MAX77658 Ultra-Low Power PMIC Mbed Driver

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reg_talrt_th_t Union Reference

reg_talrt_th_t Union Reference

TAlrtTh. More...

#include <MAX77658_regs.h>

Detailed Description


Address : 0x02

Definition at line 1190 of file MAX77658_regs.h.

Field Documentation

unsigned char max_temp_alrt

Sets an alert threshold for maximum temperature.

Bit 15:8. Register type: special Set Max=0x7F to disable. Units of LSB are 1˚C.

Definition at line 1196 of file MAX77658_regs.h.

unsigned char min_temp_alrt

Sets an alert threshold for minimum temperature.

Bit 7:0. Register type: special Set Min=0x80 to disable. Units of LSB are 1˚C.

Definition at line 1194 of file MAX77658_regs.h.