Library for the MAX44000 Ambient Light Sensor / Proximity Detector
Dependents: LED_Demo LED_Demo2 LED_Demo
Fork of BMP180 by
MAX44000 Device Driver
Set TRIM bit in init function to use factory calibration data.
2016-09-21, by switches [Wed, 21 Sep 2016 12:00:34 +0000] rev 4
Set TRIM bit in init function to use factory calibration data.
Found bug that prevented using factory trim data in init command.
2016-09-20, by switches [Tue, 20 Sep 2016 22:02:02 +0000] rev 3
Found bug that prevented using factory trim data in init command.
Cleaned up documentation
2016-05-04, by switches [Wed, 04 May 2016 18:03:38 +0000] rev 2
Cleaned up documentation
Initial Commit of MAX44000 Library
2016-05-04, by switches [Wed, 04 May 2016 15:47:32 +0000] rev 1
Initial Commit of MAX44000 Library
Adding BMP180 library files.
2015-04-17, by kgills [Fri, 17 Apr 2015 09:31:09 -0500] rev 0
Adding BMP180 library files.