This is a driver needed by NFCEEPROOM constructor for the ST ST25DV NFC chip.

Dependents:   mbed-os-example-nfc-EEPROM



File content as of revision 0:dd89565c6276:

  * @file    x_nucleo_nfc04a1.c
  * @author  MMY Application Team
  * @version $Revision: 3351 $
  * @date    $Date: 2017-01-25 17:28:08 +0100 (Wed, 25 Jan 2017) $
  * @brief   This file provides nfc04a1 specific functions
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2017 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Licensed under ST MYLIBERTY SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "License");
  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied,
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "st25dv.h"
#include "time.h"

/** @defgroup X_NUCLEO_NFC04A1
 * @{
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private defines -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ 
/* Global variables ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup X_NUCLEO_NFC04A1_Global_Variables
 * @{
//uint8_t NFC04A1_Led[3] = {  1 , 2 , 3 };

 * @}

/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/

NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef ST25DV_IO_Init( I2C* mi2cChannel, DigitalOut *mLPD );
NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef ST25DV_IO_MemWrite( const uint8_t * const pData, const uint8_t DevAddr, const uint16_t TarAddr, const uint16_t Size, I2C* mi2cChannel );
NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef ST25DV_IO_MemRead( uint8_t * const pData, const uint8_t DevAddr, const uint16_t TarAddr, const uint16_t Size, I2C* mi2cChannel );
NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef ST25DV_IO_Read( uint8_t * const pData, const uint8_t DevAddr, const uint16_t Size, I2C* mi2cChannel );
NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef ST25DV_IO_IsDeviceReady( const uint8_t DevAddr, const uint32_t Trials, I2C* mi2cChannel);
NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef NFCTAG_ConvertStatus(uint8_t ret);

/* Functions Definition ------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup X_NUCLEO_NFC04A1_Public_Functions
 * @{

  * @brief  Toggles the selected LED
  * @param  led : Specifies the Led to be toggled
  * @retval None
void NFC04A1_LED_Toggle( DigitalOut* led)
	*led = !(*led);

  * @brief  This function get the GPIO value through GPIO
  * @param  None
  * @retval HAL GPIO pin status
DigitalOut NFC04A1_GPO_ReadPin( DigitalOut *mMISO )
  return *mMISO;

  * @brief  This function initialize the GPIO to manage the NFCTAG LPD pin
  * @param  None
  * @retval None

void NFC04A1_LPD_Init( DigitalOut *mLPD )
	*mLPD = 0;

  * @brief  This function get the GPIO value through GPIO
  * @param  None
  * @retval HAL GPIO pin status
uint8_t NFC04A1_LPD_ReadPin( DigitalOut *mLPD )
  return mLPD -> read();

  * @brief  This function get the GPIO value through GPIO
  * @param  None
  * @retval HAL GPIO pin status
void NFC04A1_LPD_WritePin( uint8_t LpdPinState, DigitalOut *mLPD )
  mLPD -> write( LpdPinState );

  * @brief  This function select the i2cChannel1 speed to communicate with NFCTAG
  * @param  i2cChannelspeedchoice Number from 0 to 5 to select i2cChannel speed
  * @param mi2cChannel : I2C channel
  * @retval HAL GPIO pin status
void NFC04A1_Selecti2cSpeed( uint8_t i2cspeedchoice, I2C* mi2cChannel)
  switch( i2cspeedchoice )
    case 0:
      mi2cChannel -> frequency(10000);
    case 1:
      mi2cChannel -> frequency(100000);
    case 2:
    mi2cChannel -> frequency(200000);
    case 3:
    mi2cChannel -> frequency(400000);
    case 4:

    mi2cChannel -> frequency(800000);
    case 5:
    mi2cChannel -> frequency(1000000);
    mi2cChannel -> frequency(1000000);


 * @}

/** @defgroup X_NUCLEO_NFC04A1_Private_Functions
 * @{
/******************************** LINK EEPROM COMPONENT *****************************/

  * @brief  Initializes peripherals used by the i2cChannel NFCTAG driver
  * @param mi2cChannel : I2C channel
  * @param mLPD
  * @retval NFCTAG enum status
NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef ST25DV_IO_Init( I2C* mi2cChannel, DigitalOut *mLPD )

  NFC04A1_LPD_Init( mLPD );

  NFC04A1_Selecti2cSpeed(3, mi2cChannel);

  return NFCTAG_OK;

  * @brief  Write data, at specific address, through i2c to the ST25DV
  * @param  pData: pointer to the data to write
  * @param  DevAddr : Target device address
  * @param  TarAddr : i2c data memory address to write
  * @param  Size : Size in bytes of the value to be written
  * @param mi2cChannel : I2C channel
  * @retval NFCTAG enum status
NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef ST25DV_IO_MemWrite( const uint8_t * const pData, const uint8_t DevAddr, const uint16_t TarAddr, const uint16_t Size, I2C* mi2cChannel )

  uint8_t ret = 4;
  uint8_t Addr = DevAddr;

  uint8_t buffer[2];
  buffer[0] = (uint8_t) (TarAddr>>8);
  buffer[1] = (uint8_t) (TarAddr&0xFF);

   char * pDataChar = (char*) pData;

  ret = mi2cChannel -> write(Addr, (const char*)buffer, 2 , true);

  // Address is not OK
  	if(ret != 0)
		return NFCTAG_ConvertStatus(ret);

	ret = mi2cChannel -> write(Addr, pDataChar, Size, false);

  return NFCTAG_ConvertStatus(ret);

  * @brief  Reads data at a specific address from the NFCTAG.
  * @param  pData: pointer to store read data
  * @param  DevAddr : Target device address
  * @param  TarAddr : i2c data memory address to read
  * @param  Size : Size in bytes of the value to be read
  * @param mi2cChannel : I2C channel
  * @retval NFCTAG enum status

NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef ST25DV_IO_MemRead( uint8_t * const pData, const uint8_t DevAddr, const uint16_t TarAddr, const uint16_t Size, I2C* mi2cChannel )

	uint8_t ret = 4;
	uint8_t Addr = DevAddr;

    uint8_t buffer[2];
    buffer[0] = (uint8_t) (TarAddr>>8);
    buffer[1] = (uint8_t) (TarAddr&0xFF);

    ret = mi2cChannel -> write(Addr, (const char*)buffer , 2 , false);

    // Address is not OK
  	if(ret != 0)
  		return NFCTAG_ConvertStatus(ret);

	char * pDataChar = (char*) pData;

	ret = mi2cChannel -> read(DevAddr, pDataChar, Size, false );

	return NFCTAG_ConvertStatus(ret);

NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef NFCTAG_ConvertStatus(uint8_t ret) {
	if (ret == 0) {
		return NFCTAG_OK;
	} else if ((ret == 2) || (ret == 3)) {
		return NFCTAG_NACK;
	} else {
		return NFCTAG_ERROR;

  * @brief  Reads data at current address from the NFCTAG.
  * @param  pData: pointer to store read data
  * @param  DevAddr : Target device address
  * @param  Size : Size in bytes of the value to be read
  * @retval NFCTAG enum status
NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef ST25DV_IO_Read( uint8_t * const pData, const uint8_t DevAddr, const uint16_t Size, I2C* mi2cChannel )
	//this has to change( send  addr then read)
	int i = 0;
	uint8_t ret = 4;

	char * pDataChar = (char*) pData;
	uint8_t ReadAddr = DevAddr | 1u;
	ret = mi2cChannel -> read(ReadAddr, pDataChar, 1, false );

// Tell slave we need to read 1byte from the current register
	while(mi2cChannel -> read( 0 ) != 0) {
		pData[i++] = mi2cChannel -> read( 0 );


  return NFCTAG_ConvertStatus( ret);

* @brief  Checks if target device is ready for communication
* @note   This function is used with Memory devices
* @param  DevAddr : Target device address
* @param  mi2cChannel : I2C channel
* @retval NFCTAG enum status
NFCTAG_StatusTypeDef ST25DV_IO_IsDeviceReady( const uint8_t DevAddr, const uint32_t Trials, I2C* mi2cChannel)
  int ret = 4;
  uint32_t count = 0;

  uint8_t Addr = DevAddr;

  while ((count++ < Trials && ret) ) {
	  ret = mi2cChannel -> write(Addr, NULL, 0 , false);
  return NFCTAG_ConvertStatus(ret);

 * @}

 * @}

 * @}

/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2017 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/