Lightly modified version of the BLE stack, that doesn't bring up a DFUService by default... as we have our own.

Fork of BLE_API by Bluetooth Low Energy

--- a/public/Gap.h	Fri May 08 15:35:48 2015 +0100
+++ b/public/Gap.h	Mon May 11 07:58:59 2015 +0100
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@
     enum SecurityMode_t {
-        SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_OPEN_LINK, /**< Set security mode to require no protection, open link. */
-        SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_NO_MITM,   /**< Set security mode to require encryption, but no MITM protection. */
-        SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_WITH_MITM, /**< Set security mode to require encryption and MITM protection. */
-        SECURITY_MODE_SIGNED_NO_MITM,       /**< Set security mode to require signing or encryption, but no MITM protection. */
-        SECURITY_MODE_SIGNED_WITH_MITM,     /**< Set security mode to require signing or encryption, and MITM protection. */
+        SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_OPEN_LINK, /**< require no protection, open link. */
+        SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_NO_MITM,   /**< require encryption, but no MITM protection. */
+        SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_WITH_MITM, /**< require encryption and MITM protection. */
+        SECURITY_MODE_SIGNED_NO_MITM,       /**< require signing or encryption, but no MITM protection. */
+        SECURITY_MODE_SIGNED_WITH_MITM,     /**< require signing or encryption, and MITM protection. */