Demonstrates the MAX44000 library and some of the features of the MAX44000

Dependencies:   MAX44000 ard2pmod mbed

Fork of ALS_ARD2PMOD_Demo by Maxim Integrated

MAX44000PMB1 Demonstration

This demonstrates some of the capabilities of the MAX44000. This is written to work with the MAXREFDES72# adapter board and the MAX44000PMB1 peripheral module. It uses the standard Arduino pin names and it will compile for most arduino form-factor mbed boards. /media/uploads/switches/max44000pmb1_demo.jpg To run this demonstration you will need:

In this demonstration the LEDs are changed based on data from the sensor.

  • LED1 toggles when something is first detected by the proximity sensor.
  • LED2 indicates when the Ambient Light Sensor reads greater than a set value (alsLim).
  • LED3 will stay on whenever something is detected by the proximity sensor and stay on for an additional 5s after it is no longer detected.

Note: Some boards use D13 for an LED signal, so this example uses the second row (row B, pins 7 through 12) of the Pmod connector. /media/uploads/switches/max44000_align.jpg

Tested platform boards

Links to external supporting material



File content as of revision 0:803011eae289:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "MAX14661.h"

MAX14661 mux(D14, D15);
DigitalOut pinRTS(D13);
DigitalIn pinRX(D0);  // Set as input to remove load from mbedTX 
DigitalIn pinTX(D1);  // Set as input to remove load from mbedRX

int main()
    pinRTS=0; // Not Ready to Send
    //           D0 (mbedTX)   +   PA2 (TXD)         D1 (mbedRX)   +   PA3 (RXD)
    mux.setAB((MAX14661::SW01 | MAX14661::SW13), (MAX14661::SW02 | MAX14661::SW12));
    pinRTS=1; // Ready to Send