This driver is a stripped down version of the Radiohead 1.45 driver, and covers fewer radios. Threading and an event queue have been added to make the ISR's more stable across architectures. Specifically The STM32L4 parts

Dependents:   Threaded_LoRa_Modem



File content as of revision 7:250d1c72df36:

// RHGenericSPI.h
// Author: Mike McCauley (
// Copyright (C) 2011 Mike McCauley
// Contributed by Joanna Rutkowska
// $Id: RHGenericSPI.h,v 1.7 2014/04/14 08:37:11 mikem Exp $

#ifndef RHGenericSPI_h
#define RHGenericSPI_h

#include <RadioHead.h>

/// \class RHGenericSPI RHGenericSPI.h <RHGenericSPI.h>
/// \brief Base class for SPI interfaces
/// This generic abstract class is used to encapsulate hardware or software SPI interfaces for 
/// a variety of platforms.
/// The intention is so that driver classes can be configured to use hardware or software SPI
/// without changing the main code.
/// You must provide a subclass of this class to driver constructors that require SPI.
/// A concrete subclass that encapsualates the standard Arduino hardware SPI and a bit-banged
/// software implementation is included.
/// Do not directly use this class: it must be subclassed and the following abstract functions at least 
/// must be implmented:
/// - begin()
/// - end() 
/// - transfer()
class RHGenericSPI 

    /// \brief Defines constants for different SPI modes
    /// Defines constants for different SPI modes
    /// that can be passed to the constructor or setMode()
    /// We need to define these in a device and platform independent way, because the
    /// SPI implementation is different on each platform.
    typedef enum
	DataMode0 = 0, ///< SPI Mode 0: CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0
	DataMode1,     ///< SPI Mode 1: CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1
	DataMode2,     ///< SPI Mode 2: CPOL = 1, CPHA = 0
	DataMode3,     ///< SPI Mode 3: CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1
    } DataMode;

    /// \brief Defines constants for different SPI bus frequencies
    /// Defines constants for different SPI bus frequencies
    /// that can be passed to setFrequency().
    /// The frequency you get may not be exactly the one according to the name.
    /// We need to define these in a device and platform independent way, because the
    /// SPI implementation is different on each platform.
    typedef enum
	Frequency1MHz = 0,  ///< SPI bus frequency close to 1MHz
	Frequency2MHz,      ///< SPI bus frequency close to 2MHz
	Frequency4MHz,      ///< SPI bus frequency close to 4MHz
	Frequency8MHz,      ///< SPI bus frequency close to 8MHz
	Frequency16MHz      ///< SPI bus frequency close to 16MHz
    } Frequency;

    /// \brief Defines constants for different SPI endianness
    /// Defines constants for different SPI endianness
    /// that can be passed to setBitOrder()
    /// We need to define these in a device and platform independent way, because the
    /// SPI implementation is different on each platform.
    typedef enum
	BitOrderMSBFirst = 0,  ///< SPI MSB first
	BitOrderLSBFirst,      ///< SPI LSB first
    } BitOrder;

    /// Constructor
    /// Creates an instance of an abstract SPI interface.
    /// Do not use this contructor directly: you must instead use on of the concrete subclasses provided 
    /// such as RHHardwareSPI or RHSoftwareSPI
    /// \param[in] frequency One of RHGenericSPI::Frequency to select the SPI bus frequency. The frequency
    /// is mapped to the closest available bus frequency on the platform.
    /// \param[in] bitOrder Select the SPI bus bit order, one of RHGenericSPI::BitOrderMSBFirst or 
    /// RHGenericSPI::BitOrderLSBFirst.
    /// \param[in] dataMode Selects the SPI bus data mode. One of RHGenericSPI::DataMode
    RHGenericSPI(Frequency frequency = Frequency1MHz, BitOrder bitOrder = BitOrderMSBFirst, DataMode dataMode = DataMode0);

    /// Transfer a single octet to and from the SPI interface
    /// \param[in] data The octet to send
    /// \return The octet read from SPI while the data octet was sent
    virtual uint8_t transfer(uint8_t data) = 0;

    /// SPI Configuration methods
    /// Enable SPI interrupts (if supported)
    /// This can be used in an SPI slave to indicate when an SPI message has been received
    virtual void attachInterrupt() {};

    /// Disable SPI interrupts (if supported)
    /// This can be used to diable the SPI interrupt in slaves where that is supported.
    virtual void detachInterrupt() {};

    /// Initialise the SPI library.
    /// Call this after configuring and before using the SPI library
    virtual void begin() = 0;

    /// Disables the SPI bus (leaving pin modes unchanged). 
    /// Call this after you have finished using the SPI interface
    virtual void end() = 0;

    /// Sets the bit order the SPI interface will use
    /// Sets the order of the bits shifted out of and into the SPI bus, either 
    /// LSBFIRST (least-significant bit first) or MSBFIRST (most-significant bit first). 
    /// \param[in] bitOrder Bit order to be used: one of RHGenericSPI::BitOrder
    virtual void setBitOrder(BitOrder bitOrder);

    /// Sets the SPI data mode: that is, clock polarity and phase. 
    /// See the Wikipedia article on SPI for details. 
    /// \param[in] dataMode The mode to use: one of RHGenericSPI::DataMode
    virtual void setDataMode(DataMode dataMode);

    /// Sets the SPI clock divider relative to the system clock. 
    /// On AVR based boards, the dividers available are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128. 
    /// The default setting is SPI_CLOCK_DIV4, which sets the SPI clock to one-quarter 
    /// the frequency of the system clock (4 Mhz for the boards at 16 MHz). 
    /// \param[in] frequency The data rate to use: one of RHGenericSPI::Frequency
    virtual void setFrequency(Frequency frequency);

    /// The configure SPI Bus frequency, one of RHGenericSPI::Frequency
    Frequency    _frequency; // Bus frequency, one of RHGenericSPI::Frequency

    /// Bit order, one of RHGenericSPI::BitOrder
    BitOrder     _bitOrder;  

    /// SPI bus mode, one of RHGenericSPI::DataMode
    DataMode     _dataMode;  