MAX77658 Ultra-Low Power PMIC Mbed Driver

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reg_cnfg_chg_i_t Union Reference

reg_cnfg_chg_i_t Union Reference

CNFG_CHG_I. More...

#include <MAX77658_regs.h>

Detailed Description


Address : 0x28

Definition at line 776 of file MAX77658_regs.h.

Field Documentation

unsigned char imon_dischg_scale

Selects the battery discharge current full-scale current value.

Bit 7:4. 0x0 = 8.2mA 0x1 = 40.5mA 0x2 = 72.3mA 0x3 = 103.4mA 0x4 = 134.1mA 0x5 = 164.1mA 0x6 = 193.7mA 0x7 = 222.7mA 0x8 = 251.2mA 0x9 = 279.3mA 0xA - 0xF = 300.0mA

Definition at line 792 of file MAX77658_regs.h.

unsigned char mux_sel

Selects the analog channel to connect to AMUX.

Bit 3:0. 0b0000 = Multiplexer is disabled and AMUX is high-impedance. 0b0001 = CHGIN voltage monitor. 0b0010 = CHGIN current monitor. 0b0011 = BATT voltage monitor. 0b0100 = BATT charge current monitor. Valid only while battery charging is happening (CHG = 1). 0b0101 = BATT discharge current monitor normal measurement. 0b0110 = BATT discharge current monitor nulling measurement. 0b0111 = Reserved. 0b1000 = Reserved. 0b1001 = AGND voltage monitor (through 100Ω pull-down resistor) 0b1010 - 0b1111 = SYS voltage monitor

Definition at line 780 of file MAX77658_regs.h.