
Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 mbed

Thu Dec 01 17:54:29 2016 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
russof 0:44863862864b 1 #include "mbed.h"
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 2 #define ACC_ADD_W 0b11010110
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 3 #define ACC_ADD_R 0b11010111
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 4 #define X_OUT_1 0x28
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 5 #define X_OUT_2 0x29
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 6 #define Y_OUT_1 0x2A
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 7 #define Y_OUT_2 0x2B
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 8 #define Z_OUT_1 0X2C
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 9 #define Z_OUT_2 0X2D
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 10 #define CTRL_REG6_XL 0x20
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 11 #define WHO_AM_I 0x0F
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 12 #define REFERENCE_G 0x0B
russof 0:44863862864b 13
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 14 I2C myi2c(D14, D15);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 15 Serial pc (SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 16 //void testRead(); void testWrite();
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 17 int read_reg(int reg_add);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 18 void setup(void);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 19 int merge_int(int val_msb, int val_lsb);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 20 void write_reg(int reg_add, int data_in);
russof 0:44863862864b 21
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 22 int main ()
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 23 {
russof 0:44863862864b 24
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 25 setup();
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 26 //testRead(); testWrite();
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 27 int out[2];
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 28 while (1)
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 29 { //testWrite();
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 30 out[1]=read_reg(X_OUT_1);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 31 out[0]=read_reg(X_OUT_2);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 32 pc.printf("X: %d \n\r", merge_int(out[0], out[1]));
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 33 out[1]=read_reg(Y_OUT_1);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 34 out[0]=read_reg(Y_OUT_2);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 35 pc.printf("Y: %d%d \n\r ", out[1], out[0]);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 36 out[1]=read_reg(Z_OUT_1);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 37 out[0]=read_reg(Z_OUT_2);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 38 pc.printf("Z: %d%d \n\r", out[1], out[0]);
russof 0:44863862864b 39 wait(1.0);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 40 }
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 41
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 42
russof 0:44863862864b 43 }
russof 0:44863862864b 44
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 45
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 46 int read_reg(int reg_add)
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 47
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 48 {
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 49 int status=0;
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 50 char dato;
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 51 myi2c.start(); //viene mandato il segnale di start
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 52 status=myi2c.write(ACC_ADD_W); //scrivo l'indirizzo dell'accelerometro in scrittura
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 53 if (status==0)
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 54 pc.printf("ERRORE1");
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 55 status=myi2c.write(reg_add); //mando indirizzo del registro
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 56 if (status==0)
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 57 pc.printf("ERRORE2");
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 58 myi2c.start(); //mando il segnale di restart
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 59 status=myi2c.write(ACC_ADD_R); //mando indirizzo dell'accelerometro in lettura
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 60 if (status==0)
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 61 pc.printf("ERRORE3");
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 62; //leggo il dato sul bus e lo salvo in dato
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 63 myi2c.stop(); //mando il segnale di stop
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 64 return dato; //ritorno il dato
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 65 }
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 66
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 67 void setup(void)
russof 0:44863862864b 68 {
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 69 pc.printf("Starting up the machine...\n\r");
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 70 write_reg(CTRL_REG6_XL, 0x20);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 71 return;
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 72 }
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 73
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 74 int merge_int(int val_msb, int val_lsb)
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 75 {
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 76 int to_return = val_lsb + val_msb<<8;
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 77 return to_return;
russof 0:44863862864b 78 }
russof 0:44863862864b 79
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 80 /*void testRead()
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 81 {
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 82 int out[2];
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 83 out[1]=read_reg(WHO_AM_I);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 84 pc.printf("WHO_AM_I: %d \n\r", out[1]);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 85 }*/
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 86
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 87 void write_reg(int reg_add, int data_in)
russof 0:44863862864b 88 {
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 89 int status=0;
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 90 myi2c.start(); //viene mandato il segnale di start
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 91 status=myi2c.write(ACC_ADD_W); //scrivo l'indirizzo dell'accelerometro in scrittura
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 92 if (status==0)
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 93 pc.printf("ERRORE1");
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 94 status=myi2c.write(reg_add); //mando indirizzo del registro
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 95 if (status==0)
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 96 pc.printf("ERRORE2");
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 97 status=myi2c.write(data_in);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 98 if (status==0)
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 99 pc.printf("ERRORE3");
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 100 myi2c.stop(); //mando il segnale di stop
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 101 return;
russof 0:44863862864b 102 }
russof 0:44863862864b 103
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 104
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 105 /*void testWrite()
russof 0:44863862864b 106 {
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 107
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 108 int dato;
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 109 write_reg(REFERENCE_G,89);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 110 dato=read_reg(REFERENCE_G);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 111 pc.printf("vediamo se funziona: %d", dato);
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 112 return ; //ritorno il dato
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 113
Samuel56 1:c3bb15cf5b08 114 }*/