Team code repositories (23)

  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Demonstrates AnalogOut with a wave taken from an array of data, as well as an AnalogIn pass-through.

    Last updated: 22 Oct 2018 2 12
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Perform simple audio processing using Ticker object.

    Last updated: 07 Nov 2017 1 16
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Demonstrates how MATLAB can use Nucleo for data acquisition. Nucleo sends 100 samples of sensor reading out on the serial port; MATLAB can be configured to receive.

    Last updated: 06 Nov 2017 2 29
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Demonstrates MATLAB sending control commands to Nucleo in real time.

    Last updated: 06 Nov 2017 3 6
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Experimentation with character arrays (also known as strings).

    Last updated: 02 Nov 2017 1 1
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Demonstration of the use of structures in C. Inspiration to learn object-oriented programming for a more elegant solution.

    Last updated: 02 Nov 2017 1 2
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Demonstrates the necessity of the volatile qualifier.

    Last updated: 24 Oct 2017 1 1
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Solution to Lab 3 using external and timeout interrupts.

    Last updated: 13 Oct 2017 1 4
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Thermometer (using thermistor) that creates beeps of increasing pitch and pulse rate as temperature rises above nominal. Demonstrates use of #include for your own header files, and #define for constants.

    Last updated: 05 Oct 2017 1 7
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Very basic function to blink an LED a desired number of times. Will improve in class.

    Last updated: 25 Sep 2017 1 36