
Dependencies:   LSM9DS1_Library_cal RPCInterface final mbed

Fork of SDFileSystem_HelloWorld by mbed official

diff -r f54bee9d59de -r 55495227fcca main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Apr 28 19:18:46 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon May 01 11:05:37 2017 +0000
@@ -1,165 +1,132 @@
-/* Author: Pramod Nataraja & Vishnu Venkat  */
  #include "mbed.h" 
- #include "VS1002.h" 
- //#include "TextLCD.h"
- #include "mpr121.h"
- #include "LSM9DS1.h"
- #include "SerialRPCInterface.h"
+ #include "VS1002.h"
  using namespace mbed;
+/*For Change Task*/
+ #define MUSIC_PLAYER 's'
+ #define LED 'l'
+ #define MOTOR 'm'
+volatile char task=MUSIC_PLAYER;
+/*Serial COM port*/
+Serial pc1(USBTX, USBRX);
+Serial taskport(p28,p27); 
+/*For Music Control*/  
+VS1002 mp3(p5, p6, p7, p8,"sd",p11, p12 ,p13, p14, p18, p19, p20, p15);  
+char *song_name[6]={"Escape","Summer of 69","Monster", "Leave out all the rest","Kings","Interstellar Docking"}; //Array of song names entered manually
+int new_song_number=1;  //Variable to store the Song Number
+int volume_set=-5;     //Variable to store the Volume
+int previous_volume;    //Variable to store the volume when muted
+bool pause=false;       //Variable to store the status of Pause button 
+bool mute=false;        //Variable to store the status of mute button
  #define NEXT 7
  #define PREVIOUS 8
  #define PP 9
  #define V_DOWN 10
  #define V_UP 11
  #define MUTE_UNMUTE 12
-//Ticker flipper;
-//LSM9DS1 IMU(p28, p27, 0xD6, 0x3C);
-//SerialRPCInterface RPC(p28, p27);
-//void foo(Arguments*  input, Reply* output);
-//RPCFunction bluetooth_control(&foo, "bluetooth_control");
-/*float tempx=0;
-float tempy=0;
-float tempz=0;
-float delx=0;
-float dely=0;
-float delz=0;
-float del=0;*/ 
-VS1002 mp3(p5, p6, p7, p8,"sd",p11, p12 ,p13, p14, p23, p22, p21, p15);  //Setup Audio decoder. Name is VS1002 even though VS1053 is used.
-//TextLCD lcd1(p30, p29, p17, p18, p19, p20); //setup lcd
-//InterruptIn interrupt(p26); // Create the interrupt receiver object on pin 26
-//I2C i2c(p9, p10); // Setup the i2c bus on pins 9 and 10
-//Mpr121 mpr121(&i2c, Mpr121::ADD_VSS); //Setup Mpr121
-Serial pc1(USBTX, USBRX);
+/*For LED Control*/
+PwmOut red(p24);
+PwmOut green(p23);
+PwmOut blue(p22);
+/*For Motor Control*/
+PwmOut fanSwitch(p21);
+/*For Debugging*/
+ DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+ DigitalOut led2(LED2);
-/* Global Variables to store Status*/
-int new_song_number=1;  //Variable to store the Song Number
-int volume_set=0;     //Variable to store the Volume
-int previous_volume;    //Variable to store the volume when muted
-bool pause=false;       //Variable to store the status of Pause button 
-bool mute=false;        //Variable to store the status of mute button
+/*For Change Task*/
+  void changeTask()
+  {
+      if(taskport.readable()){
+          char c=taskport.getc();
+          pc1.putc(c);
+          task=c;
+          }
+      }
+/*For Do Different Function*/
+  void changeAction(){
+  if(pc1.readable()){
+  const char arg0=pc1.getc();
+  if(task==LED){
+     switch(arg0)
+    {
+        case '1':
+                    {
+                        red = 1.0;
+                        green = 1.0;
+                        blue = 1.0;
+                    }
+                    break;
+        case '2':
+                    {
+                        red = 0.75;
+                        green = 0.75;
+                        blue = 0.75;
+                    }
+                    break;    
+        case '3':
+                    {
+                        red = 0.5;
+                        green = 0.5;
+                        blue = 0.5;
+                    }
+                    break; 
+        case '4':
+                    {
+                        red = 0.25;
+                        green = 0.25;
+                        blue = 0.25;
+                    }
+                    break;  
-int check=0;    //Capacitative touch generates interrupt on both press and release. This variable tracks this and updates only on press.
-//char *song_name[6]={"18 till I Die","Summer of 69","Boulevard", "Serenity","Crawling","In the end"}; //Array of song names entered manually
-char *song_name[6]={"Escape","Summer of 69","Monster", "Leave out all the rest","Kings","Interstellar Docking"}; //Array of song names entered manually
-/*void fallInterrupt() 
+        default :
+                    break;                                                
+    }
+    led1=!led1;
+  }else if(task==MOTOR){
+     switch(arg0)
+    {
+        case '1':
+                    {
+                        fanSwitch = 1.0; //Full Speed
+                    }
+                    break;
+        case '2':
+                    {
+                        fanSwitch = 0.3; // Medium Speed
+                    }
+                    break;    
+        case '3':
+                    {
+                        fanSwitch = 0; // Low Speed
+                    }
+                    break; 
+        default :
+                    break;                                                
+    }
+    led2=!led2;
+  }else if(task==MUSIC_PLAYER)
+  {
   int key_code=0;
-  int i=0;
-  int value;
-  value=mpr121.read(0x00);
-  value +=mpr121.read(0x01)<<8;
-   i=0;
-  if(check)
-    check=0;
-   else
-    check=1;
-  if(check)
-    {
-  for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
-  if (((value>>i)&0x01)==1) key_code=i+1; //Convert value into decimal
-     }
+    switch(arg0){
+    case '1': key_code=V_UP; break;
+    case '2': key_code=V_DOWN; break;
+    case '3': key_code=PP; break;
+    case '4': key_code=NEXT; break;
+    case '5': key_code=PREVIOUS; break;
+    case '6': key_code=MUTE_UNMUTE; break;   
+    default : key_code=0; break; 
+    }
  switch(key_code)  // Different cases depending on key press
- {
-  case 0:break;  // Invalid entry . Valid 1-12
-  case 1:   
-  case 2:  
-  case 3:  
-  case 4:    
-  case 5:     
-  case 6: new_song_number=key_code; // Play the selected song
-          break; 
-  case NEXT:new_song_number+=1;  // Next song
-          if(new_song_number==7)
-           new_song_number=1;
-          break;
-  case PREVIOUS: new_song_number-=1;  // Previous Song
-          if(new_song_number==0)
-           new_song_number=6;
-          break;
-  case PP: pause=!pause; // Pause/Play button
-          break;
-  case V_UP: volume_set+=3; // Volume Up
-           if(volume_set>=0)
-            volume_set=0;
-           break;
-  case V_DOWN: volume_set-=3;  //Volume Down
-           if(volume_set<-55)
-            volume_set=-55;
-            break;
-  case MUTE_UNMUTE: mute=!mute;  //Mute/Unmute
-           if(mute)
-           {
-            previous_volume=volume_set; // Attenuation of -55 db is small enough to not hear anything
-            volume_set=-55;
-           }
-           else
-           {
-           volume_set=previous_volume;
-           }
-           break;
-  default: ;//pc.cls();
-           pc1.printf("error");  // exit on error
-           exit(1);
-        }
- }
-  if(pause)
-    pc1.printf("Paused ");
-  if(mute)
-   pc1.printf("Muted");
-  if(!mute && !pause)
-   pc1.printf("Playing"); 
-  pc1.printf("\r\n %d %s",new_song_number,song_name[new_song_number-1]);
- }*/
-/*void IMUInterrupt() 
-  int key_code=0;
-    while(!IMU.accelAvailable());
-        tempx=IMU.calcAccel(IMU.ax);
-        tempy=IMU.calcAccel(IMU.ay);
-        tempz=IMU.calcAccel(IMU.az);
-        IMU.readAccel();
-        delx=tempx-IMU.calcAccel(IMU.ax);
-        dely=tempy-IMU.calcAccel(IMU.ay);
-        delz=tempz-IMU.calcAccel(IMU.az);
-        //del=delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz;
-        if(delx>0.15)
-        key_code=NEXT;
-        if(delx<-0.15)
-        key_code=PREVIOUS;
-        if(dely>0.15)
-        key_code=V_UP;
-        if(dely<-0.15)
-        key_code=V_DOWN;
-        if(delz>0.15)
-        key_code=PP;
-        if(delz<-0.15)
-        key_code=MUTE_UNMUTE;
-        //pc1.printf("delx:%f  dely:%f  delz:%f\r\n",delx,dely,delz);
-        //pc1.printf("key_code:%d\r\n",key_code);
- switch(key_code)  // Different cases depending on key press
- {
-  case 0:break;  // Invalid entry . Valid 1-12
-  case 1:   
-  case 2:  
-  case 3:  
-  case 4:    
-  case 5:     
-  case 6: new_song_number=key_code; // Play the selected song
-          break; 
+ { 
   case NEXT:
             new_song_number+=1;  // Next song
@@ -178,106 +145,13 @@
   case V_UP: 
-            volume_set+=3; // Volume Up
+            volume_set+=10; // Volume Up
   case V_DOWN: 
-            volume_set-=3;  //Volume Down
-           if(volume_set<-55)
-            volume_set=-55;
-            break;
-  case MUTE_UNMUTE: 
-            pc1.printf("mute_unmute\r\n");
-            mute=!mute;  //Mute/Unmute
-           if(mute)
-           {
-            previous_volume=volume_set; // Attenuation of -55 db is small enough to not hear anything
-            volume_set=-55;
-           }
-           else
-           {
-           volume_set=previous_volume;
-           }
-           break;
-  default: ;//pc.cls();
-           pc1.printf("error");  // exit on error
-           exit(1);
-        }
-  if(pause)
-    pc1.printf("Paused ");
-  if(mute)
-   pc1.printf("Muted");
-  if(!mute && !pause)
-   pc1.printf("Playing"); 
-  pc1.printf("\r\n %d %s",new_song_number,song_name[new_song_number-1]);
- }*/
- //void foo(Arguments * input, Reply * output){
-  void foo(){
-  //const char *arg0=input->getArg<const char*>();
-  pc1.printf("hi\n");
-  if(pc1.readable()){
-  const char arg0=pc1.getc();
-  //pc1.printf(arg0);
-  int key_code=0;
-    //switch(*arg0){
-    switch(arg0){
-    case '1': key_code=V_UP; break;
-    case '2': key_code=V_DOWN; break;
-    case '3': key_code=PP; break;
-    case '4': key_code=MUTE_UNMUTE; break;
-    case 'N': key_code=NEXT; break;
-    case 'B': key_code=PREVIOUS; break;
-    case 'a':    
-    case 'b':  
-    case 'c':  
-    case 'd':    
-    case 'e':     
-    case 'f': key_code=arg0-'0'; // Play the selected song
-          break;   
-    default : key_code=0; break; 
-    }
- switch(key_code)  // Different cases depending on key press
- {
-  case 0:break;  // Invalid entry . Valid 1-12
-  case 1:   
-  case 2:  
-  case 3:  
-  case 4:    
-  case 5:     
-  case 6: new_song_number=key_code; // Play the selected song
-          break; 
-  case NEXT:
-            pc1.printf("next\r\n");
-            new_song_number+=1;  // Next song
-          if(new_song_number==7)
-           new_song_number=1;
-          break;
-  case PREVIOUS: 
-            pc1.printf("previous\r\n");
-            new_song_number-=1;  // Previous Song
-          if(new_song_number==0)
-           new_song_number=6;
-          break;
-  case PP: 
-            pc1.printf("pp\r\n");
-            pause=!pause; // Pause/Play button
-          break;
-  case V_UP: 
-            pc1.printf("v_up\r\n");
-            volume_set+=3; // Volume Up
-           if(volume_set>=0)
-            volume_set=0;
-           break;
-  case V_DOWN: 
-            pc1.printf("v_down\r\n");
-            volume_set-=3;  //Volume Down
+            volume_set-=10;  //Volume Down
@@ -309,19 +183,13 @@
   pc1.printf("\r\n %d %s",new_song_number,song_name[new_song_number-1]);   
+  }
  int main () 
-    pc1.printf("hello\r\n");
-    /*IMU.begin();
-    if (!IMU.begin()) {
-        pc1.printf("Failed to communicate with LSM9DS1.\r\n");
-    }
-    IMU.calibrate(1);*/  
-     /*============================================================ 
-      * MP3 Initialising 
-      *==========================================================*/
+    led1=1;
+    led2=1;
+    pc1.printf("hello\r\n");      
      mp3._RST = 1; 
      mp3.cs_high();                                  //chip disabled 
@@ -329,15 +197,9 @@
      mp3.sci_write(0x03, 0x9800); 
-   /* Touch Pad setup */
-      //interrupt.fall(&fallInterrupt);
-      //interrupt.mode(PullUp);
-      //interrupt.fall(&IMUInterrupt);
-      //interrupt.mode(PullUp);
-      //  flipper.attach(&IMUInterrupt, 1);
-      pc1.attach(&foo, Serial::RxIrq);
+    pc1.attach(&changeAction, Serial::RxIrq);//Serial interrupt for function code
+    taskport.attach(&changeTask, Serial::RxIrq);// Serial interrupt for Task code