Dependents of X_NUCLEO_53L0A1

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

An m3pi demo program for Bluetooth control. bluetooth, hm10, m3pi
An m3pi demo program utilizing a LIDAR sensor. Lidar, m3pi
An m3pi demo program for Bluetooth control.
Sample application, using the X_Nucleo_53L0A1 library, to display range results from the X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 central sensor on the 4-digit LED display.
Sample ranging example. Suporting up to 3 sensors. Sendinf result from X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 both on com port and on digit display. User button IRQ used for switching displayed sensor
Sample ranging example. Suporting up to 3 sensors. Sending result from X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 both on com port and on digit display. User button IRQ used for switching displayed sensor
Ring on a String
Hand Gesture recognition (L-R swipe) application based on L-R sensors.
added I2C control function (Original program cannot handle I2C constructor) Original, TOF, VL53L0X
Bluetooth controlled Robot with Smart Collision Detection for ECE 4180 Final Project
Simple application showing central sensor on X_NUCLEO_53L0A1 expansion board being polled in singleshot mode, to display ranging measure on USB serial. Nucleo, proximity sensor, stm32, X-NUCLEO-53L0A1
ECE 4180 Lab 2 Part 16 L2
V1 test
receiver code which helps the vehicle to move forward, backward, left and right
Counts points that hit a LIDAR sensor, and includes threshold sensing so a point doesn't get counted twice, much in the same spirit as debouncing.
ECE 4180 Project Player Code
Sample application, using the X_Nucleo_53L0A1 library, to display range results from the X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 central sensor on the 4-digit LED display.
Sample application to show ranging with interrupts support. Uses centre sensor on X-Nucleo-53L0A1 and ranging_continuous_interrupt mode.
Sample ranging example. Suporting up to 3 sensors. Sending result from X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 both on com port and on digit display. User button IRQ used for switching displayed sensor
Sample application using interrupts, and range_continuous_interrupts mode, to receive range data from the on-board and satellite sensors. Results are displayed on the on-board, 4 digit display and on the COM …
Twin Motor Spybot using Mbed with bluetooth connection to a PC
ECE 4180 Final Project
4180 Lab 2
ece 4180 lab 3
ECE3872 HW/SW Project Code
GT ECE 4180 Lab Team - Raj Madisetti and Arjun Sonti
Lab 2 Part 16
ECE 4180 ... Final Design Project