Release candidate version. The pointer in GAS Pressure display is changed to a triangle.

Dependencies:   UniGraphic mbed vt100

Please note, at 2-Mar-2018 the current version of mbed-lib has a defect in Ticker.

So, mbed lib version 157 is intentionally being used.
Please do not update mbed library until the problem in the above URL is fixed.

In this version, format of GAS Pressure Display has been changed.






File content as of revision 0:774324cbc5a6:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "edge_mgr.h"
#include "af_attributes.h"

#include "edge_time.h"
#include "edge_pin.h"
#include "MMA8451Q.h"
#include "VEML6040.h"
#include "LM75B.h"
#include "SMTC502AT.h"
#include "PSE530.h"
#include <ILI9341.h>
#include "Arial12x12.h"
#include "Arial24x23.h"
#include "Arial28x28.h"

#include "edge_sensor.h"
#include "edge_accel.h"
#include "edge_color.h"
#include "edge_temp.h"
#include "edge_pressure.h"
#include "edge_reset_mgr.h"
#include "edge_chart.h"

#define MMA8451Q_I2C_ADDRESS 0x1C
#define VEML6040_I2C_ADDRESS 0x10
#define LM75B_I2C_ADDRESS    0x48
#define SO1602A_I2C_ADDRESS  0x3C

#define NUM_MAX_SENSOR 5

uint16_t attr_to_set[] = {
} ;

uint16_t attr_to_get[] = {
// accel
// Color0
// Color1
// Temp
// Gas Pressure
0 } ;

bool            verbos = true ;
edge_sensor     *sensor[NUM_MAX_SENSOR] ;
int             num_sensor   = 0 ;

edge_accel      *accel       = 0 ;
edge_color      *color[2]    = {0, 0} ;
edge_temp       *temp        = 0 ;
edge_pressure   *pressure    = 0 ;

PwmOut          *led[3]      = {0, 0, 0} ;
uint16_t        pwm[3]       = { 0x5FA2, 0xB09B, 0x83DF } ;
I2C             *edge_i2c0   = 0 ;
I2C             *edge_i2c1   = 0 ;
ILI9341         *display     = 0 ;
MMA8451Q        *mma8451q    = 0 ;
VEML6040        *veml6040[2] = { 0, 0 } ;
LM75B           *lm75b0      = 0 ; /* for temp1 */
AnalogIn        *an0         = 0 ; /* for temp2 */
SMTC502AT       *smtc502at0  = 0 ;
AnalogIn        *an1         = 0 ; /* for temp3 */
SMTC502AT       *smtc502at1  = 0 ;
LM75B           *lm75b1      = 0 ; /* for temp4 */
AnalogIn        *an2         = 0 ; /* for gas pressure */
PSE530          *pse530      = 0 ; /* gas pressure sensor */

DigitalOut      *tft_reset   = 0 ;
DigitalOut      *tft_backlight = 0 ;
DigitalOut      *tft_cs       = 0 ;
DigitalOut      *pse530_en    = 0 ;

static int error_tolerance   = 100 ;
static int loop_interval     = 100 ; // 1000 ; 
static int accel_interval    = 10 ;
int        edge_mgr_status   = EDGE_MGR_INIT ;
char       *reset_reason_str = 0 ;
int        display_mode      = 1 ;
bool       reboot_requested  = false ;

void init_display(void)
reset_watch_dog() ;
    printf("TFT Initializing\n") ;
    tft_reset = new DigitalOut(PIN_RESET_TFT, 1) ;
    tft_backlight = new DigitalOut(PIN_BL_TFT, 0) ;
    tft_cs = new DigitalOut(PIN_CS_TFT, 1) ;

reset_watch_dog() ;
    display = new ILI9341(SPI_8, 10000000,
                PIN_MOSI, PIN_MISO, PIN_SCK,
                PIN_CS_TFT, PIN_RESET_TFT, PIN_DC_TFT, "LaSuno") ;

reset_watch_dog() ;
    display->BusEnable(true) ;
    display->set_orientation(1) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    display->cls() ;
    *tft_backlight = 1 ;
    display->BusEnable(false) ;
    printf("TFT Initialized\n") ;

void   edge_splash(void) 
    printf("Sensor loop started!\n") ;
    if (display) {
        reset_watch_dog() ;
        display->BusEnable(true) ;
        display->cls() ;
        display->foreground(Green) ;
        display->locate(40, 20) ;
        display->printf("Sensor Loop") ;
        display->locate(40, 60) ;
        display->printf("  Started!") ;
        display->BusEnable(false) ;
        reset_watch_dog() ;

int init_edge_attribute(void)
    static int sensor_index = 0 ;
    static int attr_index = 0 ;
    static int error_count = 0 ;
    int return_value = 1 ;
    int result ;
    reset_watch_dog() ;
    if (reset_reason_str) { 
        result = afero->setAttribute(ATTR_MCU_RESET_REASON, reset_reason_str) ;
        if (result == afSUCCESS) {
            error_count = 0 ;
            reset_reason_str = 0 ;
        } else {
            error_count++ ;
        reset_watch_dog() ;
    if (sensor_index < NUM_MAX_SENSOR) {// for each sensor send presence
// printf("Setting sensor[%d] presence\n", sensor_index) ;
        if (sensor_index == 3) { /* for temp lm75b0 is used */
            result = afero->setAttributeBool(attr_to_set[sensor_index], lm75b0) ;
        } else {
            result = afero->setAttributeBool(attr_to_set[sensor_index], sensor[sensor_index]) ;
        if (result == afSUCCESS) {
            error_count = 0 ;
            sensor_index++ ;
        } else {
            error_count++ ;
        reset_watch_dog() ;
    } else { // all sensor presence sent, now get attributes
        if (attr_to_get[attr_index] != 0) {
// printf("getting attribute [%d]\n", attr_index) ;
            result = afero->getAttribute(attr_to_get[attr_index]) ;
            if (result == afSUCCESS) {
                error_count = 0 ;
                attr_index++ ;
            } else {
                error_count++ ;
        reset_watch_dog() ;
    if (error_count > error_tolerance) { // too many fails, trying reset
        reset_watch_dog() ;
        reboot_edge() ;
    if ((sensor_index >= NUM_MAX_SENSOR)&&(attr_to_get[attr_index] == 0)) { /* all sensors attributes done */
        sensor_index = 0 ;
        attr_index = 0 ;
        return_value = 0 ;
    return(return_value) ;

void edge_loop(uint32_t count_robin)
    static int sensor_index = 0 ;
    int result ;
    reset_watch_dog() ;
    if ((count_robin % accel_interval) == 0) {
        if (accel) {
            accel->accum() ; /* get and accum accel data */
        reset_watch_dog() ;

    if ((count_robin % loop_interval) == 0) {
        reset_watch_dog() ;
        loop_interval = 10 ;
        if ((sensor[sensor_index])&&(sensor[sensor_index]->isEnabled())) {
            switch(sensor_index) {
            case SENSOR_ID_COLOR1: /* color0 */
                if (((edge_color*)sensor[sensor_index])->calibration_requested()) {
                    ((edge_color*)sensor[sensor_index])->calibrate(color0_target, color0_pwm, 10) ;
                    reset_watch_dog() ;
                    while((result = afero->setAttribute32(ATTR_COLOR0_PWM_R, color0_pwm[0])) != afSUCCESS) { 
                        reset_watch_dog() ;
                        print_af_error(result) ;
                        wait_ms(10) ;
                    while((result = afero->setAttribute32(ATTR_COLOR0_PWM_G, color0_pwm[1])) != afSUCCESS) {
                        reset_watch_dog() ;
                        print_af_error(result) ;
                        wait_ms(10) ;
                    while((result = afero->setAttribute32(ATTR_COLOR0_PWM_B, color0_pwm[2])) != afSUCCESS) {
                        reset_watch_dog() ;
                        print_af_error(result) ;
                        wait_ms(10) ;
                    while((afero->setAttributeBool(ATTR_COLOR0_CALIBRATE, false)) != afSUCCESS) {
                        reset_watch_dog() ;     
                        print_af_error(result) ;
                        wait_ms(10) ;
                } else { 
                    sensor[sensor_index]->runStateMachine() ;
                break ;
            case SENSOR_ID_COLOR2: /* color1 */
                if (((edge_color*)sensor[sensor_index])->calibration_requested()) {
                    ((edge_color*)sensor[sensor_index])->calibrate(color1_target, color1_pwm, 10) ;
                    reset_watch_dog() ;
                    if ((result = afero->setAttribute32(ATTR_COLOR1_PWM_R, color1_pwm[0])) != afSUCCESS) {
                        reset_watch_dog() ;
                        print_af_error(result) ;
                        wait_ms(10) ;
                    if ((result = afero->setAttribute32(ATTR_COLOR1_PWM_G, color1_pwm[1])) != afSUCCESS) {
                        reset_watch_dog() ;
                        print_af_error(result) ;
                        wait_ms(10) ;
                    reset_watch_dog() ;
                    if ((result = afero->setAttribute32(ATTR_COLOR1_PWM_B, color1_pwm[2])) != afSUCCESS) {
                        reset_watch_dog() ;       
                        print_af_error(result) ;
                        wait_ms(10) ;
                    while((afero->setAttributeBool(ATTR_COLOR1_CALIBRATE, false)) != afSUCCESS) {
                        reset_watch_dog() ;     
                        print_af_error(result) ;
                        wait_ms(10) ;
                } else { 
                    sensor[sensor_index]->runStateMachine() ;
                break ;
                sensor[sensor_index]->runStateMachine() ;
                break ;
        sensor_index = (sensor_index + 1) % NUM_MAX_SENSOR ;
    reset_watch_dog() ;

int is_present(I2C *i2c, int address)
    char t[1] = { 0 } ;
    char data[2] = { 0, 0 } ;
    int result ;
    address <<= 1 ;
    result = i2c->write(address, t, 1, true) ;
    if (result == 0) {
        result = i2c->read(address, data, 2) ;
    return((result == 0)) ;    

void init_sensors(void)
    printf("=== Initializing Sensor(s) ===\n") ;    
    edge_i2c0 = new I2C(PIN_I2C0_SDA, PIN_I2C0_SCL) ;
    edge_i2c1 = new I2C(PIN_I2C1_SDA, PIN_I2C1_SCL) ;
    if (display) {
reset_watch_dog() ;
printf("printing inital string to TFT\n") ;
        display->BusEnable(true) ;

    display->background(Black) ;
    display->foreground(White) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    display->cls() ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
        display->set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);
        display->foreground(Green) ;
        display->locate(70, 5) ;
        display->printf("Suntory") ;
        display->locate(30, 30) ;
        display->printf("Server Monitor") ;
        display->set_font((unsigned char*) Arial28x28);
        display->foreground(White) ;
        display->locate(30, 60) ;
        display->printf("La Suno") ;
        display->locate(30, 100) ;
        display->foreground(Red) ;
        display->printf("Preparing...") ;
    display->BusEnable(true) ;
    printf("Done\n") ;
    wait(0.1) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    display->cls() ;
    display->foreground(Yellow) ;
    display->locate(40, 5) ;
    display->printf("Probing sensors...") ;
    display->foreground(Green) ;
    display->BusEnable(false) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    if (is_present(edge_i2c1, MMA8451Q_I2C_ADDRESS)) {
        printf("MMA8451Q on I2C1 is present\n") ;
        if (display) {
            display->BusEnable(true) ;
            display->locate(30, num_sensor * 30 + 40) ;
            display->printf("ACCEL is present") ;
            display->BusEnable(false) ;
        mma8451q = new MMA8451Q(edge_i2c1, MMA8451Q_I2C_ADDRESS) ;
        accel    = new edge_accel(mma8451q) ;
        sensor[SENSOR_ID_ACCEL] = accel ;
        sensor[SENSOR_ID_ACCEL]->setId(SENSOR_ID_ACCEL) ;
        num_sensor++ ;
    } else {
        sensor[SENSOR_ID_ACCEL] = 0 ;
        printf("MMA8451Q is absent\n") ;
reset_watch_dog() ;   
    if (is_present(edge_i2c1, VEML6040_I2C_ADDRESS)) {
        printf("VEML6040 on I2C1 is present\n") ;  
        if (display) {
            display->BusEnable(true) ;
            display->locate(30, num_sensor * 30 + 40) ;
            display->printf("COLOR1 is present") ;
            display->BusEnable(false) ;
        veml6040[0] = new VEML6040(edge_i2c1, VEML6040_I2C_ADDRESS) ;
        led[0] = new PwmOut(PIN_LED_R) ; 
        led[1] = new PwmOut(PIN_LED_G) ; 
        led[2] = new PwmOut(PIN_LED_B) ; 
        color[0] = new edge_color(veml6040[0], led, pwm) ;
        sensor[SENSOR_ID_COLOR1] = color[0] ;
        sensor[SENSOR_ID_COLOR1]->setId(SENSOR_ID_COLOR1) ;
        num_sensor++ ;
    } else {
        sensor[SENSOR_ID_COLOR1] = 0 ;
        printf("VEML6040 on I2C1 is absent\n") ;
reset_watch_dog() ;    
    if (is_present(edge_i2c0, VEML6040_I2C_ADDRESS)) {
        printf("VEML6040 on I2C0 is present\n") ;  
        if (display) {
            display->BusEnable(true) ;
            display->locate(30, num_sensor * 30 + 40) ;
            display->printf("COLOR2 is present") ;
            display->BusEnable(false) ;
        veml6040[1] = new VEML6040(edge_i2c0, VEML6040_I2C_ADDRESS) ;
        if (led[0] == 0) {
            led[0] = new PwmOut(PIN_LED_R) ;
            led[1] = new PwmOut(PIN_LED_G) ;
            led[2] = new PwmOut(PIN_LED_B) ;
        color[1] = new edge_color(veml6040[1], led, pwm) ;
        sensor[SENSOR_ID_COLOR2] = color[1] ;
        sensor[SENSOR_ID_COLOR2]->setId(SENSOR_ID_COLOR2) ;
        num_sensor++ ;
    } else {
        sensor[SENSOR_ID_COLOR2] = 0 ;
        printf("VEML6040 on I2C0 is absent\n") ;
reset_watch_dog() ;    
    if (is_present(edge_i2c1, LM75B_I2C_ADDRESS)) {
        printf("LM75B on I2C1 is present\n") ;
        if (display) {
            display->BusEnable(true) ;
            display->locate(30, num_sensor * 30 + 40) ;
            display->printf("TEMP1 is present") ;
            display->BusEnable(false) ;
        lm75b0 = new LM75B(edge_i2c1, LM75B_I2C_ADDRESS) ;
    } else {
        printf("LM75B on I2C1 is absent\n") ;
#if 0    
    if (is_present(edge_i2c0, LM75B_I2C_ADDRESS)) {
        printf("LM75B on I2C0 is present\n") ;
        lm75b1 = new LM75B(edge_i2c0, LM75B_I2C_ADDRESS) ;
    } else {
        printf("LM75B on I2C0 is absent\n") ;
     if (display) { /* press is present anyway */
        display->BusEnable(true) ;
        if (lm75b0) {
            display->locate(30, (num_sensor+1) * 30 + 40) ;
        } else {
            display->locate(30, num_sensor * 30 + 40) ;
        display->printf("PRESS is present") ;
        display->BusEnable(false) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;    
    an0        = new AnalogIn(PIN_AN0) ;
    smtc502at0 = new SMTC502AT(an0) ;
    an1        = new AnalogIn(PIN_AN1) ;
    smtc502at1 = new SMTC502AT(an1) ;
    temp       = new edge_temp(lm75b0, smtc502at0, smtc502at1, lm75b1) ;
    sensor[SENSOR_ID_TEMP]  = temp ;
    sensor[SENSOR_ID_TEMP]->setId(SENSOR_ID_TEMP) ;
    num_sensor++ ;

reset_watch_dog() ;    
    an2        = new AnalogIn(PIN_AN2) ;
    pse530_en  = new DigitalOut(PIN_PRESS_EN, 0) ;
    pse530     = new PSE530(an2) ;
    pressure   = new edge_pressure(pse530, pse530_en) ;
    sensor[SENSOR_ID_PRESS]  = pressure ;
    num_sensor++ ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    if (num_sensor > 0) {
        printf("%d edge_sensor(s) registered\n", num_sensor) ;
        printf("Edge is waiting for ASR to link\n") ;
        if (display) {
            display->BusEnable(true) ;
            display->foreground(White) ;
            display->locate(40, 200) ;
            display->printf("Waiting for ASR") ;
            display->BusEnable(false) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;

void enable_sensors(void) 
    int i ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_MAX_SENSOR ; i++ ) {
        if (sensor[i]) {
            sensor[i]->enable() ;

void disable_sensors(void)
    int i ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_MAX_SENSOR ; i++ ) {
        if (sensor[i]) {
            sensor[i]->disable() ;

void   reboot_edge(void) 
    int i ;
    reset_watch_dog() ;
    disable_sensors() ;
    reset_watch_dog() ;
    if (display) {
        delete display ;
        display = 0 ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_MAX_SENSOR ; i++ ) {
        if (sensor[i]) {
            reset_watch_dog() ;
            delete sensor[i] ;
            sensor[i] = 0 ;
    reset_watch_dog() ;
    software_reset() ;