ST Americas mbed Team

Information on how to use the STM32 Nucleo board with mbed

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STM32 Nucleo ATT Hackathon

AT&T CTIA Connected Car and Connected Home Hackathon

ST is proud to be a part of Team mBed™ at the AT&T Hackathon at Super Mobility Week - Code for Car and Home. Join us at the event in Las Vegas by registering now for your free ticket! And if you are going to be a part of the Hackathon, read up on ST’s microcontrollers beforehand here to increase your chances at the $10k grand prize.


Tutorial #1: Preparing the STM32F411 Nucleo Board for Development with ARM mbed
Tutorial #2: Getting Started with mbed and the STM32F411 Nucleo Board

STM32F411 Nucleo Information


The STM32 Nucleo board is a low-cost and easy-to-use development platform used to quickly evaluate and start a development with an STM32 microcontroller in LQFP64 package.

STM32F411 Microcontroller Information

The STM32F411XC/XE family is based on the high-performance ARM Cortex-M4 32-bit RISC core operating at a frequency of up to 100 MHz. Its Cortex-M4 with FPU core features a Floating point unit (FPU) single precision which supports all ARM single-precision data-processing instructions and data types. It also implements a full set of DSP instructions and a memory protection unit (MPU) which enhances application security.

ST-Link is the USB device interface that allows the STM32 Nucleo to be programmed by mbed.
It is recommended that you pre-install the ST-Link PC driver and update the ST-Link firmware before using your STM32 Nucleo with mbed.

ST-Link PC Firmware (V2.J22.M5)
ST-Link PC Driver

ST-Link/V2 is a software utilities that allows you to connect to the STM32 microcontroller on the Nucleo board. It allows you to read and write the embedded flash contents of the STM32.
STM32 ST-Link Software Utility
STM32 ST-Link Software Description

WiFi Connectivity Modules


Seeed Studio Sensor Information
Use the Grove Shield board to connect to the STM32 Nucleo Arduino connector. The provides the base for connected other Grove sensor modules


AT&T M2X is a fully managed data storage service for internet connected machine-to-machine devices that leverages the power and scale of AT&T's global network.

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