Hand Gesture recognition (L-R swipe) application based on L-R sensors.

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_53L0A1 mbed

Fork of 53L0A1_HandGestureRecognition by Licio Mapelli

diff -r bdf097d93eca -r 12cb106044f9 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jun 14 14:42:41 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jun 15 13:52:54 2017 +0000
@@ -5,55 +5,154 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <assert.h>
-/* This VL53L0X Expansion board test application performs a range measurement in interrupt mode
-   on the center embedded sensor. 
-   The measured data is displayed on the on-board 4-digit display, and sent to com port
+ * This VL53L0X Expansion board sample application performs range measurements using 
+ * range_continuous_interrupt mode to generate a hardware interrupt each time a new 
+ * measurement is ready to be read.
+ * The application supports the centre, on-board, sensor and up two satellites.
+ *
+ * *** NOTE : Hard-links U11 and U18, on the underside of the X-NUCELO-53L0A1
+ *            expansion board must be made/ON to allow interrupts to be received
+ *            from the satellite boards. ***
+ *   
+ * The measured range data is displayed on the on-board 4-digit LED display, and sent
+ * to the COM port.
+ *
+ * The User Blue button switches between the currently selected sensor to display range 
+ * results from.
+ *
+ * The Black Reset button is used to restart the program. 
+ */
-   User Blue button stops the current measurement and the entire program, releasing all resources.
-   Reset button is used to restart the program. 
-   Interrupt mode requires callback function which handles IRQ from given sensor.
 #define VL53L0_I2C_SDA   D14 
 #define VL53L0_I2C_SCL   D15 
+#define CENTER_BIT  0
+#define LEFT_BIT    1
+#define RIGHT_BIT   2
 static X_NUCLEO_53L0A1 *board=NULL;
 VL53L0X_RangingMeasurementData_t data_sensor;
 OperatingMode operating_mode;
-/* flags that handle interrupt request for sensor and user blue button*/
-volatile bool int_sensor_centre=false;
-volatile bool int_measuring_stop = false;
+/* interrupt requests */
+volatile int upadtedSensors = 0;
+/* Current sensor number*/
+volatile int currentSensor = 0;
+/* Installed sensors count */ 
+int sensorCnt = 0; 
+struct Sensor
+    char prefix;
+    int sensorBit;
+    VL53L0X *sensorPtr;
+} installedSensors[3];
-/* ISR callback function of the center sensor */
+/* ISR callback function of the sensor_centre */
 void SensorCenterIRQ(void)
-   int_sensor_centre=true;
+   upadtedSensors |= (1 << CENTER_BIT); 
+void SensorLeftIRQ(void)
+   upadtedSensors |= (1 << LEFT_BIT); 
+   board->sensor_left->DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
+void SensorRightIRQ(void)
+   upadtedSensors |= (1 << RIGHT_BIT); 
+   board->sensor_right->DisableInterruptMeasureDetectionIRQ();
 /* ISR callback function of the user blue button to switch measuring sensor. */
-void MeasuringStopIRQ(void)
+void SwitchMeasuringSensorIRQ(void)
-    int_measuring_stop = true;
+    ++currentSensor;
+    if (currentSensor == sensorCnt)
+        currentSensor = 0;
+    printf("Sensor changed to %c\r\n",installedSensors[currentSensor].prefix);
 /* On board 4 digit local display refresh */
-void DisplayRefresh(const VL53L0X_RangingMeasurementData_t &data)
+void DisplayRefresh(OperatingMode op_mode)
+    int status;
     char str[4];
-    if (data.RangeStatus == 0) // we have a valid range.
+    Sensor *current;
+    for (int t=0; t < sensorCnt; t++)
-        printf("%4d; ", data.RangeMilliMeter);
-        sprintf(str,"%4d", data.RangeMilliMeter);
+        current = &installedSensors[t];
+        if (upadtedSensors & current->sensorBit)
+        {
+            status = current->sensorPtr->HandleIRQ(op_mode, &data_sensor);
+            upadtedSensors &= ~(current->sensorBit) ;
+            if (!status)
+            {
+                if (data_sensor.RangeStatus == 0) // we have a valid range.
+                {
+                    printf("%c %4d; ", current->prefix,data_sensor.RangeMilliMeter);
+                    if (currentSensor == t)
+                    {
+                        sprintf(str,"%c%3d", current->prefix ,data_sensor.RangeMilliMeter);
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (currentSensor == t)
+                    {
+                        sprintf(str,"%c%s", current->prefix, "---");
+                    }   
+                }       
+            }
+        }
-    else
+    board->display->DisplayString(str);
+int InitSensorsArray()
+    int status = 1;
+    sensorCnt = 0;
+    /* start the measure on the center sensor */
+    if (NULL != board->sensor_centre)
+    {
+        installedSensors[sensorCnt].prefix = 'C';
+        installedSensors[sensorCnt].sensorBit |= (1 << CENTER_BIT);
+        installedSensors[sensorCnt].sensorPtr = board->sensor_centre; 
+        status=board->sensor_centre->StopMeasurement(operating_mode);
+        status=board->sensor_centre->StartMeasurement(operating_mode, &SensorCenterIRQ); 
+        ++sensorCnt;
+    }
+    /* start the measure on the left sensor */
+    if (NULL != board->sensor_left)
-        sprintf(str,"%s", "----");   
-    }       
-    board->display->DisplayString(str);
+        installedSensors[sensorCnt].prefix = 'L';
+        installedSensors[sensorCnt].sensorBit |= (1 << LEFT_BIT);
+        installedSensors[sensorCnt].sensorPtr = board->sensor_left; 
+        status=board->sensor_left->StopMeasurement(operating_mode);
+        status=board->sensor_left->StartMeasurement(operating_mode, &SensorLeftIRQ);
+        ++sensorCnt;
+    }
+    /* start the measure on the right sensor */    
+    if (NULL != board->sensor_right)
+    {
+        installedSensors[sensorCnt].prefix = 'R';
+        installedSensors[sensorCnt].sensorBit |= (1 << RIGHT_BIT);
+        installedSensors[sensorCnt].sensorPtr = board->sensor_right; 
+        status=board->sensor_right->StopMeasurement(operating_mode);
+        status=board->sensor_right->StartMeasurement(operating_mode, &SensorRightIRQ);
+        ++sensorCnt;
+    }
+    currentSensor = 0;
+    return status;
 void RangeMeasure(DevI2C *device_i2c) {
@@ -64,51 +163,39 @@
-   /* setting operating mode to continuous interrupt */
    /* init the 53L0A1 expansion board with default values */
         printf("Failed to init board!\n\r");   
-        return;
-   //Stop any measurement before setting sensor
-   status=board->sensor_centre->StopMeasurement(operating_mode);
-   status=board->sensor_centre->StartMeasurement(operating_mode, &SensorCenterIRQ); 
+   else 
+   {
+        status = InitSensorsArray();
+   }
-     printf ("Entering loop mode\r\n");
+     printf ("\r\nEntering loop mode\r\n");
      while (true)
-        if (int_sensor_centre)
-        {
-            int_sensor_centre = false;
-            status = board->sensor_centre->HandleIRQ(operating_mode, &data_sensor);
-            DisplayRefresh(data_sensor);
-        }
-        if (int_measuring_stop)
-        {
-            printf("\r\nEnding loop mode \r\n");
-            break;
-        }
+        DisplayRefresh(operating_mode);
-   board->display->DisplayString("BYE");
    delete board;        
 /*=================================== Main ==================================
- Press the blue user button to stop the measurements in progress    
+ Press the blue user button to switch the displayed sensor.       
 int main()
 #if USER_BUTTON==PC_13  // we are cross compiling for Nucleo-f401 
    InterruptIn stop_button (USER_BUTTON);
-   stop_button.rise (&MeasuringStopIRQ);  
+   stop_button.rise (&SwitchMeasuringSensorIRQ);  
    DevI2C *device_i2c =new DevI2C(VL53L0_I2C_SDA, VL53L0_I2C_SCL);        
    RangeMeasure(device_i2c);  // start continuous measures