STM32746G-Discovery board drivers V1.0.0

Dependents:   DISCO-F746NG_LCDTS_CC3000_NTP DISCO-F746NG_ROPE_WIFI F746_SpectralAnalysis_NoPhoto ecte433 ... more

Added QSPI Flash support


I am working on a personal project on the DISCO-STM32F746NG board, and since I plan to use the Flash IC, I ported the QSPI_BSP library from the one that is published for the DISCO-STM32L476VG board.

Basically I updated the pre-compiler directives and the header inclusions. Since all the macros are already present in the HAL files of the 746 BSP library, I didn't encounter any problem.

In a functional point of view, I had to change the MSP initialisation in stm32f746g_discovery_qspi.c QSPI_MspInit / QSPI_MspDeInit : re-assigned pins, changed alternate functions values according to MCU datasheet. BSP_QSPI_Init : set prescaler value to 3. With values from 0 to 2 the test fails. With 3 the test runs correctly. I have no oscilloscope at disposal for a proper tuning, and since I have no need for speed on my application I won't be searching for an optimal value.

I have also ported the demo application that comes with the library on the 476 board. I have adapted it for printing on a pc.serial output and displaying on the LCD. I will publish it soon.

I hope this will be helpful.



BSP library for DISCO-STM32F746NG board. Added support for on-board QSPI Flash memory MICRO N25Q128A. Ported from library BSP_DISCO_L476VG. DISCO-STM32F746NG, flash, QSPI, ST