MAX7032 Transceiver Mbed Driver

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max7032_conf0_t Union Reference

max7032_conf0_t Union Reference

CONF0 Register. More...

#include <Max7032_regs.h>

Detailed Description

CONF0 Register.

Address : 0x02

Definition at line 85 of file Max7032_regs.h.

Field Documentation

unsigned char drx

Discontinuous receive mode 1 = Enable DRX 0 = Disable DRX.

Definition at line 90 of file Max7032_regs.h.

unsigned char mgain

Manual gain mode 1 = Enable manual-gain mode 0 = Disable manual-gain mode.

Definition at line 92 of file Max7032_regs.h.

unsigned char mode

FSK or ASK modulation 1 = Enable FSK for both receive and transmit 0 = Enable ASK for both receive and transmit.

Definition at line 96 of file Max7032_regs.h.

unsigned char ofps

Off-timer prescaler Sets the time base for the off timer.

Definition at line 89 of file Max7032_regs.h.

unsigned char onps

On-timer prescaler Sets the time base for the on timer.

Definition at line 88 of file Max7032_regs.h.

unsigned char t_r

Transmit or receive 1 = Enable transmit mode of the transceiver 0 = Enable receive mode of the transceiver.

Definition at line 94 of file Max7032_regs.h.