Nordic stack and drivers for the mbed BLE API

Dependents:   BLE_ANCS_SDAPI BLE_temperature BLE_HeartRate writable_gatt ... more

Fri Sep 25 15:26:59 2015 +0100
Synchronized with git rev 3f9d15a7
Author: Rohit Grover
add LICENSE at the top level; also clarify that there are multiple licenses involved in this module

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
rgrover1 443:df9a63600641 1 Many of the files in this module have been inherited from the Nordic SDK for
rgrover1 443:df9a63600641 2 nRF51822; they come with a BSD-like license offered by Nordic for use with mbed.
rgrover1 443:df9a63600641 3 Others come from the mbed SDK, and are licensed under Apache-2.0.
rgrover1 443:df9a63600641 4 Unless specifically indicated otherwise in a file, files are licensed
rgrover1 443:df9a63600641 5 under the Apache 2.0 license, as can be found in: apache-2.0.txt.
rgrover1 443:df9a63600641 6 The BSD-like Nordic license can be found in BSD-3clause-Nordic.txt