AT command firmware for MultiTech Dot devices.

Fork of mDot_AT_firmware by MultiTech

Dot Library Not Included!

Because these example programs can be used for both mDot and xDot devices, the LoRa stack is not included. The libmDot library should be imported if building for mDot devices. The libxDot library should be imported if building for xDot devices. Check the commit messages of the Dot library version used to find the correct mbed-os version to use with it. The mbed-os version must match the version used in that version of Dot library or it will likely cause it to fail to compile or have unexpected problems while running.

Dot Library Version 3 Updates

Dot Library versions 3.x.x require a channel plan to be injected into the stack. The Dot-Examples and Dot-AT-Firmware do this by defining a macro called "CHANNEL_PLAN" that controls the channel plan that will be used in the examples. Available channel plans will be in the Dot Library repository in the plans folder.

Revision 20 and earlier of Dot-Examples and revision 15 and earlier of Dot-AT-Firmware should be used with Dot Library versions prior to 3.0.0.

Fota Library

Th Fota Library must be added to compile for mDot 3.1.0 with Fota support. Latest dev libraries and 3.2.0 release will include Fota with libmDot/libxDot.

AT Firmware Description

This AT Firmware is what ships on mDot and xDot devices. It provides an AT command interface for using the mDot or xDot for LoRa communication.

AT command documentation can be found on

The firmware changelog can be found here. The library changelog can be found here.

Dot Libraries

Dot Library Limitations

The commit messages in libmDot-mbed5 and libmDot-dev-mbed5 specify the version of the Dot library the commit contains and the version of mbed-os it was compiled against. We recommend building your application with the version of mbed-os specified in the commit message of the version of the Dot library you're using. This will ensure that you don't run into any runtime issues caused by differences in the mbed-os versions.

Stable and development libraries are available for both mDot and xDot platforms. The library chosen must match the target platform. Compiling for the mDot platform with the xDot library or vice versa will not succeed.

mDot Library

Development library for mDot.


Stable library for mDot.


xDot Library

Development library for xDot.


Stable library for xDot.


diff -r e17e00b8e022 -r b586cd6e91f3 CommandTerminal/CommandFactory.cpp
--- a/CommandTerminal/CommandFactory.cpp	Fri Aug 12 11:08:59 2022 -0500
+++ b/CommandTerminal/CommandFactory.cpp	Fri Sep 08 08:34:24 2023 -0500
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@
         return new CMD_DUMMY("Save Network Session", "AT+SS", "Save network session info to flash", "NONE");
     case eRS:
         return new CmdRestoreSession();
+    case eCDI:
+        return new CmdCustomDeviceID();
+    case eCSN:
+        return new CmdCustomSerialNumber();
     case eNK:
         return new CmdNetworkKey();
     case eGK:
@@ -175,6 +179,8 @@
         return new CmdWakeTimeout();
     case ePING:
         return new CmdPing();
+    case eRTC:
+        return new CmdRtc();
     case eLOG:
         return new CmdLogLevel();
     case eFOTA:
@@ -189,6 +195,8 @@
         return new CmdBatteryLevel();
     case eATWP:
         return new CMD_DUMMY("Write Protected Config", "AT&WP", "Write protected config to flash (DevEUI, AppEUI, AppKey, Frequency Band)", "NONE");
+    case eMEM:
+        return new CMD_DUMMY("Free Memory", "AT+MEM", "Show amount of free RAM available", "");
 #if defined(TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE)
     case eREPAIR:
         return new CmdRepairFlash();
@@ -197,33 +205,59 @@
     case eDUTY:
         return new CmdDutyCycle();
+    case eDD:
+        return new CmdDisableDutyCycle();
     case ePRINT_TEST:
-        return new CMD_DUMMY("***** Test Commands *****", "", "", "");
-    case eRXDR:
-        return new CmdRxDataRate();
+        return new CMD_DUMMY("** Test Commands **", "", "", "");
     case eSENDI:
         return new CmdSendStringOnInterval();
     case eSENDC:
         return new CmdSendContinuous();
-    case eMEM:
-        return new CMD_DUMMY("Free Memory", "AT+MEM", "Show amount of free RAM available", "");
+    case eSW:
+        return new CmdSweep();
     case ePRINT_DEBUG:
-        return new CMD_DUMMY("***** Debug Commands *****", "", "", "");
+        return new CMD_DUMMY("** Debug Commands **", "", "", "");
     case eDREGS:
         return new CmdDumpRegisters();
     case eERASE:
         return new CmdEraseFlash();
-    case eDD:
-        return new CmdDisableDutyCycle();
+    case eRECVC:
+        return new CmdReceiveContinuous();
+#if defined(TARGET_XDOT_MAX32670)
+    case eVDDMIN:
+        return new CmdVddMin();
+    case ePRINT_RADIO_CTRL:
+        return new CMD_DUMMY("** Radio Control Commmands **", "", "", "");
+    case ePADUTYCONF:
+        return new CmdPaDutyConf();
+    case eHPMAXCONF:
+        return new CmdHpMaxConf();
+    case eLNACONF:
+        return new CmdLnaConf();
+    case eXTATRIM:
+        return new CmdXTATrim();
+    case eXTBTRIM:
+        return new CmdXTBTrim();
+    case eSWT:
+        return new CmdSetSW();
+    case eRAMP:
+        return new CmdRamp();
+    case eINF:
+        return new CmdInfPreamble();
+    case eRADSLEEP:
+        return new CmdRadioSleep();
+    case eSENDDI:
+        return new CmdSendDI();
     case eRXF:
         return new CmdRxFrequency();
-    case eRECVC:
-        return new CmdReceiveContinuous();
-    case eRTC:
-        return new CmdRtc();
+    case eRXDR:
+        return new CmdRxDataRate();
         return NULL;