This is a library for the MAX17055 Li+ Battery Fuel Gauge.

Dependents:   Low_Power_Long_Distance_IR_Vision_Robot MAX17055_EZconfig MAX17055_EZconfig_Sample Low_Power_Long_Distance_IR_Vision_Robot

Fork of max17055 by Maxim Integrated


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
23:2ec07d0239be 2018-10-23 fneirab Change read and write function to protected. Tested get_regInfo function for access to all available registers in the MAX17055 from main. default tip
22:607f6917832a 2018-10-23 fneirab spelling check
21:441840cc7423 2018-10-23 fneirab updated sample code, update comments
20:dcb0e5893677 2018-10-23 fneirab update raw_current_to_uamps function
19:20590e00feab 2018-10-23 fneirab fixed Write verify function bugs, and POR clear function
18:37bca022d144 2018-10-10 fneirab comments and clean up
17:7447aaa9c121 2018-10-09 fneirab New sample code Updated, new functions for REP cap and specific register reads and clean up some of the old functions.
16:839186d0693a 2018-06-18 fneirab struct clean up and comment updates for the rsense on the MAX32620FTHR
15:291446b008df 2018-06-18 fneirab updated function comments and clean up unused struct elements
14:519754351400 2018-06-18 fneirab documentation updates for EZconfig function
13:fc91b283e689 2018-06-18 fneirab updates to libraries, clean up
12:519a18fc3b28 2018-04-19 fneirab updates version 1.5 ; Remove necessary code; Spell check; Error check; Still need a bit more work to finish;
11:bdbd3104995b 2018-02-27 fneirab new documentation. Need to check if the functions had been affected by the changes.
10:f145eb7522ff 2018-02-06 fneirab documentation
9:f29d5e49b190 2018-02-06 fneirab latest version 1.2 with new function additions and documentation.
8:ca8765c30ed2 2017-11-02 fneirab latest library update from Mobility Demo work
7:479a36909ced 2017-10-10 fneirab add functions and debugged for complete EZ config function to be completed.
6:5ced10109ebf 2017-10-05 fneirab modifications to init function for EZ config. ;
5:a18a189588dc 2017-10-02 fneirab changes might have affected the compile. Saved for safety.
4:a4d6ae2182c2 2017-09-27 fneirab Modifications testing documentation
3:f77a8345b0e3 2017-09-26 fneirab safety commit save from office work.
2:ff7db397b70f 2017-09-24 fneirab New partial Init function and a complete get_temp function;
1:a031f0c6a71e 2017-09-21 fneirab working test of writ, read and write verify functions. Removed from private for access from main.cpp
0:80c39eb8f3ba 2017-09-21 fneirab First Pass with some compilation errors on MBED online compiler. ;