Publisher for IBM Quickstart and Watson IoT cloud.
Dependencies: MQTT NDefLib X_NUCLEO_IKS01A2 X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1
Fork of Cloud_IBM_MbedOS by
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To start the demo the following expansion boards are required
After having mounted the board stack on the Nucleo board the below steps should be followed:
- Program in the application file mbed_app.json you local WiFi SSID and password and flash the binary. Make sure the Wifi network has visible SSID.
- Reset the Nucleo board and after few seconds the Nucleo green led will be on (it means the Nucleo is connected to the local Wifi and to the IBM cloud server)
- Read the NFC tag with an Android device and the browser will be automatically opened and directed to the specific IBM quickstart demo page where the environmental values are displayed in form of a x-y graph. The values are updated every few seconds. On the Hyperterminal is possible to see the values sent to the IBM cloud server and the board mac address to be entered on the IBM quickstart web page if a manual connection is needed (eg. to connect from a PC browser).
In case of registered connection is needed (no TLS support) comment the #define ORG_QUICKSTART than check in the mbed_app.json the following fields and change them according to your IBM account, MQTT_ORG_ID, MQTT_DEVICE_PASSWORD, MQTT_DEVICE_ID, MQTT_DEVICE_TYPE.