X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 Environmental/Motion sensors data transmitted via X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 BLE board. Compatible with iOS/Android ST BlueMS V2.1 application.

Dependencies:   BLE_API X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 mbed

Fork of Bluemicrosystem1 by ST Expansion SW Team

BlueMicrosystem application

This application is the mbed equivalent of ST BlueMicrosystem1 and provides an example of motion and environmental data exported via Bluetooth Low Energy to an Android or IOS device.
It runs on a ST NUCLEO-F401RE board connected with a X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 and a X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 expansion boards and is compatible with Android and iOS ST BlueMS smartphone applications (based on Android and iOS BlueST SDKs).
By default the application is not providing sensor fusion and activity recognition features. However sensor fusion can be enabled following the steps below:

  • Download and install osxMotionFX library on your PC.
  • Obtain the free license for your board following the instructions
  • Copy the correct license into Middlewares/ST/STM32_OSX_MotionFX_Library/osx_license.h of your mbed program folder
  • Copy Middlewares/ST/STM32_OSX_MotionFX_Library/Inc/osx_motion_fx.h file
  • Rename the provided .lib Keil binary library giving it a .ar extension, then copy it into Middlewares/ST/STM32_OSX_MotionFX_Library/Lib of your mbed program folder
  • Enable USE_SENSOR_FUSION_LIB macro into MotionFX_Manager.h file and recompile.
diff -r 000000000000 -r e93a11b4e044 CustomSensorsService.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CustomSensorsService.h	Mon Oct 12 15:16:57 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "BLE.h"
+const LongUUIDBytes_t SENS_SERVICE_UUID_128 =                       {   0x1b,0xc5,0xa5,0xd5,0x02,0x00,0xb4,0x9a,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; // temp, pressure, humidity, 
+const LongUUIDBytes_t SENS_TEMP_CHAR_UUID_128 =             {   0x1b,0xc5,0xa5,0xd5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00 };  
+const LongUUIDBytes_t SENS_HUMI_CHAR_UUID_128 =                 {   0x1b,0xc5,0xa5,0xd5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00};  
+const LongUUIDBytes_t SENS_PRES_CHAR_UUID_128 =                 { 0x1b,0xc5,0xa5,0xd5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00};  
+const LongUUIDBytes_t SENS_MAGN_CHAR_UUID_128   =               { 0x1b,0xc5,0xa5,0xd5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x20,0x00}; 
+const LongUUIDBytes_t SENS_GYRO_CHAR_UUID_128   =                   { 0x1b,0xc5,0xa5,0xd5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x40,0x00}; 
+const LongUUIDBytes_t SENS_ACCE_CHAR_UUID_128   =                   { 0x1b,0xc5,0xa5,0xd5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00};
+const LongUUIDBytes_t SENS_ACC_GYRO_MAG_CHAR_UUID_128 = { 0x1b,0xc5,0xa5,0xd5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xE0,0x00};
+#define TEMP_DATA_LEN   2+2
+#define HUM_DATA_LEN    2+2
+#define PRES_DATA_LEN   2+4
+#define ACC_DATA_LEN    6+2 
+#define MAG_DATA_LEN    6+2
+#define GYRO_DATA_LEN 6+2
+#define ACCGYROMAG_DATA_LEN 2+3*3*2
+/* Custom Sensors Service */
+class CustomSensorService  {
+    CustomSensorService(BLEDevice &_ble) :
+        ble(_ble),
+                envTemperatureCharacteristic(SENS_TEMP_CHAR_UUID_128,envTemperature, TEMP_DATA_LEN, TEMP_DATA_LEN,
+                                                                        GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY),
+                envHumidityCharacteristic(SENS_HUMI_CHAR_UUID_128, envHumidity, HUM_DATA_LEN, HUM_DATA_LEN,
+                                                                        GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY),
+                envPressureCharacteristic(SENS_PRES_CHAR_UUID_128, envPressure, PRES_DATA_LEN, PRES_DATA_LEN,
+                                                                        GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY),               
+                envMagnetometerCharacteristic(SENS_MAGN_CHAR_UUID_128,envMagn, MAG_DATA_LEN, MAG_DATA_LEN,                  
+                                                                        GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY),                                               
+                envAccelerometerCharacteristic(SENS_ACCE_CHAR_UUID_128,envAcce, ACC_DATA_LEN, ACC_DATA_LEN,
+                                                                        GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY),                   
+                envGyroCharacteristic(SENS_GYRO_CHAR_UUID_128,envGyro, GYRO_DATA_LEN, GYRO_DATA_LEN,
+                                                                        GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY),                   
+                envAccGyroMagCharacteristic(SENS_ACC_GYRO_MAG_CHAR_UUID_128,envAccGyroMag, ACCGYROMAG_DATA_LEN, ACCGYROMAG_DATA_LEN,
+                                                                        GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY)
+        {
+        static bool serviceAdded = false; /* We should only ever need to add the env service once. */
+        if (serviceAdded) {
+            return;
+        }
+        GattCharacteristic *charTable[] = {&envTemperatureCharacteristic, &envHumidityCharacteristic, &envPressureCharacteristic, &envMagnetometerCharacteristic,
+                                                                             &envAccelerometerCharacteristic, &envGyroCharacteristic, &envAccGyroMagCharacteristic};                 
+        GattService   envService(SENS_SERVICE_UUID_128, charTable, sizeof(charTable) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));               
+        ble.gattServer().addService(envService);             
+        isEnabledTempNotify             = false;
+        isEnabledHumNotify              = false;
+        isEnabledPresNotify             = false;
+        isEnabledGyroNotify             = false;            
+        isEnabledAccNotify              = false;
+        isEnabledMagNotify              = false;
+        isEnabledAccGyroMagNotify       = false;                  
+        isTempCalibrated                = false;
+        isHumCalibrated                 = false;
+        isPresCalibrated                = false;        
+        isMagCalibrated                 = false;
+        isAccCalibrated                 = false;        
+        isAGyroCalibrated               = false;                
+        memset (pastenvTemperature, 0, TEMP_DATA_LEN);  
+        memset (pastenvHumidity,        0, HUM_DATA_LEN);           
+        memset (pastenvPressure,        0, PRES_DATA_LEN);                          
+        isBTLEConnected                 = DISCONNECTED;                                                                  
+        serviceAdded                    = true;                                                                                                                                  
+    }
+    void sendEnvTemperature (int16_t Temp, uint16_t TimeStamp) {
+            STORE_LE_16(envTemperature,TimeStamp);
+            STORE_LE_16(envTemperature+2,Temp);
+            DEBUG("sendEnvTemperature!!  handle: %d\n\r",   envTemperatureCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle());
+            memcpy (pastenvTemperature, envTemperature, TEMP_DATA_LEN);
+            ble.gattServer().write(envTemperatureCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), envTemperature, TEMP_DATA_LEN, 0);         
+    }               
+    /**
+     * Update the temperature with a new value. Valid values range from
+     * 0..100. Anything outside this range will be ignored.
+     * @param newLevel New level. */
+    void updateEnvTemperature (int16_t Temp, uint16_t TimeStamp) {
+                if (memcmp (&pastenvTemperature[2], &Temp, 2) != 0) {
+                    sendEnvTemperature (Temp,  TimeStamp);              
+                }
+        }
+    void sendEnvHumidity(uint16_t Hum, uint16_t TimeStamp) {        
+            STORE_LE_16(envHumidity,TimeStamp);
+            STORE_LE_16(envHumidity+2,Hum);
+            memcpy (pastenvHumidity, envHumidity, HUM_DATA_LEN);                
+            ble.gattServer().write(envHumidityCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), envHumidity, HUM_DATA_LEN, 0);            
+        }
+    void updateEnvHumidity(uint16_t Hum, uint16_t TimeStamp) {
+                if (memcmp (&pastenvHumidity[2], &Hum, 2) != 0) {               
+                    sendEnvHumidity(Hum, TimeStamp);
+                }
+    }       
+    void sendEnvPressure(uint32_t Press, uint16_t TimeStamp) {
+            STORE_LE_16(envPressure,TimeStamp);         
+            STORE_LE_32(envPressure+2,Press);
+            memcpy (pastenvPressure, envPressure, PRES_DATA_LEN);                           
+            ble.gattServer().write(envPressureCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), envPressure, PRES_DATA_LEN, 0);           
+        }
+    void updateEnvPressure(uint32_t Press, uint16_t TimeStamp) {
+                if (memcmp (&pastenvPressure[2], &Press, 2) != 0) {             
+                    sendEnvPressure(Press, TimeStamp);
+                }
+    }       
+    void sendEnvMagnetometer(AxesRaw_TypeDef *Magn, uint16_t TimeStamp, osxMFX_calibFactor magOffset) {         
+            STORE_LE_16(envMagn,TimeStamp);
+            STORE_LE_16(envMagn+2,(Magn->AXIS_X - magOffset.magOffX));
+            STORE_LE_16(envMagn+4,(Magn->AXIS_Y - magOffset.magOffY));
+            STORE_LE_16(envMagn+6,(Magn->AXIS_Z - magOffset.magOffZ));          
+            ble.gattServer().write(envMagnetometerCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), envMagn, MAG_DATA_LEN, 0);                
+    }
+    void updateEnvMagnetometer(AxesRaw_TypeDef *Magn, uint16_t TimeStamp, osxMFX_calibFactor magOffset) {   
+            if (isMagNotificationEn()) sendEnvMagnetometer(Magn, TimeStamp, magOffset);
+    }               
+    void sendEnvAccelerometer (AxesRaw_TypeDef *Acc, uint16_t TimeStamp) {          
+            STORE_LE_16(envAcce,TimeStamp);
+            STORE_LE_16(envAcce+2,Acc->AXIS_X);
+            STORE_LE_16(envAcce+4,Acc->AXIS_Y);
+            STORE_LE_16(envAcce+6,Acc->AXIS_Z);
+            ble.gattServer().write(envAccelerometerCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), envAcce, ACC_DATA_LEN, 0);           
+    }
+    void updateEnvAccelerometer (AxesRaw_TypeDef *Acc, uint16_t TimeStamp) {            
+            if (isAccNotificationEn()) sendEnvAccelerometer (Acc, TimeStamp);
+    }                       
+    void sendEnvGyroscope (AxesRaw_TypeDef *Gyro, uint16_t TimeStamp) {     
+            STORE_LE_16(envGyro,TimeStamp);
+            STORE_LE_16(envGyro+2,Gyro->AXIS_X);
+            STORE_LE_16(envGyro+4,Gyro->AXIS_Y);
+            STORE_LE_16(envGyro+6,Gyro->AXIS_Z);
+            ble.gattServer().write(envGyroCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), envGyro, GYRO_DATA_LEN, 0);           
+    }       
+    void updateEnvGyroscope (AxesRaw_TypeDef *Gyro, uint16_t TimeStamp) {       
+            if (isGyroNotificationEn()) sendEnvGyroscope (Gyro, TimeStamp);             
+    }                       
+    void sendEnvAccGyroMag (AxesRaw_TypeDef *Acc, AxesRaw_TypeDef *Gyro, AxesRaw_TypeDef *Magn, uint16_t TimeStamp, osxMFX_calibFactor magOffset) {
+            STORE_LE_16(envAccGyroMag,TimeStamp);
+            STORE_LE_16(envAccGyroMag+2,Acc->AXIS_X);
+            STORE_LE_16(envAccGyroMag+4,Acc->AXIS_Y);
+            STORE_LE_16(envAccGyroMag+6,Acc->AXIS_Z);
+            STORE_LE_16(envAccGyroMag+8,Gyro->AXIS_X);
+            STORE_LE_16(envAccGyroMag+10,Gyro->AXIS_Y);
+            STORE_LE_16(envAccGyroMag+12,Gyro->AXIS_Z);
+            STORE_LE_16(envAccGyroMag+14,(Magn->AXIS_X  - magOffset.magOffX));
+            STORE_LE_16(envAccGyroMag+16,(Magn->AXIS_Y  - magOffset.magOffY));
+            STORE_LE_16(envAccGyroMag+18,(Magn->AXIS_Z  - magOffset.magOffZ));                      
+            ble.gattServer().write(envAccGyroMagCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), envAccGyroMag, ACCGYROMAG_DATA_LEN, 0);         
+    }
+    void updateEnvAccGyroMag (AxesRaw_TypeDef *Acc, AxesRaw_TypeDef *Gyro, AxesRaw_TypeDef *Magn, uint16_t TimeStamp, osxMFX_calibFactor magOffset) {       
+            if (isAccGyroMagNotificationEn())sendEnvAccGyroMag (Acc, Gyro, Magn, TimeStamp, magOffset);              
+    }                               
+    void enNotify (Gap::Handle_t handle) {
+            if (isTempHandle(handle)) { isEnabledTempNotify = true; memset(pastenvTemperature,0,TEMP_DATA_LEN); return; }
+            if (isHumHandle(handle))  { isEnabledHumNotify  = true; memset(pastenvHumidity,0,HUM_DATA_LEN);       return; }           
+            if (isPresHandle(handle)) { isEnabledPresNotify = true; memset(pastenvPressure,0,PRES_DATA_LEN);      return; }                       
+            if (isGyroHandle(handle)) { isEnabledGyroNotify = true; return; } 
+            if (isAccHandle(handle))  { isEnabledAccNotify  = true; return; } 
+            if (isMagHandle(handle))  { isEnabledMagNotify  = true; return; } 
+            if (isAccGyroMagHandle(handle)) { isEnabledAccGyroMagNotify = true; return; }             
+    }
+    void disNotify (Gap::Handle_t handle) {
+            if (isTempHandle(handle)) { isEnabledTempNotify = false; memset(pastenvTemperature,0,TEMP_DATA_LEN); return; }        
+            if (isHumHandle(handle))  { isEnabledHumNotify  = false; memset(pastenvHumidity,0,HUM_DATA_LEN);       return; }      
+            if (isPresHandle(handle)) { isEnabledPresNotify = false; memset(pastenvPressure,0,PRES_DATA_LEN);      return; }                                  
+            if (isGyroHandle(handle)) { isEnabledGyroNotify = false; return; }    
+            if (isAccHandle(handle))  { isEnabledAccNotify  = false; return; }    
+            if (isMagHandle(handle))  { isEnabledMagNotify  = false; return; }    
+            if (isAccGyroMagHandle(handle)) { isEnabledAccGyroMagNotify = false; return; }                
+    }
+    bool isTempNotificationEn (void) {
+            return isEnabledTempNotify;
+    }
+    bool isHumNotificationEn (void) {
+            return isEnabledHumNotify;
+    }
+    bool isPresNotificationEn (void) {
+            return isEnabledPresNotify;
+    }
+    bool isGyroNotificationEn (void) {
+            return isEnabledGyroNotify;
+    }   
+    bool isAccNotificationEn (void) {
+            return isEnabledAccNotify;
+    }   
+    bool isMagNotificationEn (void) {
+            return isEnabledMagNotify;
+    }   
+    bool isAccGyroMagNotificationEn (void) {
+            return isEnabledAccGyroMagNotify;
+    }           
+    bool isTempHandle (Gap::Handle_t handle) {
+            if (handle == envTemperatureCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle()) return true;
+            return false;
+    }
+    bool isHumHandle (Gap::Handle_t handle) {
+            if (handle == envHumidityCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle()) return true;
+            return false;
+    }
+    bool isPresHandle (Gap::Handle_t handle) {
+            if (handle == envPressureCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle()) return true;
+            return false;
+    } 
+    bool isMagHandle (Gap::Handle_t handle) {
+            if (handle == envMagnetometerCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle()) return true;
+            return false;
+    }
+    bool isAccHandle (Gap::Handle_t handle) {
+            if (handle == envAccelerometerCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle()) return true;
+            return false;
+    }
+    bool isGyroHandle (Gap::Handle_t handle) {
+            if (handle == envGyroCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle()) return true;
+            return false;
+    }
+    bool isAccGyroMagHandle (Gap::Handle_t handle) {
+            if (handle == envAccGyroMagCharacteristic.getValueAttribute().getHandle()) return true;
+            return false;
+    }
+    void updateConnectionStatus(ConnectionStatus_t status) {   
+            isEnabledTempNotify             = false;
+            isEnabledHumNotify              = false;
+            isEnabledPresNotify             = false;
+            isEnabledGyroNotify             = false;            
+            isEnabledAccNotify              = false;
+            isEnabledMagNotify              = false;
+            isEnabledAccGyroMagNotify = false;                  
+            isTempCalibrated                = false;
+            isHumCalibrated                 = false;
+            isPresCalibrated                = false;        
+            isMagCalibrated                 = false;
+            isAccCalibrated                 = false;        
+            isAGyroCalibrated               = false;            
+            memset (pastenvTemperature, 0, TEMP_DATA_LEN);  
+            memset (pastenvHumidity, 0, HUM_DATA_LEN);          
+            memset (pastenvPressure, 0, PRES_DATA_LEN);                     
+            isBTLEConnected = status; 
+    }
+    BLEDevice            &ble;
+    uint8_t              envTemperature     [TEMP_DATA_LEN];                /* in C  */
+    uint8_t              pastenvTemperature [TEMP_DATA_LEN];        
+    uint8_t              envHumidity        [HUM_DATA_LEN];                     /* in %  */
+    uint8_t              pastenvHumidity    [HUM_DATA_LEN];             
+    uint8_t              envPressure        [PRES_DATA_LEN];                        /* in mBar */
+    uint8_t              pastenvPressure    [PRES_DATA_LEN];            
+    uint8_t              envMagn            [MAG_DATA_LEN];         
+    uint8_t              envGyro            [GYRO_DATA_LEN];
+    uint8_t              envAcce            [ACC_DATA_LEN];
+    uint8_t              envAccGyroMag      [ACCGYROMAG_DATA_LEN];
+    GattCharacteristic   envTemperatureCharacteristic;     
+    GattCharacteristic   envHumidityCharacteristic;   
+    GattCharacteristic   envPressureCharacteristic;
+    GattCharacteristic   envMagnetometerCharacteristic;
+    GattCharacteristic   envAccelerometerCharacteristic;
+    GattCharacteristic   envGyroCharacteristic;
+    GattCharacteristic   envAccGyroMagCharacteristic;
+    ConnectionStatus_t   isBTLEConnected;
+    bool                 isEnabledTempNotify;
+    bool                 isEnabledHumNotify;
+    bool                 isEnabledPresNotify;
+    bool                 isEnabledGyroNotify;           
+    bool                 isEnabledAccNotify;
+    bool                 isEnabledMagNotify;
+    bool                 isEnabledAccGyroMagNotify;                 
+    bool                 isTempCalibrated;
+    bool                 isHumCalibrated;
+    bool                 isPresCalibrated;      
+    bool                 isMagCalibrated;
+    bool                 isAccCalibrated;       
+    bool                 isAGyroCalibrated;             
+#endif /* #ifndef __CUSTOM_BLE_SENSORS_SERVICE_H__*/