Range with a (green) VL53L1X Satellite board connected directly to the motherboard, without Expansion board support.

Dependencies:   VL53L1X_mbed

Fri May 17 10:44:38 2019 +0000
Simple ranging example using Mbed OS 5.x

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 1 # Testing examples
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 2
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 3 Examples are tested using tool [htrun](https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os-tools/tree/master/packages/mbed-host-tests) and templated print log.
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 4
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 5 To run the test, use following command after you build the example:
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 6 ```
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 7 mbedhtrun -d D: -p COM4 -m K64F -f .\BUILD\K64F\GCC_ARM\blinky.bin --compare-log tests\blinky.log
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 8 ```
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 9
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 10
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 11 More details about `htrun` are [here](https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os-tools/tree/master/packages/mbed-host-tests#testing-mbed-os-examples).
johnAlexander 0:6b7696e7df5e 12