bug : pwm full di launcher
Dependencies: Motor PID Joystick_OrdoV5 mbed millis
Fork of MainProgram_BaseBaru by
- Committer:
- fanny868
- Date:
- 2015-06-27
- Revision:
- 2:ac21a024ac80
- Parent:
- 0:9072e932503c
- Child:
- 12:e07c59c28c29
File content as of revision 2:ac21a024ac80:
/*********************************************************************************************/ /** **/ /** PROGRAM KOMUNIKASI DATA JOYSTIK PS3 **/ /** **/ /** Joystik PS3 -> Arduino -> STM32Nucleo **/ /** **/ /** Fanny Achmad Hindrarta **/ /** EL'12 - 13212076 **/ /** **/ /** Last Update : 01 Februar1 2015, 20.30 **/ /*********************************************************************************************/ #include <PS3BT.h> #include <usbhub.h> //#include <PS3USB.h> #include "Arduino.h" // Satisfy IDE, which only needs to see the include statment in the ino. #ifdef dobogusinclude #include <spi4teensy3.h> #endif USB Usb; // Bluetooth // You can create the instance of the class in two ways BTD Btd(&Usb); // You have to create the Bluetooth Dongle instance like so //You can create the instance of the class in two ways PS3BT PS3(&Btd); // This will just create the instance //PS3BT PS3(&Btd, 0x00, 0x15, 0x83, 0x3D, 0x0A, 0x57); // This will also store the bluetooth address - this can be obtained from the dongle when running the sketch /* // USB // You can create the instance of the class in two ways PS3USB PS3(&Usb); // This will just create the instance //PS3USB PS3(&Btd, 0x00, 0x15, 0x83, 0x3D, 0x0A, 0x57); // This will also store the bluetooth address - this can be obtained from the dongle when running the sketch */ boolean printAngle; uint8_t state = 0; // Deklarasi tombol boolean kiri_click=0, kanan_click=0, atas_click=0, bawah_click=0; boolean segitiga_click=0, lingkaran_click=0, kotak_click=0, silang_click=0; boolean L1_click=0, R1_click=0, L3_click=0, R3_click=0; boolean START_click=0, SELECT_click=0, PS_click=0; // Deklarasi variabel tombol analog unsigned char LX, LY, RX, RY, aL2, aR2; // Deklarasi varibel data yang dikirim unsigned char button; unsigned char RL; unsigned int button_click; unsigned int RL_click; void setup_joystik() { while (!Serial) // Wait for serial port to connect - used on Leonardo, Teensy and other boards with built-in USB CDC serial connection { Serial.write(0x88); Serial.write(0x09); } if (Usb.Init() == -1) { //Serial.print(F("\r\nOSC did not start")); while (1) //halt { Serial.write(0x88); Serial.write(0x09); } } //Serial.print(F("\r\nPS3 USB Library Started")); } /*********************************************************************************************/ /** **/ /** FUNGSI PENGIRIMAN DATA **/ /** - Data yang akan dikirim adalah paket data 8-bit dengan urutan sebagai berikut **/ /** |------|------|--------|----|--------------|----------|----|----|----|----|----|----| **/ /** | 0x88 | 0x08 | button | RL | button_click | RL_click | R2 | L2 | RX | RY | LX | LY | **/ /** |------|------|--------|----|--------------|----------|----|----|----|----|----|----| **/ /** **/ /*********************************************************************************************/ void kirimdatajoystik() { Serial.write(0x88); Serial.write(0x08); Serial.write(button); Serial.write(RL); Serial.write(button_click); Serial.write(RL_click); Serial.write(aR2); Serial.write(aL2); Serial.write(RX); Serial.write(RY); Serial.write(LX); Serial.write(LY); // Debug /* Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(button); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(RL); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(button_click); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(RL_click); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(aR2); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(aL2); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(RX); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(RY); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(LX); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(LY); */ } /*****************************************************************************************/ /** SETUP REGISTER dan INISIALISASI **/ /** - Setup Joystik **/ /** - Baud Rate Serial 115200, 8-bit, 1 stop, 0 parity **/ /*****************************************************************************************/ void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); setup_joystik(); } /*****************************************************************************************/ /** **/ /** FUNGSI PEMBACAAN DATA JOYSTIK **/ /** - Data dari Joystik dikirim melalui Bluetooth. **/ /** Lihat Library "PS3BT.h" **/ /** - Data tombol dari joystik adalah data 1-bit. Pengiriman data melalui USART **/ /** adalah 8-bit. Agar pengiriman data efisien, maka data 1-bit digabungkan **/ /** agar terbentuk data 8-bit **/ /** - Penggabungan data segitiga, longkaran, silang, kotak, arah atas, arah kanan, **/ /** arah bawah, arah kiri disimpan dalam variabel "button" **/ /** - Urutan data pada variabel "button" dan "button_click" **/ /** adalah sebagai berikut **/ /** **/ /** |------|-------|-------|------|-------|--------|-----------|----------| **/ /** Bit Ke | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | **/ /** |------|-------|-------|------|-------|--------|-----------|----------| **/ /** Data | kiri | bawah | kanan | atas | kotak | silang | lingkaran | segitiga | **/ /** |------|-------|-------|------|-------|--------|-----------|----------| **/ /** **/ /** - Penggabungan data R1, R2, L1, L2, R3, L3, START, dan SELECT disimpan dalam **/ /** variabel "RL" **/ /** - Urutan data pada variabel "RL" dan "RL_click" adalah **/ /** sebagai berikut **/ /** **/ /** |----|--------|-------|----|----|----|----| **/ /** Bit Ke | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | **/ /** |----|--------|-------|----|----|----|----| **/ /** Data | PS | SELECT | START | L3 | L1 | R3 | R1 | **/ /** |----|--------|-------|----|----|----|----| **/ /** **/ /*****************************************************************************************/ void loop() { button = 0; RL = 0; button_click=0; RL_click=0; Usb.Task(); // Pembacaan data joystik dilakukan jika PS3 tersambung ke Arduino if (PS3.PS3Connected || PS3.PS3NavigationConnected) { // Pembacaan dan penggabungan data segitiga, lingkaran, silang, kotak, atas, kanan, bawah, kiri // Data bernilai '1' jika tombol ditekan if(PS3.getButtonPress(TRIANGLE)){ button = button + (0x1 << 0); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(CIRCLE)){ button = button + (0x1 << 1); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(CROSS)){ button = button + (0x1 << 2); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(SQUARE)){ button = button + (0x1 << 3); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(UP)){ button = button + (0x1 << 4); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(RIGHT)){ button = button + (0x1 << 5); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(DOWN)){ button = button + (0x1 << 6); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(LEFT)){ button = button + (0x1 << 7); } // Pembacaan dan penggabungan data R1, R3, L1, L3, START, SELECT, dan PS // Data bernilai '1' jika tombol ditekan if(PS3.getButtonPress(R1)){ RL = RL + (0x1 << 0); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(R3)){ RL = RL + (0x1 << 1); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(L1)){ RL = RL + (0x1 << 2); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(L3)){ RL = RL + (0x1 << 3); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(START)){ RL = RL + (0x1 << 4); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(SELECT)){ RL = RL + (0x1 << 5); } if(PS3.getButtonPress(PS)){ RL = RL + (0x1 << 6); } // Pembacaan dan penggabungan data segitiga, lingkaran, silang, kotak, atas, kanan, bawah, kiri // Data bernilai '1' hanya saat tombol pertama kali ditekan if(PS3.getButtonClick(TRIANGLE)){ button_click = button_click + (0x1 << 0); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(CIRCLE)){ button_click = button_click + (0x1 << 1); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(CROSS)){ button_click = button_click + (0x1 << 2); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(SQUARE)){ button_click = button_click + (0x1 << 3); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(UP)){ button_click = button_click + (0x1 << 4); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(RIGHT)){ button_click = button_click + (0x1 << 5); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(DOWN)){ button_click = button_click + (0x1 << 6); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(LEFT)){ button_click = button_click + (0x1 << 7); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(R1)){ RL_click = RL_click + (0x1 << 0); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(R3)){ RL_click = RL_click + (0x1 << 1); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(L1)){ RL_click = RL_click + (0x1 << 2); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(L3)){ RL_click = RL_click + (0x1 << 3); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(START)){ RL_click = RL_click + (0x1 << 4); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(SELECT)){ RL_click = RL_click + (0x1 << 5); } if(PS3.getButtonClick(PS)){ RL_click = RL_click + (0x1 << 6); } // Tombol Analog LX = PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX); LY = PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY); RX = PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX); RY = PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY); aL2 = PS3.getAnalogButton(L2); aR2 = PS3.getAnalogButton(R2); kirimdatajoystik(); } else { // PS3 Disconnected Serial.write(0x88); Serial.write(0x09); } delay(3); }