

Fork of SunTracker_BLE by ST Expansion SW Team


The SunTracker is a demo application running on ST Nucleo-F401RE stacking a set of ST X-NUCLEO expansion boards.
Main features provided are:

  • A solar panel follows the light source, orienting the panel in order to achieve the best panel efficiency.
  • Orientation is controlled thanks to a couple of VL6180X FlightSense light sensors mounted on a X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 expansion board and driven by X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 controlled stepper motor acting as actuator to orientate the panel.
  • The system features a progressive control on the stepper motor in order to modulate the panel rotation speed according to the light angle.
  • The application is also able to control the panel productivity reading the panel voltage through an ADC and proving feedback on the local display.
  • A manual orientation is possible by using the accelerometer on a X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 expansion board that, according on board tilt, controls the speed and the rotate direction.
  • A remote control is available using a X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 or a X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 Bluetooth Low Energy expansion board. Remote control software is here.


Working Status

  • SunTracker has 3 working status visible on FlightSense display and switchable by pressing the User Button:

Status 0 (Idle)

  • Motor: Free Turning
  • Display: Waiting for User Button

Status 1

  • Motor: Driven by Light
  • Display: Direction and Light Intensity = Direction and Motor Speed

Status 2

  • Motor: Driven by Light
  • Display: Solar Panel Efficiency

Status 3

  • Motor: Driven by Accelerometer
  • Display: Direction and Accelerometer Intensity

Server Startup

  • When you plug the power supply, the word ‘PUSH’ is shown on display.
  • You can manually rotate the structure to assign the ‘Zero Point’. Then press the User Button to launch the application.
  • The display will show this status, which means that the structure is oriented to maximize the efficiency of the solar panel.
  • If there is a light displacement, the structure will rotate, left or right, to follow the light source and on display is shown the direction and the speed.
  • You can press the User Button to show the panel efficiency with 4 digits that represent the range from 0v (0000) to 3,3v (3300).
  • Further pressing the User Button you will manual rotate the panel by tilt the Server or Client accelerometer depending by BLE connection.

Client Startup

  • The Client application can remotely control the User Button and the Accelerometer functions.
  • Power on the Client AFTER the Server, it will automatically search for the SunTracker and will establish a BLE connection.
  • The Green Led on Nucleo Client board will be powered on.

Rotation Features

  • It has been implemented a block of rotation to avoid cables twist.
  • The blocking point can be set in the firmware by changing a constant.
  • You can manually rotate the structure to assign the ‘Zero Point’ before press the User Button to launch the application.
  • The system features a progressive control on the stepper motor in order to modulate the rotation speed according to the light or accelerometer angle.

List of Components


  • Stepper Motor 400’’ (Part Number 5350401) - To orientate the Mechanical Structure.
  • Solar Panel 0.446w (Part Number 0194127) - To capture sunlight and generate electrical current.
  • Power Supply 12v (Part Number 7262993) - To provide power supply at the Stepper Motor.
  • Flat Cable 6 ways (Part Number 1807010) - To plug VL6180X-SATEL with X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 (60cm length each x2).
  • Cable Connector (Part Number 6737694) - To plug the Flat Cable (x4).
  • Power Connector (Part Number 0487842) - To provide Power Supply to X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1.

CLIENT SunTracker_BLE_Remote


Find here the STL files to print with a 3D printer.






Nucleo ADC + Solar Panel

Connect Solar Panel cables to Nucleo Morpho PC_3 (white) and Nucleo Morpho GND (black). Connect a capacitor 10uF between PC_3 and GND to stabilize its voltage value shown on display.

EasySpin (L6474) + BLE

Hardware conflict between EasySpin DIR1 and BLE Reset, both on same Arduino Pin PA_8. Disconnect PA_8 between EasySpin and Nucleo by fold EasySpin Pin. PB_2 has been configured as EasySpin DIR1 in the firmware . Connect Nucleo Morpho PB_2 to FlightSense Arduino PA_8 by a wire.

FlightSense Satellites

In case of instability with I2C due to long flat cables, solder 4 SMD capacitors 47pF on FlightSense board in parallel between R15, R16, R17, R18 and plug 2 capacitors 15pF between FlightSense Arduino PB_8 and PB_9 to GND pin to cut-off noises over 720 KHz.

Arduino & Morpho Pinout

/media/uploads/fabiombed/arduino_pinout.png /media/uploads/fabiombed/morpho_pinout.png

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Feb 26 12:51:03 2016 +0000
Commit message:
SunTracker with MEMS but without BLE

Changed in this revision

CustomControlService.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/CustomControlService.h	Fri Feb 12 10:52:50 2016 +0000
+++ b/CustomControlService.h	Fri Feb 26 12:51:03 2016 +0000
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
         GattCharacteristic *charTable[] = {&userbuttonCharacteristic};
-        GattService   configService(CONTROL_SERVICE_UUID_128, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));              
+        GattService   controlService(CONTROL_SERVICE_UUID_128, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));              
-        ble.gattServer().addService(configService);                              
+        ble.gattServer().addService(controlService);                              
         isEnabledControlNotify = false;
         memset (controlData, 0, SIZEOF_CONTROL_DATA_LEN); 
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Feb 12 10:52:50 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Feb 26 12:51:03 2016 +0000
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 InterruptIn mybutton(USER_BUTTON);
-//AnalogIn analog_read(A1); // A1 Conflict with BLE SPI_CS --> Changed it!!!
+AnalogIn analog_read(PC_3); // A1 Conflict with BLE SPI_CS del BLE --> Changed in Morpho PC_3
 /* User_Button_Pressed -------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -150,6 +150,87 @@
+/* Bluetooth CallBack ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+static void onUpdatesEnabledCallback(GattAttribute::Handle_t handle)
+static void onUpdatesDisabledCallback(Gap::Handle_t handle)
+static void onDataReadCallback(const GattReadCallbackParams *eventDataP)
+static void myonDataWriteCallback(const GattWriteCallbackParams *eventDataP)
+    printf ("myonDataWriteCallback attr_handle: %x  att_data[3]: %x  data_length: %d\n\r", eventDataP->handle, eventDataP->data[3], eventDataP->len );
+    if (p_customcontrolservice->isContHandle(eventDataP->handle)) // Only if write come from this Service
+    {
+        uint8_t Command = eventDataP->data[3];  // Riceve 8 byte: data[0] + data[1] + data[2] + data[3]
+        printf("myonDataWriteCallback (Command %x)\r\n", Command);
+    }
+static void onConnectionCallback(const Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t * connectionParams)
+    printf("onConnectionCallback (Line %d)\r\n", __LINE__);   
+static void onDisconnectionCallback(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t * disConnectionReason)
+    printf("onDisconnectionCallback (Line %d)\r\n", __LINE__);
+    p_BLEdev->gap().startAdvertising();
+/* Bluetooth Initialization ---------------------------------------------------*/
+bool BLE_Initialization(void)
+    p_BLEdev = new BLE;
+    if (!p_BLEdev) { printf("\r\nBLE Device creation failed\r\n"); }
+    const Gap::Address_t BLE_address_BE = {BLE_DEV_MAC};        
+    p_BLEdev->gap().setAddress(BLEProtocol::AddressType::PUBLIC, BLE_address_BE);
+    p_BLEdev->init();
+    // Set BLE CallBack Functions
+    p_BLEdev->gattServer().onUpdatesEnabled(onUpdatesEnabledCallback);
+    p_BLEdev->gattServer().onUpdatesDisabled(onUpdatesDisabledCallback);
+    p_BLEdev->gattServer().onDataRead(onDataReadCallback);
+    p_BLEdev->gattServer().onDataWritten(myonDataWriteCallback);
+    p_BLEdev->gap().onConnection(onConnectionCallback);
+    p_BLEdev->gap().onDisconnection(onDisconnectionCallback);
+    //p_BLEdev->gattServer().onConfirmationReceived(onConfirmationReceivedCallback);    
+    //p_BLEdev->gattServer().onDataSent(onDataSentCallback);    
+    //p_BLEdev->gap().onTimeout(onTimeoutCallback);
+    // BLE Services
+    p_customcontrolservice =  new CustomControlService(*p_BLEdev);   
+    p_customsensorservice = new CustomSensorService(*p_BLEdev);
+    // Setup BLE Advertising
+    const static char DEVICE_NAME[] = BLE_DEV_NAME;
+    p_BLEdev->gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED | GapAdvertisingData::LE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE);
+    uint8_t dat[] = {0x01,0x80,0x00,0xFC,0x00,0x00};    
+    p_BLEdev->gap().accumulateScanResponse(GapAdvertisingData::MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_DATA,dat,6);    
+    p_BLEdev->gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::UNKNOWN);
+    p_BLEdev->gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME, (uint8_t *)DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(DEVICE_NAME));
+    p_BLEdev->gap().setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED);
+    p_BLEdev->gap().setAdvertisingInterval(BLE_ADVERTISING_INTERVAL);
+    p_BLEdev->gap().startAdvertising();
+    return true;
 /* Initialization ------------------------------------------------------------*/
 bool Initialization(void)
@@ -165,8 +246,8 @@
     board=X_NUCLEO_6180XA1::Instance(&dev_i2c, NC, NC, NC, NC);
-    //status=board->InitBoard();
-    //if(status) VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to init the board!\n\r");
+    status=board->InitBoard();
+    if(status) VL6180x_ErrLog("Failed to init the board!\n\r");
     // Put GPIO not used as Interrupt in Hi-Z
     status_t=board->sensor_top->SetGPIOxFunctionality(1, GPIOx_SELECT_OFF);
@@ -183,7 +264,8 @@
     // Initializing Motor Component
-    motor = new L6474(D2, D8, D7, D9, D10, dev_spi); // D7 conflict with BNRG_RST (when motor change direction 0-1 reset BLE)
+    motor = new L6474(D2, D8, PB_2, D9, D10, dev_spi); // D7 conflict with BNRG_RST (when motor change direction 0-1 reset BLE)
+                                                       // Used Morpho PB_2 and made HW wiring
     if (motor->Init(NULL) != COMPONENT_OK)
         return false;
@@ -298,7 +380,7 @@
     // AnalogIn: 0V return 0.0 , 3.3V return 1.0
-    float measure = 0; // * 3300;
+    float measure = * 3300;
     //printf("Measure = %.0f mV\r\n", measure);
     //board->display->DisplayDigit("A", 0);
@@ -309,87 +391,6 @@
-/* Bluetooth CallBack ---------------------------------------------------------*/
-static void onUpdatesEnabledCallback(GattAttribute::Handle_t handle)
-static void onUpdatesDisabledCallback(Gap::Handle_t handle)
-static void onDataReadCallback(const GattReadCallbackParams *eventDataP)
-static void myonDataWriteCallback(const GattWriteCallbackParams *eventDataP)
-    printf ("myonDataWriteCallback attr_handle: %x  att_data[3]: %x  data_length: %d\n\r", eventDataP->handle, eventDataP->data[3], eventDataP->len );
-    if (p_customcontrolservice->isContHandle(eventDataP->handle)) // Only if write come from this Service
-    {
-        uint8_t Command = eventDataP->data[3];  // Riceve 8 byte: data[0] + data[1] + data[2] + data[3]
-        printf("myonDataWriteCallback (Command %x)\r\n", Command);
-    }
-static void onConnectionCallback(const Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t * connectionParams)
-    printf("onConnectionCallback (Line %d)\r\n", __LINE__);   
-static void onDisconnectionCallback(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t * disConnectionReason)
-    printf("onDisconnectionCallback (Line %d)\r\n", __LINE__);
-    p_BLEdev->gap().startAdvertising();
-/* Bluetooth Initialization ---------------------------------------------------*/
-bool BLE_Initialization(void)
-    p_BLEdev = new BLE;
-    if (!p_BLEdev) { printf("\r\nBLE Device creation failed\r\n"); }
-    const Gap::Address_t BLE_address_BE = {BLE_DEV_MAC};        
-    p_BLEdev->gap().setAddress(BLEProtocol::AddressType::PUBLIC, BLE_address_BE);
-    p_BLEdev->init();
-    // Set BLE CallBack Functions
-    p_BLEdev->gattServer().onUpdatesEnabled(onUpdatesEnabledCallback);
-    p_BLEdev->gattServer().onUpdatesDisabled(onUpdatesDisabledCallback);
-    p_BLEdev->gattServer().onDataRead(onDataReadCallback);
-    p_BLEdev->gattServer().onDataWritten(myonDataWriteCallback);
-    p_BLEdev->gap().onConnection(onConnectionCallback);
-    p_BLEdev->gap().onDisconnection(onDisconnectionCallback);
-    //p_BLEdev->gattServer().onConfirmationReceived(onConfirmationReceivedCallback);    
-    //p_BLEdev->gattServer().onDataSent(onDataSentCallback);    
-    //p_BLEdev->gap().onTimeout(onTimeoutCallback);
-    // BLE Services
-    p_customcontrolservice =  new CustomControlService(*p_BLEdev);   
-    p_customsensorservice = new CustomSensorService(*p_BLEdev);
-    // Setup BLE Advertising
-    const static char DEVICE_NAME[] = BLE_DEV_NAME;
-    p_BLEdev->gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED | GapAdvertisingData::LE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE);
-    uint8_t dat[] = {0x01,0x80,0x00,0xFC,0x00,0x00};    
-    p_BLEdev->gap().accumulateScanResponse(GapAdvertisingData::MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_DATA,dat,6);    
-    p_BLEdev->gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::UNKNOWN);
-    p_BLEdev->gap().accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME, (uint8_t *)DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(DEVICE_NAME));
-    p_BLEdev->gap().setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED);
-    p_BLEdev->gap().setAdvertisingInterval(BLE_ADVERTISING_INTERVAL);
-    p_BLEdev->gap().startAdvertising();
-    return true;
 /* Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 int main()
@@ -397,12 +398,12 @@
     // Printing to the console
     printf("SunTracker by Fabio Brembilla\r\n\n");
     printf("Initialization OK (Line %d)\r\n", __LINE__);    
-    BLE_Initialization();
-    printf("BLE_Initialization OK (Line %d)\r\n", __LINE__);  
+    //BLE_Initialization();
+    //printf("BLE_Initialization OK (Line %d)\r\n", __LINE__);  
     printf("Wait Push Button\r\n");
@@ -411,13 +412,13 @@
     while(start<1) {
         board->display->DisplayString(DisplayStr, 4);
-        p_BLEdev->waitForEvent();
+        //p_BLEdev->waitForEvent();
         //printf("%s\n\r", DisplayStr);
     printf("Start Main Loop\r\n");
-    static int INTLOOP=0;
+    //static int INTLOOP=0;
     // Main Loop
@@ -428,10 +429,10 @@
-        INTLOOP++;
-        if (INTLOOP==100) { p_customsensorservice->sendEnvPosition(rand(),0); printf("Read BLE\n\r"); INTLOOP=0; }
+        //INTLOOP++;
+        //if (INTLOOP==100) { p_customsensorservice->sendEnvPosition(rand(),0); printf("Read BLE\n\r"); INTLOOP=0; }
-        p_BLEdev->waitForEvent();
+        //p_BLEdev->waitForEvent();