This is a library for the MAX17055 Li+ Battery Fuel Gauge.

Dependents:   Low_Power_Long_Distance_IR_Vision_Robot MAX17055_EZconfig MAX17055_EZconfig_Sample Low_Power_Long_Distance_IR_Vision_Robot

Fork of max17055 by Maxim Integrated

--- a/max17055.h	Tue Oct 23 21:39:55 2018 +0000
+++ b/max17055.h	Tue Oct 23 22:50:58 2018 +0000
@@ -102,10 +102,11 @@
  *    union max17055_u {
  *        struct battery {
  *            uint8_t avg_soc_FG;     // in Battery Percent
- *           float tte_FG;           // in seconds
+ *           float tte_FG;            // in seconds
  *            float ttf_FG;           // in seconds
  *            int avg_vcell_FG;       // in 78.125uV per bit
  *            float avg_curr_FG;      // in uAmps
+ *            float curr_FG;          // in uAmps
  *            int rep_cap;            // in mAh
  *            int rep_SOC;            // in %
  *        } battery;
@@ -122,13 +123,6 @@
  *        design_param.vcharge  = 4200;  // Battery Charge Voltage can be obtained from MAX77650 configuration
  *        design_param.rsense = 5; //5mOhms for MAX32620, keep in mind the MAX17055EVKIT has a 10mOhm resistor. This is a design specific value. Used for calculation results.
- * //     //This are the parameters for an rsense = 10mOhm similar to the one found in the MAX17055EVKIT and a 350mAh Li+ Cell.
- * //     design_param.designcap = 0x02BC;  //Design Battery Capacity mAh
- * //     design_param.ichgterm = 0x00E0;  // Charge Termination Current for the Battery
- * //     design_param.vempty = 0x9600;  // Battery Empty Voltage
- * //     design_param.vcharge = 4200;  // Battery Charge Voltage  (Specified by manufacurer)
- * //     design_param.rsense = 10; //10mOhms
- *
  *    //Saved Parameters
  *    //saved_param.cycles = 0; //This value is used for the save parameters function
@@ -144,16 +138,17 @@
  *       max17055_u.battery.avg_vcell_FG = fuelGauge.get_avgVcell();
  *       max17055_u.battery.avg_curr_FG  = fuelGauge.get_AvgCurrent(design_param);
- *        max17055_u.battery.rep_cap      = fuelGauge.get_battCAP(design_param);
- *        max17055_u.battery.rep_SOC      = fuelGauge.get_SOC();
+ *       max17055_u.battery.curr_FG      = fuelGauge.get_Current(design_param); 
+ *       max17055_u.battery.rep_cap      = fuelGauge.get_battCAP(design_param);
+ *       max17055_u.battery.rep_SOC      = fuelGauge.get_SOC();
  *        //This code works with Arduino Serial Plotter to visualize data
- *        printf("%f " ,(max17055_u.battery.avg_vcell_FG/1000000.0));
- *        printf("%f " ,max17055_u.battery.avg_curr_FG);
- *        printf("%d " ,max17055_u.battery.rep_cap);
- *        printf("%d " ,max17055_u.battery.rep_SOC);
+ *        printf("%f " ,(max17055_u.battery.avg_vcell_FG/1000000.0)); //V
+ *        printf("%f " ,max17055_u.battery.avg_curr_FG);              //uA
+ *        printf("%f " ,max17055_u.battery.curr_FG);                  //uA
+ *        printf("%d " ,max17055_u.battery.rep_cap);                  //mAh
+ *        printf("%d " ,max17055_u.battery.rep_SOC);                  //%
  *        printf("\n");
- *       //printf(" ");
  *        wait(1);
  *     }
  * }