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NRF_SPI_Type Struct Reference

NRF_SPI_Type Struct Reference

SPI master 0. More...

#include <nrf51.h>

Data Fields

__I uint32_t RESERVED0 [66]
__IO uint32_t EVENTS_READY
__IO uint32_t INTENSET
__IO uint32_t INTENCLR
__IO uint32_t ENABLE
__IO uint32_t PSELSCK
__IO uint32_t PSELMOSI
__IO uint32_t PSELMISO
__I uint32_t RXD
__IO uint32_t TXD
__IO uint32_t FREQUENCY
__IO uint32_t CONFIG
__IO uint32_t POWER

Detailed Description

SPI master 0.


Definition at line 483 of file nrf51.h.

Field Documentation

__IO uint32_t CONFIG

Configuration register.

Definition at line 501 of file nrf51.h.

__IO uint32_t ENABLE

Enable SPI.

Definition at line 490 of file nrf51.h.

__IO uint32_t EVENTS_READY

TXD byte sent and RXD byte received.

Definition at line 485 of file nrf51.h.

__IO uint32_t FREQUENCY

SPI frequency

Definition at line 499 of file nrf51.h.

__IO uint32_t INTENCLR

Interrupt enable clear register.

Definition at line 488 of file nrf51.h.

__IO uint32_t INTENSET

Interrupt enable set register.

Definition at line 487 of file nrf51.h.

__IO uint32_t POWER

Peripheral power control.

Definition at line 503 of file nrf51.h.

__IO uint32_t PSELMISO

Pin select for MISO.

Definition at line 494 of file nrf51.h.

__IO uint32_t PSELMOSI

Pin select for MOSI.

Definition at line 493 of file nrf51.h.

__IO uint32_t PSELSCK

Pin select for SCK.

Definition at line 492 of file nrf51.h.

__I uint32_t RESERVED0[66]

< SPI Structure

Definition at line 484 of file nrf51.h.

__I uint32_t RXD

RX data.

Definition at line 496 of file nrf51.h.

__IO uint32_t TXD

TX data.

Definition at line 497 of file nrf51.h.