Lightly modified version of the BLE stack, that doesn't bring up a DFUService by default... as we have our own.
Fork of BLE_API by
- Committer:
- rgrover1
- Date:
- 2015-05-13
- Revision:
- 380:2109a08c311c
- Parent:
- 378:a8b035d877a8
- Child:
- 381:12cb29d3cea4
File content as of revision 380:2109a08c311c:
/* mbed Microcontroller Library * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __GAP_H__ #define __GAP_H__ #include "GapAdvertisingData.h" #include "GapAdvertisingParams.h" #include "GapEvents.h" #include "CallChain.h" using namespace mbed; class Gap { public: enum AddressType_t { ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC = 0, ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_STATIC, ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_PRIVATE_RESOLVABLE, ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_PRIVATE_NON_RESOLVABLE }; typedef enum AddressType_t addr_type_t; /* @Note: decprecated. */ static const unsigned ADDR_LEN = 6; typedef uint8_t Address_t[ADDR_LEN]; /* 48-bit address, LSB format. */ typedef Address_t address_t; /* @Note: deprecated. */ enum AdvertisementType_t { ADV_IND = 0x00, /**< Connectable undirected. */ ADV_DIRECT_IND = 0x01, /**< Connectable directed. */ ADV_SCAN_IND = 0x02, /**< Scannable undirected. */ ADV_NONCONN_IND = 0x03, /**< Non connectable undirected. */ }; /** * Enumeration for disconnection reasons. The values for these reasons are * derived from Nordic's implementation; but the reasons are meant to be * independent of the transport. If you are returned a reason which is not * covered by this enumeration, then please refer to the underlying * transport library. */ enum DisconnectionReason_t { REMOTE_USER_TERMINATED_CONNECTION = 0x13, LOCAL_HOST_TERMINATED_CONNECTION = 0x16, CONN_INTERVAL_UNACCEPTABLE = 0x3B, }; /* Describes the current state of the device (more than one bit can be set) */ typedef struct GapState_s { unsigned advertising : 1; /**< peripheral is currently advertising */ unsigned connected : 1; /**< peripheral is connected to a central */ } GapState_t; typedef uint16_t Handle_t; typedef struct { uint16_t minConnectionInterval; /**< Minimum Connection Interval in 1.25 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/ uint16_t maxConnectionInterval; /**< Maximum Connection Interval in 1.25 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/ uint16_t slaveLatency; /**< Slave Latency in number of connection events, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/ uint16_t connectionSupervisionTimeout; /**< Connection Supervision Timeout in 10 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/ } ConnectionParams_t; enum SecurityMode_t { SECURITY_MODE_NO_ACCESS, SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_OPEN_LINK, /**< require no protection, open link. */ SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_NO_MITM, /**< require encryption, but no MITM protection. */ SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_WITH_MITM, /**< require encryption and MITM protection. */ SECURITY_MODE_SIGNED_NO_MITM, /**< require signing or encryption, but no MITM protection. */ SECURITY_MODE_SIGNED_WITH_MITM, /**< require signing or encryption, and MITM protection. */ }; /** * @brief Defines possible security status/states. * * @details Defines possible security status/states of a link when requested by getLinkSecurity(). */ enum LinkSecurityStatus_t { NOT_ENCRYPTED, /**< The link is not secured. */ ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS, /**< Link security is being established.*/ ENCRYPTED /**< The link is secure.*/ }; enum SecurityIOCapabilities_t { IO_CAPS_DISPLAY_ONLY = 0x00, /**< Display Only. */ IO_CAPS_DISPLAY_YESNO = 0x01, /**< Display and Yes/No entry. */ IO_CAPS_KEYBOARD_ONLY = 0x02, /**< Keyboard Only. */ IO_CAPS_NONE = 0x03, /**< No I/O capabilities. */ IO_CAPS_KEYBOARD_DISPLAY = 0x04, /**< Keyboard and Display. */ }; enum SecurityCompletionStatus_t { SEC_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0x00, /**< Procedure completed with success. */ SEC_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 0x01, /**< Procedure timed out. */ SEC_STATUS_PDU_INVALID = 0x02, /**< Invalid PDU received. */ SEC_STATUS_PASSKEY_ENTRY_FAILED = 0x81, /**< Passkey entry failed (user canceled or other). */ SEC_STATUS_OOB_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0x82, /**< Out of Band Key not available. */ SEC_STATUS_AUTH_REQ = 0x83, /**< Authentication requirements not met. */ SEC_STATUS_CONFIRM_VALUE = 0x84, /**< Confirm value failed. */ SEC_STATUS_PAIRING_NOT_SUPP = 0x85, /**< Pairing not supported. */ SEC_STATUS_ENC_KEY_SIZE = 0x86, /**< Encryption key size. */ SEC_STATUS_SMP_CMD_UNSUPPORTED = 0x87, /**< Unsupported SMP command. */ SEC_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0x88, /**< Unspecified reason. */ SEC_STATUS_REPEATED_ATTEMPTS = 0x89, /**< Too little time elapsed since last attempt. */ SEC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS = 0x8A, /**< Invalid parameters. */ }; /** * Declaration of type containing a passkey to be used during pairing. This * is passed into initializeSecurity() to specify a pre-programmed passkey * for authentication instead of generating a random one. */ static const unsigned PASSKEY_LEN = 6; typedef uint8_t Passkey_t[PASSKEY_LEN]; /**< 6-digit passkey in ASCII ('0'-'9' digits only). */ static const uint16_t UNIT_1_25_MS = 1250; /**< Number of microseconds in 1.25 milliseconds. */ static const uint16_t UNIT_0_625_MS = 650; /**< Number of microseconds in 0.625 milliseconds. */ static uint16_t MSEC_TO_GAP_DURATION_UNITS(uint32_t durationInMillis) { return (durationInMillis * 1000) / UNIT_1_25_MS; } static uint16_t MSEC_TO_ADVERTISEMENT_DURATION_UNITS(uint32_t durationInMillis) { return (durationInMillis * 1000) / UNIT_0_625_MS; } static uint16_t GAP_DURATION_UNITS_TO_MS(uint16_t gapUnits) { return (gapUnits * UNIT_0_625_MS) / 1000; } typedef void (*EventCallback_t)(void); typedef void (*ConnectionEventCallback_t)(Handle_t, addr_type_t peerAddrType, const address_t peerAddr, addr_type_t ownAddrType, const address_t ownAddr, const ConnectionParams_t *); typedef void (*HandleSpecificEvent_t)(Handle_t handle); typedef void (*DisconnectionEventCallback_t)(Handle_t, DisconnectionReason_t); typedef void (*RadioNotificationEventCallback_t) (bool radio_active); /* gets passed true for ACTIVE; false for INACTIVE. */ typedef void (*SecuritySetupInitiatedCallback_t)(Handle_t, bool allowBonding, bool requireMITM, SecurityIOCapabilities_t iocaps); typedef void (*SecuritySetupCompletedCallback_t)(Handle_t, SecurityCompletionStatus_t status); typedef void (*LinkSecuredCallback_t)(Handle_t handle, SecurityMode_t securityMode); typedef void (*PasskeyDisplayCallback_t)(Handle_t handle, const Passkey_t passkey); typedef void (*AdvertisementReportCallback_t)(const address_t peerAddr, int8_t rssi, bool isScanResponse, AdvertisementType_t type, uint8_t *advertisingDataLenPtr, const uint8_t **advertisingDataPtr); friend class BLEDevice; private: /* These functions must be defined in the sub-class */ virtual ble_error_t setAddress(addr_type_t type, const address_t address) = 0; virtual ble_error_t getAddress(addr_type_t *typeP, address_t address) = 0; virtual ble_error_t setAdvertisingData(const GapAdvertisingData &, const GapAdvertisingData &) = 0; virtual ble_error_t startAdvertising(const GapAdvertisingParams &) = 0; virtual ble_error_t stopAdvertising(void) = 0; virtual uint16_t getMinAdvertisingInterval(void) const = 0; virtual uint16_t getMinNonConnectableAdvertisingInterval(void) const = 0; virtual uint16_t getMaxAdvertisingInterval(void) const = 0; virtual ble_error_t disconnect(DisconnectionReason_t reason) = 0; virtual ble_error_t getPreferredConnectionParams(ConnectionParams_t *params) = 0; virtual ble_error_t setPreferredConnectionParams(const ConnectionParams_t *params) = 0; virtual ble_error_t updateConnectionParams(Handle_t handle, const ConnectionParams_t *params) = 0; virtual ble_error_t purgeAllBondingState(void) = 0; virtual ble_error_t getLinkSecurity(Handle_t connectionHandle, LinkSecurityStatus_t *securityStatusP) = 0; virtual ble_error_t setDeviceName(const uint8_t *deviceName) = 0; virtual ble_error_t getDeviceName(uint8_t *deviceName, unsigned *lengthP) = 0; virtual ble_error_t setAppearance(uint16_t appearance) = 0; virtual ble_error_t getAppearance(uint16_t *appearanceP) = 0; protected: /* Event callback handlers */ void setOnTimeout(EventCallback_t callback) {onTimeout = callback;} void setOnConnection(ConnectionEventCallback_t callback) {onConnection = callback;} /** * Set the application callback for disconnection events. * @param callback * Pointer to the unique callback. */ void setOnDisconnection(DisconnectionEventCallback_t callback) {onDisconnection = callback;} /** * Set the application callback for radio-notification events. * @param callback * Handler to be executed in response to a radio notification event. */ virtual void setOnRadioNotification(RadioNotificationEventCallback_t callback) {onRadioNotification = callback;} /** * To indicate that security procedure for link has started. */ virtual void setOnSecuritySetupInitiated(SecuritySetupInitiatedCallback_t callback) {onSecuritySetupInitiated = callback;} /** * To indicate that security procedure for link has completed. */ virtual void setOnSecuritySetupCompleted(SecuritySetupCompletedCallback_t callback) {onSecuritySetupCompleted = callback;} /** * To indicate that link with the peer is secured. For bonded devices, * subsequent re-connections with bonded peer will result only in this callback * when the link is secured and setup procedures will not occur unless the * bonding information is either lost or deleted on either or both sides. */ virtual void setOnLinkSecured(LinkSecuredCallback_t callback) {onLinkSecured = callback;} /** * To indicate that device context is stored persistently. */ virtual void setOnSecurityContextStored(HandleSpecificEvent_t callback) {onSecurityContextStored = callback;} /** * To set the callback for when the passkey needs to be displayed on a peripheral with DISPLAY capability. */ virtual void setOnPasskeyDisplay(PasskeyDisplayCallback_t callback) {onPasskeyDisplay = callback;} /** * Append to a chain of callbacks to be invoked upon disconnection; these * callbacks receive no context and are therefore different from the * onDisconnection callback. * @param callback * function pointer to be invoked upon disconnection; receives no context. * * @note the disconnection CallChain should have been merged with * onDisconnctionCallback; but this was not possible because * FunctionPointer (which is a building block for CallChain) doesn't * accept variadic templates. */ template<typename T> void addToDisconnectionCallChain(T *tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {disconnectionCallChain.add(tptr, mptr);} private: GapState_t getState(void) const { return state; } protected: Gap() : state(), onTimeout(NULL), onConnection(NULL), onDisconnection(NULL), onRadioNotification(), onSecuritySetupInitiated(), onSecuritySetupCompleted(), onLinkSecured(), onSecurityContextStored(), onPasskeyDisplay(), disconnectionCallChain() { /* empty */ } public: void processConnectionEvent(Handle_t handle, addr_type_t peerAddrType, const address_t peerAddr, addr_type_t ownAddrType, const address_t ownAddr, const ConnectionParams_t *params) { state.connected = 1; if (onConnection) { onConnection(handle, peerAddrType, peerAddr, ownAddrType, ownAddr, params); } } void processDisconnectionEvent(Handle_t handle, DisconnectionReason_t reason) { state.connected = 0; if (onDisconnection) { onDisconnection(handle, reason); }; } void processSecuritySetupInitiatedEvent(Handle_t handle, bool allowBonding, bool requireMITM, SecurityIOCapabilities_t iocaps) { if (onSecuritySetupInitiated) { onSecuritySetupInitiated(handle, allowBonding, requireMITM, iocaps); } } void processSecuritySetupCompletedEvent(Handle_t handle, SecurityCompletionStatus_t status) { if (onSecuritySetupCompleted) { onSecuritySetupCompleted(handle, status); } } void processLinkSecuredEvent(Handle_t handle, SecurityMode_t securityMode) { if (onLinkSecured) { onLinkSecured(handle, securityMode); } } void processSecurityContextStoredEvent(Handle_t handle) { if (onSecurityContextStored) { onSecurityContextStored(handle); } } void processPasskeyDisplayEvent(Handle_t handle, const Passkey_t passkey) { if (onPasskeyDisplay) { onPasskeyDisplay(handle, passkey); } } void processEvent(GapEvents::gapEvent_e type) { switch (type) { case GapEvents::GAP_EVENT_TIMEOUT: state.advertising = 0; if (onTimeout) { onTimeout(); } break; default: break; } } protected: GapState_t state; protected: EventCallback_t onTimeout; ConnectionEventCallback_t onConnection; DisconnectionEventCallback_t onDisconnection; RadioNotificationEventCallback_t onRadioNotification; SecuritySetupInitiatedCallback_t onSecuritySetupInitiated; SecuritySetupCompletedCallback_t onSecuritySetupCompleted; LinkSecuredCallback_t onLinkSecured; HandleSpecificEvent_t onSecurityContextStored; PasskeyDisplayCallback_t onPasskeyDisplay; CallChain disconnectionCallChain; private: /* disallow copy and assignment */ Gap(const Gap &); Gap& operator=(const Gap &); }; #endif // ifndef __GAP_H__