MAX77642/MAX77643 Ultra Configurable PMIC Featuring 93% Peak Efficiency Single-Inductor, 3-Output BuckBoost, 1-LDO for Long Battery Life Mbed Driver

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reg_cnfg_ldo0_a_t Union Reference

reg_cnfg_ldo0_a_t Union Reference

CNFG_LDO0_A. More...

#include <MAX77643_2_regs.h>

Detailed Description


Address : 0x38

Definition at line 612 of file MAX77643_2_regs.h.

Field Documentation

unsigned char tv_ldo0

LDO0 Target Output Voltage.

Bit 6:0. 0x00 = 0.500V 0x01 = 0.525V 0x02 = 0.550V 0x03 = 0.575V 0x04 = 0.600V 0x05 = 0.625V 0x06 = 0.650V 0x07 = 0.675V 0x08 = 0.700V ... 0x7E = 3.650V 0x7F = 3.675V When TV_LDO[7] = 0, TV_LDO[6:0] sets the LDO's output voltage range from 0.5V to 3.675V. When TV_LDO[7] = 1, TV_LDO[6:0] sets the LDO's output voltage from 1.825V to 5V.

Definition at line 616 of file MAX77643_2_regs.h.

unsigned char tv_ofs_ldo

LDO0 Output Voltage.

Bit7. This bit applies a 1.325V offset to the output voltage of the LDO0. 0b0 = No Offset, 0b1 = 1.325V Offset

Definition at line 627 of file MAX77643_2_regs.h.