C++ Library for the PsiSwarm Robot - Version 0.8
Dependents: PsiSwarm_V8_Blank_CPP Autonomia_RndmWlk
Fork of PsiSwarmV7_CPP by
- Committer:
- jah128
- Date:
- 2016-02-04
- Revision:
- 0:d6269d17c8cf
- Child:
- 2:c6986ee3c7c5
File content as of revision 0:d6269d17c8cf:
/* University of York Robotics Laboratory PsiSwarm Library: Display Driver Source File * * File: display.cpp * * (C) Dept. Electronics & Computer Science, University of York * * James Hilder, Alan Millard, Alexander Horsfield, Homero Elizondo, Jon Timmis * * PsiSwarm Library Version: 0.4 * * February 2016 * * Driver for the Midas 16x2 I2C LCD Display (MCCOG21605x6W) LCD * [Farnell part 2218942 or 2063206] * */ #include "psiswarm.h" Timeout init_timeout; Timeout backlight_timeout; Timeout debug_timeout; int backlight_on_time; int backlight_off_time; char backlight_step; char multipage[200]; char multipage_length = 0; char preserve_line_1 [17]; char preserve_line_2 [17]; char c_row=0; char c_column=0; char p_row; char p_column; Display::Display(PinName sda, PinName scl, PinName reset, PinName backlight) : Stream("display"), _i2c(sda,scl), _reset(reset), _backlight(backlight) { } Display::Display() : Stream("display"), _i2c(p28,p27), _reset(p29), _backlight(p30) { } int Display::i2c_message(char byte){ char bytes [2]; bytes[0]=0x80; bytes[1]=byte; int ret=_i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,bytes,2); wait(0.01); return ret; } int Display::disp_putc(int c){ char message [2]; message[0]=0x40; message[1]=c; _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,message,2); wait(0.01); return c; } void Display::init_display(char mode){ //Set initial states: display on, cursor off display_on = 1; set_backlight_brightness(1); cursor_on = 0; blink_on = 0; _reset=1; wait(0.02); //Set reset low _reset=0; wait(0.001); _reset=1; wait(0.03); i2c_message(0x38); i2c_message(0x39); i2c_message(0x14); i2c_message(0x74); i2c_message(0x54); i2c_message(0x6F); _set_display(); clear_display(); char psis[17]; for(int i=0;i<16;i++){ psis[i]=0x1D; } set_position(0,0); write_string(psis,16); set_position(1,0); write_string(psis,16); wait(0.25); clear_display(); if(mode == 0){ set_position(0,0); write_string(" YORK ROBOTICS"); set_position(1,0); write_string(" LABORATORY"); init_timeout.attach(this,&Display::post_init,0.3);} else { set_position(0,0); write_string("Hold button to"); set_position(1,0); write_string("launch demo code"); } } void Display::post_init(){ clear_display(); home(); write_string("PSI SWARM ROBOT"); set_position(1,0); char line [17]; sprintf(line,"VERSION %1.2f", SOFTWARE_VERSION_CODE ); set_position(1,0); write_string(line); init_timeout.attach(this,&Display::post_post_init,0.3); } void Display::post_post_init(){ clear_display(); home(); } void Display::write_string(char * message){ size_t length = strlen(message); if (length > 16) length = 16; char to_send [length+1]; to_send[0]=0x40; for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ to_send[i+1] = message[i]; } _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,to_send,length+1); // Add to saved buffer int count = 0; for(int i=c_column;i<16;i++){ if(count < length){ if(c_row == 0) preserve_line_1[i] = message[count]; else preserve_line_2[i] = message[count]; } count++; } c_column+=length; if(c_column>15) c_column=15; } void Display::write_string(char * message, char length){ char to_send [length+1]; to_send[0]=0x40; for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ to_send[i+1] = message[i]; } _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,to_send,length+1); // Add to saved buffer int count = 0; for(int i=c_column;i<16;i++){ if(count < length){ if(c_row == 0) preserve_line_1[i] = message[count]; else preserve_line_2[i] = message[count]; } count++; } c_column+=length; if(c_column>15) c_column=15; } void Display::set_position(char row, char column){ if(row < 2 && column < 16){ char pos = 128 +((row * 64)+column); i2c_message(pos); c_row= row; c_column = column; } } void Display::set_cursor(char enable){ cursor_on=enable; _set_display(); } void Display::set_blink(char enable){ blink_on=enable; _set_display(); } void Display::set_display(char enable){ display_on=enable; _set_display(); } void Display::set_backlight_brightness(float brightness){ if(brightness > 1) brightness = 0; if(brightness < 0) brightness = 0; backlight_brightness = brightness; if(backlight_brightness == 1) { backlight_timeout.detach(); _backlight = 1; }else{ if(backlight_brightness == 0){ backlight_timeout.detach(); _backlight = 0; } else { backlight_on_time = (int) (10000.0f * backlight_brightness); backlight_off_time = 10000 - backlight_on_time; backlight_step = 0; _backlight = 0; backlight_timeout.attach_us(this,&Display::IF_backlight_toggle,backlight_off_time); } } } void Display::IF_backlight_toggle(){ if(backlight_step == 0){ _backlight = 1; backlight_step = 1; backlight_timeout.attach_us(this,&Display::IF_backlight_toggle,backlight_on_time); } else { _backlight = 0; backlight_step = 0; backlight_timeout.attach_us(this,&Display::IF_backlight_toggle,backlight_off_time); } } void Display::clear_display(){ for(int i=0;i<16;i++){ preserve_line_1[i] = 0x20; preserve_line_2[i] = 0x20; } i2c_message(0x01); } void Display::home(){ c_row = 0; c_column = 0; i2c_message(0x02); } void Display::debug_page(char * message, char length){ p_row=c_row; p_column=c_column; i2c_message(0x01); home(); char multipage_mode = 0; char line_1[18]; char line_2[18]; line_1[0]=0x40; line_2[0]=0x40; if(length > 16){ strncpy(line_1+1, message, 16); char f_length = length - 16; if(f_length > 16) { f_length = 16; multipage_mode = 1; } strncpy(line_2+1, message+16, f_length); line_1[17]=0; line_2[f_length+1]=0; _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,line_1,17); set_position(1,0); _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,line_2,f_length+1); } else { strncpy(line_1+1, message, length); _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,line_1,length+1); } if(multipage_mode == 1){ strncpy(multipage, message + 32, length - 32); multipage_length = length - 32; debug_timeout.attach(this,&Display::IF_debug_multipage,PAGE_TIME); } else debug_timeout.attach(this,&Display::IF_restore_page,CLEAR_TIME); } void Display::IF_restore_page(){ i2c_message(0x01); home(); char line_1[17]; char line_2[17]; line_1[0]=0x40; line_2[0]=0x40; strncpy(line_1+1, preserve_line_1, 16); strncpy(line_2+1, preserve_line_2, 16); _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,line_1,17); set_position(1,0); _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,line_2,17); set_position(p_row,p_column); } void Display::IF_debug_multipage(){ i2c_message(0x01); home(); char multipage_mode = 0; char line_1[18]; char line_2[18]; line_1[0]=0x40; line_2[0]=0x40; if(multipage_length > 16){ strncpy(line_1+1, multipage, 16); char f_length = multipage_length - 16; if(f_length > 16) { f_length = 16; multipage_mode = 1; } strncpy(line_2+1, multipage+16, f_length); line_1[17]=0; line_2[f_length+1]=0; _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,line_1,17); set_position(1,0); _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,line_2,f_length+1); } else { strncpy(line_1+1, multipage, multipage_length); _i2c.write(LCD_ADDRESS,line_1,multipage_length+1); } if(multipage_mode == 1){ char temp[200]; strncpy(temp, multipage + 32, multipage_length - 32); multipage_length -= 32; strncpy(multipage, temp, multipage_length); debug_timeout.attach(this,&Display::IF_debug_multipage,PAGE_TIME); }else debug_timeout.attach(this,&Display::IF_restore_page,CLEAR_TIME); } void Display::_set_display(){ char mode = 8; if(display_on>0) mode += 4; if(cursor_on>0) mode += 2; if(blink_on>0) mode ++; i2c_message(mode); } int Display::_putc (int c) { putc(c); return(c); } int Display::_getc (void) { char r = 0; return(r); }