMD)&&
-               (device_prm.speed < maxSpeed))
-      {
-        device_prm.motionState = ACCELERATING;
-        device_prm.accu = 0;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case DECELERATING: 
-    {
-      uint32_t relativePos = device_prm.relativePos;
-      uint16_t speed = device_prm.speed;
-      uint32_t deceleration = ((uint32_t)device_prm.deceleration << 16);
-      if (((device_prm.commandExecuted == SOFT_STOP_CMD)&&(speed <=  device_prm.minSpeed))||
-          ((device_prm.commandExecuted != RUN_CMD)&&
-           (relativePos >= device_prm.stepsToTake)))
-      {
-        /* Motion process complete */
-        L6474_HardStop();
-      }
-      else if ((device_prm.commandExecuted == RUN_CMD)&&
-               (speed <= device_prm.maxSpeed))
-      {
-        device_prm.motionState = STEADY;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        /* Go on decelerating */
-        if (speed > device_prm.minSpeed)
-        {
-          bool speedUpdated = FALSE;
-          if (speed == 0) speed =1;
-          device_prm.accu += deceleration / speed;
-          while (device_prm.accu >= (0X10000L))
-          {
-            device_prm.accu -= (0X10000L);
-            if (speed > 1)
-            {  
-              speed -=1;
-            }
-            speedUpdated = TRUE;
-          }
-          if (speedUpdated)
-          {
-            if (speed < device_prm.minSpeed)
-            {
-              speed = device_prm.minSpeed;
-            }  
-            device_prm.speed = speed;
-            L6474_ApplySpeed(device_prm.speed);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    default: 
-    {
-      break;
-    }
-  }  
-  /* Set isr flag */
-  isr_flag = FALSE;
- * @brief Converts current in mA to values for TVAL register 
- * @param[in] current_mA current in mA
- * @retval value for TVAL register
- **********************************************************/
-float L6474::L6474_Tval_Current_to_Par(float current_mA)
-  return ((float)(((current_mA - 31.25f) / 31.25f) + 0.5f));
- * @brief Converts values from TVAL register to mA
- * @param[in] Tval value from TVAL register
- * @retval current in mA
- **********************************************************/
-float L6474::L6474_Par_to_Tval_Current(float Tval)
-  return ((float)((Tval - 0.5f) * 31.25f + 31.25f));
- * @brief Convert time in us to values for TON_MIN register
- * @param[in] ton_min_us time in us
- * @retval value for TON_MIN register
- **********************************************************/
-float L6474::L6474_Tmin_Time_to_Par(float ton_min_us)
-  return ((float)(((ton_min_us - 0.5f) * 2.0f) + 0.5f));
- * @brief Convert values for TON_MIN register to time in us
- * @param[in] Tmin value from TON_MIN register
- * @retval time in us
- **********************************************************/
-float L6474::L6474_Par_to_Tmin_Time(float Tmin)
-  return ((float)(((Tmin - 0.5f) / 2.0f) + 0.5f));
- * @brief  Write and receive a byte via SPI
- * @param[in] pByteToTransmit pointer to the byte to transmit
- * @param[in] pReceivedByte pointer to the received byte
- * @retval None
- **********************************************************/
-void L6474::L6474_WriteBytes(uint8_t *pByteToTransmit, uint8_t *pReceivedByte)
-  if (L6474_SpiWriteBytes(pByteToTransmit, pReceivedByte) != 0)
-  {
-    L6474_ErrorHandler(L6474_ERROR_1);
-  }
-  if (isr_flag)
-  {
-    spi_preemtion_by_isr = TRUE;
-  }
-/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/