
Dependencies:   WNC14A2AInterface

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/stm-spirit1-rf-driver/source/libs/Contiki_STM32_Library/README.md	Wed Apr 19 01:13:10 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Getting Started with Contiki for STM32 Nucleo equipped with sub-1GHz SPIRIT1 expansion boards
+This guide explains how to get started with the STM32 Nucleo and expansion boards port to Contiki.
+Port Feature
+The port supports the following boards from ST:
+-    NUCLEO-L152RE board, based on the STM32L152RET6 ultra-low power microcontroller
+-	X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 based on sub-1GHz SPSGRF-868 SPIRIT1 module (operating at 868 MHz)
+-	X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 based on sub-1GHz SPSGRF-915 SPIRIT1 module (operating at 915 MHz)
+-   X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 featuring motion MEMS and environmental sensors (optional)
+The following drivers are included:
+- LEDs and buttons (user, reset)
+- USB
+- SPIRIT1 sub-1GHz transceiver  
+- HTS221, LIS3MDL, LPS25HB, LSM6DS0 sensors
+Hardware Requirements
+* NUCLEO-L152RE development board
+ >The NUCLEO-L152RE board belongs to the STM32 Nucleo family.
+It features an STM32L152RET6 ultra-low power microcontroller based on ARM Cortex M3 MCU.
+Detailed information on the NUCLEO-L152RE development board can be found at:
+* X-NUCLEO-IDS01Ax sub-1GHz expansion board
+ >The X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 and X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 are STM32 Nucleo expansion boards that use 
+the module SPSGRF-868 or SPSGRF-915 based on SPIRIT1 low data rate, low power sub-1 GHz transceiver.
+ >The user can select the X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 board to operate the SPIRIT1 transceiver at 868MHz or the X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 board to operate the SPIRIT1 transceiver at 915MHz.
+ >Detailed information on the X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 expansion board can be found at:
+ >Detailed information on the X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 expansion board can be found at:
+ >Detailed information on the SPIRIT1 sub-1GHz transceiver can be found at:
+* X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1, motion MEMS and environmental sensors expansion board (OPTIONAL)
+ >The X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 is a motion MEMS and environmental sensor evaluation board.
+The use of this board is optional in the stm32nucleo-spirit1 Contiki platform. 
+ >Detailed information on the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 expansion board can be found at:
+* USB type A to Mini-B USB cable, to connect the STM32 Nucleo board to the PC
+Software Requirements
+The following software are needed:
+* ST port of Contiki for STM32 Nucleo and expansion boards. 
+ >The port is automatically installed when both the Contiki and the submodule repository are cloned: the former hosts the Contiki distribution and the ST platform interface, the latter hosts the actual library. The following commands are needed to download the full porting: 
+	git clone https://github.com/STclab/contiki.git
+	cd contiki/
+	git checkout stm32nucleo-spirit1
+	git submodule init
+	git submodule update
+Note: the first and third steps are required only if using the STclab GitHub repository, they won't be needed any more once the Pull Request is accepted.
+The platform name is: stm32nucleo-spirit1
+* A toolchain to build the firmware: The port has been developed and tested with GNU Tools 
+for ARM Embedded Processors.
+ >The toolchain can be found at: https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded
+The port was developed and tested using this version: gcc-arm-none-eabi v4.8.3
+The following examples have been successfully tested:
+* examples/stm32nucleo-spirit1/sensor-demo
+* examples/ipv6/simple-udp-rpl (multicast, rpl-border-router, simple-udp-rpl)
+Build an example
+In order to build an example go to the selected example directory (see a list of tested
+examples in the previous section).
+For example, go to examples/ipv6/simple-udp-rpl directory.
+If the X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 sub-1GHz RF expansion board is used, the following must be run:
+	make TARGET=stm32nucleo-spirit1 USE_SUBGHZ_BOARD=IDS01A4 clean
+	make TARGET=stm32nucleo-spirit1 USE_SUBGHZ_BOARD=IDS01A4
+If the X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 sub-1GHz RF expansion board is used, the following must be run:
+	make TARGET=stm32nucleo-spirit1 USE_SUBGHZ_BOARD=IDS01A5 clean
+	make TARGET=stm32nucleo-spirit1 USE_SUBGHZ_BOARD=IDS01A5
+This will create executables for UDP sender and receiver nodes.
+In order to generate binary files that can be flashed on the STM32 Nucleo the following command must be run:
+	arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary unicast-sender.stm32nucleo-spirit1 unicast-sender.bin
+	arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary unicast-receiver.stm32nucleo-spirit1 unicast-receiver.bin
+These executables can be programmed on the nodes using the procedure described hereafter.
+In case you need to build an example that uses the additional sensors expansion board 
+(for example, considering a system made of NUCLEO-L152RE, X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 and X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1)
+then the command to be run would be:
+	make TARGET=stm32nucleo-spirit1 USE_SUBGHZ_BOARD=IDS01A4 USE_SENSOR_BOARD=1
+System setup
+1. Check that the jumper on the J1 connector on the X-NUCLEO-IDS01Ax expansion board is connected. 
+This jumper provides the required voltage to the devices on the board.
+2. Connect the X-NUCLEO-IDS01Ax board to the STM32 Nucleo board (NUCLEO-L152RE) from the top.
+3. If the optional X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 board is used, connect it on top of the X-NUCLEO-IDS01Ax board.
+4. Power the STM32 Nucleo board using the Mini-B USB cable connected to the PC.
+5. Program the firmware on the STM32 Nucleo board. 
+This can be done by copying the binary file on the USB mass storage that is 
+automatically created when plugging the STM32 Nucleo board to the PC.
+6. Reset the MCU by using the reset button on the STM32 Nucleo board