Stable version of the mDot library for mbed 5. This version of the library is suitable for deployment scenarios. See lastest commit message for version of mbed-os library that has been tested against.

Dependents:   mdot_two_way unh-hackathon-example unh-hackathon-example-raw TelitSensorToCloud ... more

Fork of libmDot-dev-mbed5-deprecated by MultiTech

The Dot library provides a LoRaWan certified stack for LoRa communication using MultiTech mDot and xDot devices. The stack is compatible with mbed 5.

The name of the repository can be used to determine which device the stack was compiled for and if it's a development or production-ready build:

A changelog for the Dot library can be found here.

The Dot library version and the version of mbed-os it was compiled against can both be found in the commit message for that revision of the Dot library. Building your application with the same version of mbed-os as what was used to build the Dot library is highly recommended!

The Dot-Examples repository demonstrates how to use the Dot library in a custom application.

The mDot and xDot platform pages have lots of platform specific information and document potential issues, gotchas, etc, and provide instructions for getting started with development. Please take a look at the platform page before starting development as they should answer many questions you will have.


Full FOTA support is only available with mDot, xDot does not have the required external flash. xDot can use the FOTA example to dynamically join a multicast session only. After joining the multicast session the received Fragmentation packets could be handed to a host MCU for processing and at completion the firmware can be loaded into the xDot using the bootloader and y-modem. See xDot Developer Guide.

  • Add the following code to allow Fota to use the Dot instance


    // Initialize FOTA singleton
  • Add fragmentation handling the the PacketRx event


    virtual void PacketRx(uint8_t port, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr, lora::DownlinkControl ctrl, uint8_t slot, uint8_t retries, uint32_t address, bool dupRx) {
        mDotEvent::PacketRx(port, payload, size, rssi, snr, ctrl, slot, retries, address, dupRx);

        if(port == 200 || port == 201 || port == 202) {
            Fota::getInstance()->processCmd(payload, port, size);

A definition is needed to enable Fragmentation support on mDot and save fragments to flash. This should not be defined for xDot and will result in a compiler error.


    "macros": [

The FOTA implementation has a few differences from the LoRaWAN Protocol

  • Fragmentation Indexing starts at 0
  • McKEKey is 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
  • Start Time is a count-down in seconds to start of session
diff -r 27dafba9fe19 -r d8464345e1f1 mDot.h
--- a/mDot.h	Wed Dec 02 15:19:12 2015 -0600
+++ b/mDot.h	Thu Jan 07 12:07:28 2016 -0600
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@
         enum FrequencyBands {
-            FB_868,
-            FB_915
+            FB_868, // EU868
+            FB_915  // US915
         enum FrequencySubBands {
@@ -196,10 +196,10 @@
         } rssi_stats;
         typedef struct {
-                int8_t last;
-                int8_t min;
-                int8_t max;
-                int8_t avg;
+                int16_t last;
+                int16_t min;
+                int16_t max;
+                int16_t avg;
         } snr_stats;
         typedef struct {
@@ -556,12 +556,12 @@
         bool getAesEncryption();
         /** Get RSSI stats
-         * @returns rssi_stats struct containing last, min, max, and avg RSSI
+         * @returns rssi_stats struct containing last, min, max, and avg RSSI in dB
         rssi_stats getRssiStats();
         /** Get SNR stats
-         * @returns snr_stats struct containing last, min, max, and avg SNR
+         * @returns snr_stats struct containing last, min, max, and avg SNR in cB
         snr_stats getSnrStats();
@@ -625,16 +625,41 @@
         /** Set TX data rate
          * data rates affect maximum payload size
-         * @param dr SF_7 - SF_12 for Europe, SF_7 - SF_10 for United States
+         * @param dr SF_7 - SF_12|DR0-DR7 for Europe, SF_7 - SF_10 | DR0-DR4 for United States
          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
         int32_t setTxDataRate(const uint8_t& dr);
         /** Get TX data rate
-         * @returns current TX data rate (SF_7 - SF_12)
+         * @returns current TX data rate (DR0-DR15)
         uint8_t getTxDataRate();
+        /** Get data rate spreading factor and bandwidth
+         * EU868 Datarates
+         * ---------------
+         * DR0 - SF12BW125
+         * DR1 - SF11BW125
+         * DR2 - SF10BW125
+         * DR3 - SF9BW125
+         * DR4 - SF8BW125
+         * DR5 - SF7BW125
+         * DR6 - SF7BW250
+         * DR7 - FSK
+         *
+         * US915 Datarates
+         * ---------------
+         * DR0 - SF10BW125
+         * DR1 - SF9BW125
+         * DR2 - SF8BW125
+         * DR3 - SF7BW125
+         * DR4 - SF8BW500
+         *
+         * @returns spreading factor and bandwidth
+         */
+        std::string getDateRateDetails(uint8_t rate);
         /** Set TX power
          * power affects maximum range
          * @param power 2 dBm - 20 dBm
@@ -647,6 +672,17 @@
         uint32_t getTxPower();
+        /** Get configured gain of installed antenna
+         * @returns gain of antenna in dBi
+         */
+        int8_t getAntennaGain();
+        /** Set configured gain of installed antenna
+         * @param gain -127 dBi - 128 dBi
+         * @returns MDOT_OK if success
+         */
+        int32_t setAntennaGain(int8_t gain);
         /** Enable/disable TX waiting for rx windows
          * when enabled, send calls will block until a packet is received or RX timeout
          * @param enable set to true if expecting responses to transmitted packets
@@ -748,18 +784,18 @@
          * @param deepsleep if true go into deep sleep mode (lowest power, all memory and registers are lost, peripherals turned off)
          *                  else go into sleep mode (low power, memory and registers are maintained, peripherals stay on)
-         * in sleep mode, the device can be woken up on any of the XBEE pins or by the RTC alarm
+         * in sleep mode, the device can be woken up on an XBEE_DI (2-8) pin or by the RTC alarm
          * in deepsleep mode, the device can only be woken up using the WKUP pin (PA0, XBEE_DIO7) or by the RTC alarm
         void sleep(const uint32_t& interval, const uint8_t& wakeup_mode = RTC_ALARM, const bool& deepsleep = true);
         /** Set wake pin
-         * @param pin the pin to use to wake the device from sleep mode
+         * @param pin the pin to use to wake the device from sleep mode XBEE_DI (2-8)
         void setWakePin(const PinName& pin);
         /** Get wake pin
-         * @returns the pin to use to wake the device from sleep mode
+         * @returns the pin to use to wake the device from sleep mode XBEE_DI (2-8)
         PinName getWakePin();
@@ -777,15 +813,89 @@
         bool readUserBackupRegister(uint32_t reg, uint32_t& data);
-        /******************************************
-         *****************************************/
-        // get/set adaptive data rate
-        // configure data rates and power levels based on signal to noise information from gateway
-        // true == adaptive data rate is on
-        // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
-        int32_t setAdr(const bool& on);
-        bool getAdr();
+        // Save user file data to flash
+        // file - name of file max 30 chars
+        // data - data of file
+        // size - size of file
+        bool saveUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
+        // Append user file data to flash
+        // file - name of file max 30 chars
+        // data - data of file
+        // size - size of file
+        bool appendUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
+        // Read user file data from flash
+        // file - name of file max 30 chars
+        // data - data of file
+        // size - size of file
+        bool readUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
+        // Move a user file in flash
+        // file     - name of file
+        // new_name - new name of file
+        bool moveUserFile(const char* file, const char* new_name);
+        // Delete user file data from flash
+        // file - name of file max 30 chars
+        bool deleteUserFile(const char* file);
+        // Open user file in flash, max of 4 files open concurrently
+        // file - name of file max 30 chars
+        // mode - combination of FM_APPEND | FM_TRUNC | FM_CREAT |
+        //                       FM_RDONLY | FM_WRONLY | FM_RDWR | FM_DIRECT
+        // returns - mdot_file struct, fd field will be a negative value if file could not be opened
+        mDot::mdot_file openUserFile(const char* file, int mode);
+        // Seek an open file
+        // file - mdot file struct
+        // offset - offset in bytes
+        // whence - where offset is based SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END
+        bool seekUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, size_t offset, int whence);
+        // Read bytes from open file
+        // file - mdot file struct
+        // data - mem location to store data
+        // length - number of bytes to read
+        // returns - number of bytes written
+        int readUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
+        // Write bytes to open file
+        // file - mdot file struct
+        // data - data to write
+        // length - number of bytes to write
+        // returns - number of bytes written
+        int writeUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
+        // Close open file
+        // file - mdot file struct
+        bool closeUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file);
+        // List user files stored in flash
+        std::vector<mDot::mdot_file> listUserFiles();
+        // Move file into the firmware upgrade path to be flashed on next boot
+        // file - name of file
+        bool moveUserFileToFirmwareUpgrade(const char* file);
+        // get current statistics
+        // Join Attempts, Join Fails, Up Packets, Down Packets, Missed Acks
+        mdot_stats getStats();
+        // reset statistics
+        // Join Attempts, Join Fails, Up Packets, Down Packets, Missed Acks
+        void resetStats();
+        // Convert pin number 2-8 to pin name DIO2-DI8
+        static PinName pinNum2Name(uint8_t num);
+        // Convert pin name DIO2-DI8 to pin number 2-8
+        static uint8_t pinName2Num(PinName name);
+        // Convert pin name DIO2-DI8 to string
+        static std::string pinName2Str(PinName name);
+        uint64_t crc64(uint64_t crc, const unsigned char *s, uint64_t l);
          * The following functions are only used by the AT command application and
@@ -871,89 +981,16 @@
         int32_t setWakeMode(const uint8_t& delay);
         uint8_t getWakeMode();
-        // Save user file data to flash
-        // file - name of file max 30 chars
-        // data - data of file
-        // size - size of file
-        bool saveUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
-        // Append user file data to flash
-        // file - name of file max 30 chars
-        // data - data of file
-        // size - size of file
-        bool appendUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
-        // Read user file data from flash
-        // file - name of file max 30 chars
-        // data - data of file
-        // size - size of file
-        bool readUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
-        // Move a user file in flash
-        // file     - name of file
-        // new_name - new name of file
-        bool moveUserFile(const char* file, const char* new_name);
-        // Delete user file data from flash
-        // file - name of file max 30 chars
-        bool deleteUserFile(const char* file);
-        // Open user file in flash, max of 4 files open concurrently
-        // file - name of file max 30 chars
-        // mode - combination of FM_APPEND | FM_TRUNC | FM_CREAT |
-        //                       FM_RDONLY | FM_WRONLY | FM_RDWR | FM_DIRECT
-        // returns - mdot_file struct, fd field will be a negative value if file could not be opened
-        mDot::mdot_file openUserFile(const char* file, int mode);
-        // Seek an open file
-        // file - mdot file struct
-        // offset - offset in bytes
-        // whence - where offset is based SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END
-        bool seekUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, size_t offset, int whence);
+        /******************************************
+         *****************************************/
-        // Read bytes from open file
-        // file - mdot file struct
-        // data - mem location to store data
-        // length - number of bytes to read
-        // returns - number of bytes written
-        int readUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
-        // Write bytes to open file
-        // file - mdot file struct
-        // data - data to write
-        // length - number of bytes to write
-        // returns - number of bytes written
-        int writeUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
-        // Close open file
-        // file - mdot file struct
-        bool closeUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file);
-        // List user files stored in flash
-        std::vector<mDot::mdot_file> listUserFiles();
-        // Move file into the firmware upgrade path to be flashed on next boot
-        // file - name of file
-        bool moveUserFileToFirmwareUpgrade(const char* file);
-        // get current statistics
-        // Join Attempts, Join Fails, Up Packets, Down Packets, Missed Acks
-        mdot_stats getStats();
-        // reset statistics
-        // Join Attempts, Join Fails, Up Packets, Down Packets, Missed Acks
-        void resetStats();
-        // Convert pin number 2-8 to pin name DIO2-DI8
-        static PinName pinNum2Name(uint8_t num);
-        // Convert pin name DIO2-DI8 to pin number 2-8
-        static uint8_t pinName2Num(PinName name);
-        // Convert pin name DIO2-DI8 to string
-        static std::string pinName2Str(PinName name);
-        uint64_t crc64(uint64_t crc, const unsigned char *s, uint64_t l);
+        // get/set adaptive data rate
+        // configure data rates and power levels based on signal to noise information from gateway
+        // true == adaptive data rate is on
+        // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
+        int32_t setAdr(const bool& on);
+        bool getAdr();
@@ -982,9 +1019,18 @@
         // deprecated - use getWakeTimeout
         uint16_t getSerialReceiveTimeout();
+        void setWakeupCallback(void (*function)(void));
+        template<typename T>
+        void setWakeupCallback(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
+            _wakeup_callback.attach(object, member);
+        }
         mdot_stats _stats;
+        FunctionPointer _wakeup_callback;