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tpMatrix_t Struct Reference

tpMatrix_t Struct Reference

Data type that manages the calibration matrix for the resistive touch panel. More...

#include <DisplayDefs.h>

Data Fields

int32_t An
 calibration factor, see source for details
int32_t Bn
 calibration factor, see source for details
int32_t Cn
 calibration factor, see source for details
int32_t Dn
 calibration factor, see source for details
int32_t En
 calibration factor, see source for details
int32_t Fn
 calibration factor, see source for details
int32_t Divider
 calibration factor, see source for details

Detailed Description

Data type that manages the calibration matrix for the resistive touch panel.

This object, when instantiated, may be passed back and forth, stored and loaded, but the internals are generally of little interest.

Definition at line 67 of file DisplayDefs.h.

Field Documentation

int32_t An

calibration factor, see source for details

Definition at line 69 of file DisplayDefs.h.

int32_t Bn

calibration factor, see source for details

Definition at line 70 of file DisplayDefs.h.

int32_t Cn

calibration factor, see source for details

Definition at line 71 of file DisplayDefs.h.

int32_t Divider

calibration factor, see source for details

Definition at line 75 of file DisplayDefs.h.

int32_t Dn

calibration factor, see source for details

Definition at line 72 of file DisplayDefs.h.

int32_t En

calibration factor, see source for details

Definition at line 73 of file DisplayDefs.h.

int32_t Fn

calibration factor, see source for details

Definition at line 74 of file DisplayDefs.h.