3-axis MEMS ultra low power accelerometer


Dependents:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A3 X_NUCLEO_IKS01A3

--- a/lis2dw12_reg.h	Wed Nov 21 15:43:22 2018 +0000
+++ b/lis2dw12_reg.h	Wed Jul 24 14:18:07 2019 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * @file    lis2dw12_reg.h
  * @author  Sensors Software Solution Team
- * @brief   This file contains all the functions prototypes for the 
+ * @brief   This file contains all the functions prototypes for the
  *          lis2dw12_reg.c driver.
  * @attention
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@
 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
 #ifndef LIS2DW12_REGS_H
 #define LIS2DW12_REGS_H
 #ifdef __cplusplus
-  extern "C" {
+extern "C" {
 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -73,24 +73,24 @@
-typedef union{
-  int16_t i16bit[3];
-  uint8_t u8bit[6];
+typedef union {
+    int16_t i16bit[3];
+    uint8_t u8bit[6];
 } axis3bit16_t;
-typedef union{
-  int16_t i16bit;
-  uint8_t u8bit[2];
+typedef union {
+    int16_t i16bit;
+    uint8_t u8bit[2];
 } axis1bit16_t;
-typedef union{
-  int32_t i32bit[3];
-  uint8_t u8bit[12];
+typedef union {
+    int32_t i32bit[3];
+    uint8_t u8bit[12];
 } axis3bit32_t;
-typedef union{
-  int32_t i32bit;
-  uint8_t u8bit[4];
+typedef union {
+    int32_t i32bit;
+    uint8_t u8bit[4];
 } axis1bit32_t;
@@ -98,15 +98,15 @@
-typedef struct{
-  uint8_t bit0       : 1;
-  uint8_t bit1       : 1;
-  uint8_t bit2       : 1;
-  uint8_t bit3       : 1;
-  uint8_t bit4       : 1;
-  uint8_t bit5       : 1;
-  uint8_t bit6       : 1;
-  uint8_t bit7       : 1;
+typedef struct {
+    uint8_t bit0       : 1;
+    uint8_t bit1       : 1;
+    uint8_t bit2       : 1;
+    uint8_t bit3       : 1;
+    uint8_t bit4       : 1;
+    uint8_t bit5       : 1;
+    uint8_t bit6       : 1;
+    uint8_t bit7       : 1;
 } bitwise_t;
 #define PROPERTY_DISABLE                (0U)
@@ -125,17 +125,17 @@
   *              MANDATORY: return 0 -> no Error.
   * @{
-  */ 
+  */
-typedef int32_t (*lis2dw12_write_ptr)(void *, uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint16_t);
-typedef int32_t (*lis2dw12_read_ptr) (void *, uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint16_t);
+typedef int32_t (*lis2dw12_write_ptr)(void *, uint8_t, uint8_t *, uint16_t);
+typedef int32_t (*lis2dw12_read_ptr)(void *, uint8_t, uint8_t *, uint16_t);
 typedef struct {
-  /** Component mandatory fields **/
-  lis2dw12_write_ptr  write_reg;
-  lis2dw12_read_ptr   read_reg;
-  /** Customizable optional pointer **/
-  void *handle;
+    /** Component mandatory fields **/
+    lis2dw12_write_ptr  write_reg;
+    lis2dw12_read_ptr   read_reg;
+    /** Customizable optional pointer **/
+    void *handle;
 } lis2dw12_ctx_t;
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
   * @{
 /** I2C Device Address 8 bit format  if SA0=0 -> 31 if SA0=1 -> 33 **/
 #define LIS2DW12_I2C_ADD_L   0x31U
 #define LIS2DW12_I2C_ADD_H   0x33U
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
   *                -> _from_fs2_lp1_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
   *                -> _from_fs4_lp1_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
   *                -> _from_fs8_lp1_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
-  *                -> _from_fs16_lp1_to_mg(int16_t lsb);  
+  *                -> _from_fs16_lp1_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
   *                -> _from_lsb_to_celsius(int16_t lsb);
   *              REMOVING the MACRO you are compliant with:
@@ -203,77 +203,77 @@
 #define LIS2DW12_WHO_AM_I                    0x0FU
 #define LIS2DW12_CTRL1                       0x20U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t lp_mode                    : 2;
-  uint8_t mode                       : 2;
-  uint8_t odr                        : 4;
+    uint8_t lp_mode                    : 2;
+    uint8_t mode                       : 2;
+    uint8_t odr                        : 4;
 } lis2dw12_ctrl1_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_CTRL2                       0x21U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t sim                        : 1;
-  uint8_t i2c_disable                : 1;
-  uint8_t if_add_inc                 : 1;
-  uint8_t bdu                        : 1;
-  uint8_t cs_pu_disc                 : 1;
-  uint8_t not_used_01                : 1;
-  uint8_t soft_reset                 : 1;
-  uint8_t boot                       : 1;
+    uint8_t sim                        : 1;
+    uint8_t i2c_disable                : 1;
+    uint8_t if_add_inc                 : 1;
+    uint8_t bdu                        : 1;
+    uint8_t cs_pu_disc                 : 1;
+    uint8_t not_used_01                : 1;
+    uint8_t soft_reset                 : 1;
+    uint8_t boot                       : 1;
 } lis2dw12_ctrl2_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_CTRL3                       0x22U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t slp_mode                   : 2;  /* slp_mode_sel + slp_mode_1 */
-  uint8_t not_used_01                : 1;
-  uint8_t h_lactive                  : 1;
-  uint8_t lir                        : 1;
-  uint8_t pp_od                      : 1;
-  uint8_t st                         : 2;
+    uint8_t slp_mode                   : 2;  /* slp_mode_sel + slp_mode_1 */
+    uint8_t not_used_01                : 1;
+    uint8_t h_lactive                  : 1;
+    uint8_t lir                        : 1;
+    uint8_t pp_od                      : 1;
+    uint8_t st                         : 2;
 } lis2dw12_ctrl3_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_CTRL4_INT1_PAD_CTRL         0x23U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t int1_drdy                  : 1;
-  uint8_t int1_fth                   : 1;
-  uint8_t int1_diff5                 : 1;
-  uint8_t int1_tap                   : 1;
-  uint8_t int1_ff                    : 1;
-  uint8_t int1_wu                    : 1;
-  uint8_t int1_single_tap            : 1;
-  uint8_t int1_6d                    : 1;
+    uint8_t int1_drdy                  : 1;
+    uint8_t int1_fth                   : 1;
+    uint8_t int1_diff5                 : 1;
+    uint8_t int1_tap                   : 1;
+    uint8_t int1_ff                    : 1;
+    uint8_t int1_wu                    : 1;
+    uint8_t int1_single_tap            : 1;
+    uint8_t int1_6d                    : 1;
 } lis2dw12_ctrl4_int1_pad_ctrl_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_CTRL5_INT2_PAD_CTRL         0x24U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t int2_drdy                  : 1;
-  uint8_t int2_fth                   : 1;
-  uint8_t int2_diff5                 : 1;
-  uint8_t int2_ovr                   : 1;
-  uint8_t int2_drdy_t                : 1;
-  uint8_t int2_boot                  : 1;
-  uint8_t int2_sleep_chg             : 1;
-  uint8_t int2_sleep_state           : 1;
+    uint8_t int2_drdy                  : 1;
+    uint8_t int2_fth                   : 1;
+    uint8_t int2_diff5                 : 1;
+    uint8_t int2_ovr                   : 1;
+    uint8_t int2_drdy_t                : 1;
+    uint8_t int2_boot                  : 1;
+    uint8_t int2_sleep_chg             : 1;
+    uint8_t int2_sleep_state           : 1;
 } lis2dw12_ctrl5_int2_pad_ctrl_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_CTRL6                       0x25U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t not_used_01                : 2;
-  uint8_t low_noise                  : 1;
-  uint8_t fds                        : 1;
-  uint8_t fs                         : 2;
-  uint8_t bw_filt                    : 2;
+    uint8_t not_used_01                : 2;
+    uint8_t low_noise                  : 1;
+    uint8_t fds                        : 1;
+    uint8_t fs                         : 2;
+    uint8_t bw_filt                    : 2;
 } lis2dw12_ctrl6_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_OUT_T                       0x26U
 #define LIS2DW12_STATUS                      0x27U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t drdy                       : 1;
-  uint8_t ff_ia                      : 1;
-  uint8_t _6d_ia                     : 1;
-  uint8_t single_tap                 : 1;
-  uint8_t double_tap                 : 1;
-  uint8_t sleep_state                : 1;
-  uint8_t wu_ia                      : 1;
-  uint8_t fifo_ths                   : 1;
+    uint8_t drdy                       : 1;
+    uint8_t ff_ia                      : 1;
+    uint8_t _6d_ia                     : 1;
+    uint8_t single_tap                 : 1;
+    uint8_t double_tap                 : 1;
+    uint8_t sleep_state                : 1;
+    uint8_t wu_ia                      : 1;
+    uint8_t fifo_ths                   : 1;
 } lis2dw12_status_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_OUT_X_L                     0x28U
@@ -284,122 +284,122 @@
 #define LIS2DW12_OUT_Z_H                     0x2DU
 #define LIS2DW12_FIFO_CTRL                   0x2EU
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t fth                        : 5;
-  uint8_t fmode                      : 3;
+    uint8_t fth                        : 5;
+    uint8_t fmode                      : 3;
 } lis2dw12_fifo_ctrl_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_FIFO_SAMPLES                0x2FU
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t diff                       : 6;
-  uint8_t fifo_ovr                   : 1;
-  uint8_t fifo_fth                   : 1;
+    uint8_t diff                       : 6;
+    uint8_t fifo_ovr                   : 1;
+    uint8_t fifo_fth                   : 1;
 } lis2dw12_fifo_samples_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_TAP_THS_X                   0x30U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t tap_thsx                    : 5;
-  uint8_t _6d_ths                     : 2;
-  uint8_t _4d_en                      : 1;
+    uint8_t tap_thsx                    : 5;
+    uint8_t _6d_ths                     : 2;
+    uint8_t _4d_en                      : 1;
 } lis2dw12_tap_ths_x_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_TAP_THS_Y                   0x31U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t tap_thsy                   : 5;
-  uint8_t tap_prior                  : 3;
+    uint8_t tap_thsy                   : 5;
+    uint8_t tap_prior                  : 3;
 } lis2dw12_tap_ths_y_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_TAP_THS_Z                   0x32U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t tap_thsz                   : 5;
-  uint8_t tap_z_en                   : 1;
-  uint8_t tap_y_en                   : 1;
-  uint8_t tap_x_en                   : 1;
+    uint8_t tap_thsz                   : 5;
+    uint8_t tap_z_en                   : 1;
+    uint8_t tap_y_en                   : 1;
+    uint8_t tap_x_en                   : 1;
 } lis2dw12_tap_ths_z_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_INT_DUR                     0x33U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t shock                      : 2;
-  uint8_t quiet                      : 2;
-  uint8_t latency                    : 4;
+    uint8_t shock                      : 2;
+    uint8_t quiet                      : 2;
+    uint8_t latency                    : 4;
 } lis2dw12_int_dur_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_WAKE_UP_THS                 0x34U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t wk_ths                     : 6;
-  uint8_t sleep_on                   : 1;
-  uint8_t single_double_tap          : 1;
+    uint8_t wk_ths                     : 6;
+    uint8_t sleep_on                   : 1;
+    uint8_t single_double_tap          : 1;
 } lis2dw12_wake_up_ths_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_WAKE_UP_DUR                 0x35U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t sleep_dur                  : 4;
-  uint8_t stationary                 : 1;
-  uint8_t wake_dur                   : 2;
-  uint8_t ff_dur                     : 1;
+    uint8_t sleep_dur                  : 4;
+    uint8_t stationary                 : 1;
+    uint8_t wake_dur                   : 2;
+    uint8_t ff_dur                     : 1;
 } lis2dw12_wake_up_dur_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_FREE_FALL                   0x36U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t ff_ths                     : 3;
-  uint8_t ff_dur                     : 5;
+    uint8_t ff_ths                     : 3;
+    uint8_t ff_dur                     : 5;
 } lis2dw12_free_fall_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_STATUS_DUP                  0x37U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t drdy                       : 1;
-  uint8_t ff_ia                      : 1;
-  uint8_t _6d_ia                     : 1;
-  uint8_t single_tap                 : 1;
-  uint8_t double_tap                 : 1;
-  uint8_t sleep_state_ia             : 1;
-  uint8_t drdy_t                     : 1;
-  uint8_t ovr                        : 1;
+    uint8_t drdy                       : 1;
+    uint8_t ff_ia                      : 1;
+    uint8_t _6d_ia                     : 1;
+    uint8_t single_tap                 : 1;
+    uint8_t double_tap                 : 1;
+    uint8_t sleep_state_ia             : 1;
+    uint8_t drdy_t                     : 1;
+    uint8_t ovr                        : 1;
 } lis2dw12_status_dup_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_WAKE_UP_SRC                 0x38U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t z_wu                       : 1;
-  uint8_t y_wu                       : 1;
-  uint8_t x_wu                       : 1;
-  uint8_t wu_ia                      : 1;
-  uint8_t sleep_state_ia             : 1;
-  uint8_t ff_ia                      : 1;
-  uint8_t not_used_01                : 2;
+    uint8_t z_wu                       : 1;
+    uint8_t y_wu                       : 1;
+    uint8_t x_wu                       : 1;
+    uint8_t wu_ia                      : 1;
+    uint8_t sleep_state_ia             : 1;
+    uint8_t ff_ia                      : 1;
+    uint8_t not_used_01                : 2;
 } lis2dw12_wake_up_src_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_TAP_SRC                     0x39U
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t z_tap                      : 1;
-  uint8_t y_tap                      : 1;
-  uint8_t x_tap                      : 1;
-  uint8_t tap_sign                   : 1;
-  uint8_t double_tap                 : 1;
-  uint8_t single_tap                 : 1;
-  uint8_t tap_ia                     : 1;
-  uint8_t not_used_01                : 1;
+    uint8_t z_tap                      : 1;
+    uint8_t y_tap                      : 1;
+    uint8_t x_tap                      : 1;
+    uint8_t tap_sign                   : 1;
+    uint8_t double_tap                 : 1;
+    uint8_t single_tap                 : 1;
+    uint8_t tap_ia                     : 1;
+    uint8_t not_used_01                : 1;
 } lis2dw12_tap_src_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_SIXD_SRC                    0x3AU
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t xl                         : 1;
-  uint8_t xh                         : 1;
-  uint8_t yl                         : 1;
-  uint8_t yh                         : 1;
-  uint8_t zl                         : 1;
-  uint8_t zh                         : 1;
-  uint8_t _6d_ia                     : 1;
-  uint8_t not_used_01                : 1;
+    uint8_t xl                         : 1;
+    uint8_t xh                         : 1;
+    uint8_t yl                         : 1;
+    uint8_t yh                         : 1;
+    uint8_t zl                         : 1;
+    uint8_t zh                         : 1;
+    uint8_t _6d_ia                     : 1;
+    uint8_t not_used_01                : 1;
 } lis2dw12_sixd_src_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_ALL_INT_SRC                 0x3BU
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t ff_ia                      : 1;
-  uint8_t wu_ia                      : 1;
-  uint8_t single_tap                 : 1;
-  uint8_t double_tap                 : 1;
-  uint8_t _6d_ia                     : 1;
-  uint8_t sleep_change_ia            : 1;
-  uint8_t not_used_01                : 2;
+    uint8_t ff_ia                      : 1;
+    uint8_t wu_ia                      : 1;
+    uint8_t single_tap                 : 1;
+    uint8_t double_tap                 : 1;
+    uint8_t _6d_ia                     : 1;
+    uint8_t sleep_change_ia            : 1;
+    uint8_t not_used_01                : 2;
 } lis2dw12_all_int_src_t;
 #define LIS2DW12_X_OFS_USR                   0x3CU
@@ -407,14 +407,14 @@
 #define LIS2DW12_Z_OFS_USR                   0x3EU
 #define LIS2DW12_CTRL_REG7                   0x3FU
 typedef struct {
-  uint8_t lpass_on6d                 : 1;
-  uint8_t hp_ref_mode                : 1;
-  uint8_t usr_off_w                  : 1;
-  uint8_t usr_off_on_wu              : 1;
-  uint8_t usr_off_on_out             : 1;
-  uint8_t interrupts_enable          : 1;
-  uint8_t int2_on_int1               : 1;
-  uint8_t drdy_pulsed                : 1;
+    uint8_t lpass_on6d                 : 1;
+    uint8_t hp_ref_mode                : 1;
+    uint8_t usr_off_w                  : 1;
+    uint8_t usr_off_on_wu              : 1;
+    uint8_t usr_off_on_out             : 1;
+    uint8_t interrupts_enable          : 1;
+    uint8_t int2_on_int1               : 1;
+    uint8_t drdy_pulsed                : 1;
 } lis2dw12_ctrl_reg7_t;
@@ -429,31 +429,31 @@
   * @{
-typedef union{
-  lis2dw12_ctrl1_t                   ctrl1;
-  lis2dw12_ctrl2_t                   ctrl2;
-  lis2dw12_ctrl3_t                   ctrl3;
-  lis2dw12_ctrl4_int1_pad_ctrl_t     ctrl4_int1_pad_ctrl;
-  lis2dw12_ctrl5_int2_pad_ctrl_t     ctrl5_int2_pad_ctrl;
-  lis2dw12_ctrl6_t                   ctrl6;
-  lis2dw12_status_t                  status;
-  lis2dw12_fifo_ctrl_t               fifo_ctrl;
-  lis2dw12_fifo_samples_t            fifo_samples;
-  lis2dw12_tap_ths_x_t               tap_ths_x;
-  lis2dw12_tap_ths_y_t               tap_ths_y;
-  lis2dw12_tap_ths_z_t               tap_ths_z;
-  lis2dw12_int_dur_t                 int_dur;
-  lis2dw12_wake_up_ths_t             wake_up_ths;
-  lis2dw12_wake_up_dur_t             wake_up_dur;
-  lis2dw12_free_fall_t               free_fall;
-  lis2dw12_status_dup_t              status_dup;
-  lis2dw12_wake_up_src_t             wake_up_src;
-  lis2dw12_tap_src_t                 tap_src;
-  lis2dw12_sixd_src_t                sixd_src;
-  lis2dw12_all_int_src_t             all_int_src;
-  lis2dw12_ctrl_reg7_t               ctrl_reg7;
-  bitwise_t                          bitwise;
-  uint8_t                            byte;
+typedef union {
+    lis2dw12_ctrl1_t                   ctrl1;
+    lis2dw12_ctrl2_t                   ctrl2;
+    lis2dw12_ctrl3_t                   ctrl3;
+    lis2dw12_ctrl4_int1_pad_ctrl_t     ctrl4_int1_pad_ctrl;
+    lis2dw12_ctrl5_int2_pad_ctrl_t     ctrl5_int2_pad_ctrl;
+    lis2dw12_ctrl6_t                   ctrl6;
+    lis2dw12_status_t                  status;
+    lis2dw12_fifo_ctrl_t               fifo_ctrl;
+    lis2dw12_fifo_samples_t            fifo_samples;
+    lis2dw12_tap_ths_x_t               tap_ths_x;
+    lis2dw12_tap_ths_y_t               tap_ths_y;
+    lis2dw12_tap_ths_z_t               tap_ths_z;
+    lis2dw12_int_dur_t                 int_dur;
+    lis2dw12_wake_up_ths_t             wake_up_ths;
+    lis2dw12_wake_up_dur_t             wake_up_dur;
+    lis2dw12_free_fall_t               free_fall;
+    lis2dw12_status_dup_t              status_dup;
+    lis2dw12_wake_up_src_t             wake_up_src;
+    lis2dw12_tap_src_t                 tap_src;
+    lis2dw12_sixd_src_t                sixd_src;
+    lis2dw12_all_int_src_t             all_int_src;
+    lis2dw12_ctrl_reg7_t               ctrl_reg7;
+    bitwise_t                          bitwise;
+    uint8_t                            byte;
 } lis2dw12_reg_t;
@@ -461,11 +461,11 @@
-int32_t lis2dw12_read_reg(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data,
+int32_t lis2dw12_read_reg(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data,
                           uint16_t len);
-int32_t lis2dw12_write_reg(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data,
+int32_t lis2dw12_write_reg(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data,
                            uint16_t len);
 extern float lis2dw12_from_fs2_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
 extern float lis2dw12_from_fs4_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
 extern float lis2dw12_from_fs8_to_mg(int16_t lsb);
@@ -477,41 +477,41 @@
 extern float lis2dw12_from_lsb_to_celsius(int16_t lsb);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_HIGH_PERFORMANCE                    = 0x04,
-  LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_4                      = 0x03,
-  LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_3                      = 0x02,
-  LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_2                      = 0x01,
-  LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_12bit                  = 0x00,
-  LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_4                    = 0x0B,
-  LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_3                    = 0x0A,
-  LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_2                    = 0x09,
-  LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_12bit                = 0x08,
-  LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_4            = 0x13,
-  LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_3            = 0x12,
-  LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_2            = 0x11,
-  LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_12bit        = 0x10,
-  LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_4          = 0x1B,
-  LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_3          = 0x1A,
-  LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_2          = 0x19,
-  LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_LOW_NOISE_PWR_12bit      = 0x18,
+    LIS2DW12_HIGH_PERFORMANCE                    = 0x04,
+    LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_4                      = 0x03,
+    LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_3                      = 0x02,
+    LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_2                      = 0x01,
+    LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_12bit                  = 0x00,
+    LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_4                    = 0x0B,
+    LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_3                    = 0x0A,
+    LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_2                    = 0x09,
+    LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_12bit                = 0x08,
+    LIS2DW12_HIGH_PERFORMANCE_LOW_NOISE          = 0x14,
+    LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_4            = 0x13,
+    LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_3            = 0x12,
+    LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_2            = 0x11,
+    LIS2DW12_CONT_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_12bit        = 0x10,
+    LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_4          = 0x1B,
+    LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_3          = 0x1A,
+    LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_PWR_LOW_NOISE_2          = 0x19,
+    LIS2DW12_SINGLE_LOW_LOW_NOISE_PWR_12bit      = 0x18,
 } lis2dw12_mode_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_power_mode_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_mode_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_power_mode_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_mode_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_OFF            = 0x00,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_1Hz6_LP_ONLY   = 0x01,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_12Hz5          = 0x02,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_25Hz           = 0x03,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_50Hz           = 0x04,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_100Hz          = 0x05,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_200Hz          = 0x06,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_400Hz          = 0x07,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_800Hz          = 0x08,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_1k6Hz          = 0x09,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_SET_SW_TRIG        = 0x10,  /* Use this only in SINGLE mode */
-  LIS2DW12_XL_SET_PIN_TRIG       = 0x20,  /* Use this only in SINGLE mode */
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_OFF            = 0x00,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_1Hz6_LP_ONLY   = 0x01,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_12Hz5          = 0x02,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_25Hz           = 0x03,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_50Hz           = 0x04,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_100Hz          = 0x05,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_200Hz          = 0x06,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_400Hz          = 0x07,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_800Hz          = 0x08,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ODR_1k6Hz          = 0x09,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_SET_SW_TRIG        = 0x10,  /* Use this only in SINGLE mode */
+    LIS2DW12_XL_SET_PIN_TRIG       = 0x20,  /* Use this only in SINGLE mode */
 } lis2dw12_odr_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_data_rate_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_odr_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_data_rate_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_odr_t *val);
@@ -520,10 +520,10 @@
 int32_t lis2dw12_block_data_update_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_2g     = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_4g     = 1,
-  LIS2DW12_8g     = 2,
-  LIS2DW12_16g    = 3,
+    LIS2DW12_2g     = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_4g     = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_8g     = 2,
+    LIS2DW12_16g    = 3,
 } lis2dw12_fs_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_full_scale_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_fs_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_full_scale_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_fs_t *val);
@@ -532,12 +532,12 @@
 int32_t lis2dw12_flag_data_ready_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *val);
-typedef struct{
-  lis2dw12_status_dup_t   status_dup;
-  lis2dw12_wake_up_src_t  wake_up_src;
-  lis2dw12_tap_src_t      tap_src;
-  lis2dw12_sixd_src_t     sixd_src;
-  lis2dw12_all_int_src_t  all_int_src;
+typedef struct {
+    lis2dw12_status_dup_t   status_dup;
+    lis2dw12_wake_up_src_t  wake_up_src;
+    lis2dw12_tap_src_t      tap_src;
+    lis2dw12_sixd_src_t     sixd_src;
+    lis2dw12_all_int_src_t  all_int_src;
 } lis2dw12_all_sources_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_all_sources_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                  lis2dw12_all_sources_t *val);
@@ -552,13 +552,13 @@
 int32_t lis2dw12_usr_offset_z_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *buff);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_LSb_977ug    = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_LSb_15mg6    = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_LSb_977ug    = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_LSb_15mg6    = 1,
 } lis2dw12_usr_off_w_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_offset_weight_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
-                                      lis2dw12_usr_off_w_t val);
+                                   lis2dw12_usr_off_w_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_offset_weight_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
-                                      lis2dw12_usr_off_w_t *val);
+                                   lis2dw12_usr_off_w_t *val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_temperature_raw_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *buff);
@@ -576,16 +576,16 @@
 int32_t lis2dw12_boot_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ST_DISABLE      = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ST_POSITIVE     = 1,
-  LIS2DW12_XL_ST_NEGATIVE     = 2,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ST_DISABLE      = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ST_POSITIVE     = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_XL_ST_NEGATIVE     = 2,
 } lis2dw12_st_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_self_test_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_st_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_self_test_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_st_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_DRDY_PULSED    = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_DRDY_LATCHED   = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_DRDY_PULSED    = 1,
 } lis2dw12_drdy_pulsed_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_data_ready_mode_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                      lis2dw12_drdy_pulsed_t val);
@@ -593,37 +593,37 @@
                                      lis2dw12_drdy_pulsed_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_LPF_ON_OUT         = 0x00,
-  LIS2DW12_USER_OFFSET_ON_OUT  = 0x01,    
-  LIS2DW12_HIGH_PASS_ON_OUT    = 0x10,
+    LIS2DW12_LPF_ON_OUT         = 0x00,
+    LIS2DW12_USER_OFFSET_ON_OUT  = 0x01,
+    LIS2DW12_HIGH_PASS_ON_OUT    = 0x10,
 } lis2dw12_fds_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_filter_path_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_fds_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_filter_path_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_fds_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_ODR_DIV_2     = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_ODR_DIV_4     = 1,
-  LIS2DW12_ODR_DIV_10    = 2,
-  LIS2DW12_ODR_DIV_20    = 3,
+    LIS2DW12_ODR_DIV_2     = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_ODR_DIV_4     = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_ODR_DIV_10    = 2,
+    LIS2DW12_ODR_DIV_20    = 3,
 } lis2dw12_bw_filt_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_filter_bandwidth_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
-                                         lis2dw12_bw_filt_t val);
+                                      lis2dw12_bw_filt_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_filter_bandwidth_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
-                                         lis2dw12_bw_filt_t *val);
+                                      lis2dw12_bw_filt_t *val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_reference_mode_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_reference_mode_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_SPI_4_WIRE   = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_SPI_3_WIRE   = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_SPI_4_WIRE   = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_SPI_3_WIRE   = 1,
 } lis2dw12_sim_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_spi_mode_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_sim_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_spi_mode_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_sim_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_I2C_ENABLE    = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_I2C_DISABLE   = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_I2C_ENABLE    = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_I2C_DISABLE   = 1,
 } lis2dw12_i2c_disable_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_i2c_interface_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                    lis2dw12_i2c_disable_t val);
@@ -631,15 +631,15 @@
                                    lis2dw12_i2c_disable_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_PULL_UP_CONNECT     = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_PULL_UP_CONNECT     = 0,
 } lis2dw12_cs_pu_disc_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_cs_mode_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_cs_pu_disc_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_cs_mode_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_cs_pu_disc_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_ACTIVE_LOW   = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_ACTIVE_HIGH  = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_ACTIVE_LOW   = 1,
 } lis2dw12_h_lactive_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_pin_polarity_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                   lis2dw12_h_lactive_t val);
@@ -647,8 +647,8 @@
                                   lis2dw12_h_lactive_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_INT_PULSED   = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_INT_PULSED   = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_INT_LATCHED  = 1,
 } lis2dw12_lir_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_int_notification_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                       lis2dw12_lir_t val);
@@ -656,13 +656,13 @@
                                       lis2dw12_lir_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_PUSH_PULL   = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_OPEN_DRAIN  = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_PUSH_PULL   = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_OPEN_DRAIN  = 1,
 } lis2dw12_pp_od_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_pin_mode_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_pp_od_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_pin_mode_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_pp_od_t *val);
-int32_t lis2dw12_pin_int1_route_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, 
+int32_t lis2dw12_pin_int1_route_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                     lis2dw12_ctrl4_int1_pad_ctrl_t *val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_pin_int1_route_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                     lis2dw12_ctrl4_int1_pad_ctrl_t *val);
@@ -682,8 +682,8 @@
 int32_t lis2dw12_wkup_dur_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_HP_FEED           = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_HP_FEED           = 0,
 } lis2dw12_usr_off_on_wu_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_wkup_feed_data_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                     lis2dw12_usr_off_on_wu_t val);
@@ -691,9 +691,9 @@
                                     lis2dw12_usr_off_on_wu_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_NO_DETECTION        = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_NO_DETECTION        = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_DETECT_ACT_INACT    = 1,
 } lis2dw12_sleep_on_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_act_mode_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_sleep_on_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_act_mode_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_sleep_on_t *val);
@@ -708,12 +708,12 @@
 int32_t lis2dw12_tap_threshold_y_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_XYZ    = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_YXZ    = 1,
-  LIS2DW12_XZY    = 2,
-  LIS2DW12_ZYX    = 3,
-  LIS2DW12_YZX    = 5,
-  LIS2DW12_ZXY    = 6,
+    LIS2DW12_XYZ    = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_YXZ    = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_XZY    = 2,
+    LIS2DW12_ZYX    = 3,
+    LIS2DW12_YZX    = 5,
+    LIS2DW12_ZXY    = 6,
 } lis2dw12_tap_prior_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_tap_axis_priority_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                        lis2dw12_tap_prior_t val);
@@ -742,8 +742,8 @@
 int32_t lis2dw12_tap_dur_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_ONLY_SINGLE          = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_ONLY_SINGLE          = 0,
 } lis2dw12_single_double_tap_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_tap_mode_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                               lis2dw12_single_double_tap_t val);
@@ -761,8 +761,8 @@
 int32_t lis2dw12_6d_src_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_sixd_src_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_ODR_DIV_2_FEED   = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_LPF2_FEED        = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_ODR_DIV_2_FEED   = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_LPF2_FEED        = 1,
 } lis2dw12_lpass_on6d_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_6d_feed_data_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                   lis2dw12_lpass_on6d_t val);
@@ -773,14 +773,14 @@
 int32_t lis2dw12_ff_dur_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_5LSb_FS2g  = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_7LSb_FS2g  = 1,
-  LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_8LSb_FS2g  = 2,
-  LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_10LSb_FS2g = 3,
-  LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_11LSb_FS2g = 4,
-  LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_13LSb_FS2g = 5,
-  LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_15LSb_FS2g = 6,
-  LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_16LSb_FS2g = 7,
+    LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_5LSb_FS2g  = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_7LSb_FS2g  = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_8LSb_FS2g  = 2,
+    LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_10LSb_FS2g = 3,
+    LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_11LSb_FS2g = 4,
+    LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_13LSb_FS2g = 5,
+    LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_15LSb_FS2g = 6,
+    LIS2DW12_FF_TSH_16LSb_FS2g = 7,
 } lis2dw12_ff_ths_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_ff_threshold_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx,
                                   lis2dw12_ff_ths_t val);
@@ -791,11 +791,11 @@
 int32_t lis2dw12_fifo_watermark_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *val);
 typedef enum {
-  LIS2DW12_BYPASS_MODE             = 0,
-  LIS2DW12_FIFO_MODE               = 1,
-  LIS2DW12_STREAM_MODE             = 6,
+    LIS2DW12_BYPASS_MODE             = 0,
+    LIS2DW12_FIFO_MODE               = 1,
+    LIS2DW12_STREAM_TO_FIFO_MODE     = 3,
+    LIS2DW12_STREAM_MODE             = 6,
 } lis2dw12_fmode_t;
 int32_t lis2dw12_fifo_mode_set(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_fmode_t val);
 int32_t lis2dw12_fifo_mode_get(lis2dw12_ctx_t *ctx, lis2dw12_fmode_t *val);