Fix pisan inimah plis jangan revisi ultimate mantep
Dependencies: DigitDisplay Motor PID mbed millis
Fork of DagonFly__RoadToJapan_15Mei by
- Committer:
- be_bryan
- Date:
- 2017-07-02
- Revision:
- 52:a39e26b935a9
- Parent:
- 51:df6391c3fa68
File content as of revision 52:a39e26b935a9:
/*tuning motor baru untuk konstanta pid baru */ /****************************************************************************/ /* PROGRAM UNTUK PID CLOSED LOOP */ /* */ /* Last Update : 16 April 2017 */ /* */ /* - Digunakan encoder autonics */ /* - Konfigurasi Motor dan Encoder sbb : */ /* ______________________ */ /* / \ Rode Depan Belakang: */ /* / 2 (Belakang) \ Omniwheel */ /* | | */ /* | 3 (kiri) 4 (kanan) | Roda Kiri Kanan: */ /* | | Omniwheel */ /* \ 1 (Depan) / */ /* \______________________/ Putaran berlawanan arah */ /* jarum jam positif */ /* SETTINGS (WAJIB!) : */ /* 1. Settings Pin Encoder, Resolusi, dan Tipe encoding di omniPos.h */ /* 2. Deklarasi penggunaan library omniPos pada bagian deklarasi encoder */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Joystick */ /* Kanan => */ /* Kiri => */ /* */ /* Tombol silang => Pneumatik aktif */ /* Tombol segitiga => Aktif motor Launcher */ /* Tombol lingkaran => Reloader naik */ /* Tombol kotak => Reloader turun */ /* Tombol L1 => Pivot Kiri */ /* Tombol R1 => Pivot Kanan */ /* Tombol L2 => Kurang PWM Motor Launcher */ /* Tombol R2 => Tambah PWM Motor Launcher */ /* */ /* Bismillahirahmanirrahim */ /* Jagalah Kebersihan Kodingan */ /****************************************************************************/ #include "mbed.h" #include "JoystickPS3.h" #include "Motor.h" #include "encoderKRAI.h" #include "millis.h" #include "DigitDisplay.h" /***********************************************/ /* Konstanta dan Variabel */ /***********************************************/ #define PI 3.14159265 #define D_ENCODER 10 // Diameter Roda Encoder #define D_ROBOT1 54 // Diameter Roda Robot dari kiri ke kanan #define D_ROBOT2 79 // Diameter Roda Robot dari depan ke belakang /**********************************************************/ /* LAUNCHER */ bool isLauncher = false; double speed; const double maxSpeed = 1.0, minSpeed = -1.0, Ts = 20; const double kpA=0.0004667, kdA=0, kiA=6.2645e-07; double a,b,c; double current_error, previous_error_1 = 0, previous_error_2 = 0; double previous_speed = 0; float rpm; double target_rpm = 2600; const float maxRPM = 4000, minRPM = 0.0; /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************/ /* BASE */ float PIVOT = 0.3; // PWM Pivot Kanan, Pivot Kiri float tuneAksel = 0.6; float serong = 0.45; float rasio= (D_ROBOT2/D_ROBOT1); //float jariR = 15, jariL = 64, jariDpn = 27, jariBlk = 27; float K_enc = PI*D_ENCODER; float K_robot1 = PI*D_ROBOT1; float K_robot2 = PI*D_ROBOT2; float speedDpn, speedBlk, speedR, speedL; //unsigned long int previousMillis=0; float jarakXnow, jarakXbefore, jarakYnow, jarakYbefore; //Untuk aksel /* PID BASE */ float setpointX=0.0, setpointY=0.0, setpointT=0.0; const float maxPIDSpeedX = 0.6, minPIDSpeedX = -0.6; const float maxPIDSpeedY = 0.6, minPIDSpeedY = -0.6; const float maxPIDSpeedT = 0.4, minPIDSpeedT = -0.4; const float TsBase = 50; double current_efrror, previous_error1 = 0, previous_error2 = 0; float PIDSpeedX, PIDSpeedY, PIDSpeedT; float errorX, previous_errorX=0, derivativeX, integralX=0; float errorY, previous_errorY=0, derivativeY, integralY=0; float errorT, previous_errorT=0, derivativeT, integralT=0; float KpX=0.06, KiX=0, KdX=0.4; float KpY=0.06, KiY=0, KdY=0.4; float KpT=0.08, KiT=0, KdT=3.33; //float KpT=0.08, KiT=0, KdT=0.0; // Otomatis sb X bool autoX = false, auto_rotate = false; bool reset_encoder, inAutoRotate; int mode=0; /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************/ /* RELOADER */ bool isReload = false; bool ReloadOn = false; bool flag_Pneu = false; bool readySlideFromLeft = false; bool readySlideFromMiddle = false; bool getBack = false; bool isDown = false, sliderOn = false; bool ready = true; bool init_slider = true; bool init_lifter = true; bool sliderReady = false; bool flag_tengah = true; bool delay = false; float lempar1 = -0.8, lempar2 = -0.85, balik = 0.7; float lempar_naik1 = -0.85, lempar2_naik = -0.8; float swipper_dorong1, swipper_dorong2; bool slideNowLeft = false, slideNowMid = false; bool naik = false; /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************/ /* MILLIS */ static volatile uint32_t previousMillis = 0; static volatile uint32_t previousMillis3 = 0; // Pneumatik static volatile uint32_t previousMillis5 = 0; // Display static volatile uint32_t previousMillis6 = 0; // pneu static volatile uint32_t previousMillis7 = 0; // delay static volatile uint32_t currentMillis; static volatile uint32_t previousMillisAutoX=0; // Otomatis X /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************/ /* JOYSTICK */ bool flag_LXmax = true, flag_LXmin = true, flag_LYmax = true, flag_LYmin = true; int case_joy; //int debug = 0; bool awal = true; /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************/ /* Motor */ Motor motorDpn(PB_6, PA_10, PB_13); Motor motorBlk(PB_7, PA_8, PB_1); Motor motorL(PB_9, PA_11, PA_12); Motor motorR(PB_8, PA_9, PA_5); Motor Launcher(PA_6, PB_2, PB_12); Motor powerScrew(PA_7, PB_14, PB_15); Motor swipper(PB_0, PA_4, PA_13); /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************/ /* Encoder */ encoderKRAI Benc_R(PC_5, PC_4, 540, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING); encoderKRAI Benc_L(PC_7, PC_6, 540, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING); encoderKRAI Benc_Dpn(PC_1, PC_0, 540, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING); encoderKRAI Benc_Blk(PC_3, PC_2, 540, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING); encoderKRAI Lenc(PC_9, PC_8, 1000, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING); /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************/ /* Display 7 Segmen */ DigitDisplay display (PC_12, PB_10); /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************/ /* Limit Switch */ DigitalIn limitKanan(PD_2, PullUp); DigitalIn limitTengah(PB_4, PullUp); DigitalIn limitKiri(PB_5, PullUp); DigitalIn limitBawah(PC_13, PullUp); DigitalIn limitAtas(PC_14, PullUp); DigitalIn limitFB(PC_15, PullUp); /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************/ /* Pneumatik */ DigitalOut Pneumatik(PA_14, PullUp); DigitalOut Elevator(PA_15, PullUp); /****************************************************/ /**********************************************************/ /* Serial */ Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); joysticknucleo joystick(PA_0,PA_1); /**********************************************************/ /* Deklarasi Fungsi dan Procedure */ /****************************************************/ void setCenter() { Benc_R.reset(); Benc_L.reset(); Benc_Dpn.reset(); Benc_Blk.reset(); Lenc.reset(); } float getX() { float jarakEncDpn, jarakEncBlk; jarakEncDpn = (Benc_Dpn.getPulses())/(float)(540.0)*K_enc; jarakEncBlk = (Benc_Blk.getPulses())/(float)(540.0)*K_enc; return (jarakEncDpn-jarakEncBlk)/2; } float getY() { float jarakEncKir, jarakEncKan; jarakEncKir = (Benc_L.getPulses())/(float)(540.0)*K_enc; jarakEncKan = (Benc_R.getPulses())/(float)(540.0)*K_enc; return (jarakEncKir-jarakEncKan)/2; } float getTetha() { float busurDpn, busurBlk, busurKir, busurKan, sudut; busurKir = ((Benc_L.getPulses())/(float)(540.0)*K_enc)/K_robot2*360.0; busurKan = ((Benc_R.getPulses())/(float)(540.0)*K_enc)/K_robot2*360.0; busurDpn = ((Benc_Dpn.getPulses())/(float)(540.0)*K_enc)/K_robot1*360.0; busurBlk = ((Benc_Blk.getPulses())/(float)(540.0)*K_enc)/K_robot1*360.0; sudut = -(busurDpn+busurBlk+busurKir+busurKan)/4; if (sudut>=360.0 || sudut<=-360.0) { sudut = 0.0; } return sudut; } void PIDcompute_X() { errorX = setpointX - getX(); integralX = integralX + errorX*TsBase; derivativeX = (errorX - previous_errorX)/TsBase; PIDSpeedX = KpX*errorY + KiX*integralY + KdX*derivativeX; if(PIDSpeedX > maxPIDSpeedX) { PIDSpeedX = maxPIDSpeedX; } else if (PIDSpeedX < minPIDSpeedX) { PIDSpeedX = minPIDSpeedX; } previous_errorX = errorX; } void PIDcompute_Y() { errorY = setpointY - getY(); integralY = integralY + errorY*TsBase; derivativeY = (errorY - previous_errorY)/TsBase; PIDSpeedY = KpY*errorY + KiY*integralY + KdY*derivativeY; if(PIDSpeedY > maxPIDSpeedY) { PIDSpeedY = maxPIDSpeedY; } else if (PIDSpeedY < minPIDSpeedY) { PIDSpeedY = minPIDSpeedY; } previous_errorY = errorY; } void PIDcompute_T() { errorT = setpointT - getTetha(); integralT = integralT + errorT*TsBase; derivativeT = (errorT - previous_errorT)/TsBase; PIDSpeedT = KpT*errorT + KiT*integralT + KdT*derivativeT; if(PIDSpeedT > maxPIDSpeedT) { PIDSpeedT = maxPIDSpeedT; } else if (PIDSpeedT < minPIDSpeedT) { PIDSpeedT = minPIDSpeedT; } previous_errorT = errorT; } int case_joystick() { int caseJoystick; if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Pivot Kanan caseJoystick = 1; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Pivot Kiri caseJoystick = 2; } else if ((joystick.START_click)&&(!joystick.SELECT_click)&&(!joystick.R3_click)) { // tambah rpm dengan nilai tertentu caseJoystick = 31; } else if ((!joystick.START_click)&&(joystick.SELECT_click)&&(!joystick.R3_click)) { // kurangi rpm dengan nilai tertentu caseJoystick = 32; } else if ((!joystick.START_click)&&(!joystick.SELECT_click)&&(joystick.R3_click)) { // kurangi rpm dengan nilai tertentu caseJoystick = 33; } else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Kanan + Rotasi kanan caseJoystick = 17; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Kanan + Rotasi kiri caseJoystick = 18; } else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) { // Kiri + Rotasi kanan caseJoystick = 19; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) { // Kanan + Rotasi kiri caseJoystick = 20; } else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Maju + Rotasi kanan caseJoystick = 21; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Maju + Rotasi kiri caseJoystick = 22; } else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Mundur + Rotasi kanan caseJoystick = 23; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Mundur + Rotasi kiri caseJoystick = 24; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.segitiga_click)) { // Kanan + segitiga caseJoystick = 25; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.segitiga_click)) { // Kiri + segitiga caseJoystick = 26; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.lingkaran_click)) { // Kanan + lingkaran caseJoystick = 27; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.lingkaran_click)) { // Kiri + lingkaran caseJoystick = 28; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.kotak_click)) { // Kanan + kotak caseJoystick = 29; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.kotak_click)) { // Kiri + kotak caseJoystick = 30; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Serong kanan maju caseJoystick = 13; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) { // Serong kiri maju caseJoystick = 14; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Serong kanan mundur caseJoystick = 15; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) { // Serong kiri mundur caseJoystick = 16; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Kanan caseJoystick = 3; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) { // Kiri caseJoystick = 4; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Atas -- Maju caseJoystick = 8; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Bawah -- Mundur caseJoystick = 9; } else if (joystick.segitiga_click){ // Motor Launcher caseJoystick = 5; } else if (joystick.R2_click){ // Target Pulse PID ++ Motor Depan caseJoystick = 6; } else if (joystick.L2_click){ // Target Pulse PID -- Motor caseJoystick = 7; } else if (joystick.silang_click){ // Pnemuatik ON caseJoystick = 10; } else if ((joystick.lingkaran_click)&&(!joystick.kotak_click)) { // Power Screw Up caseJoystick = 11; } else if ((joystick.kotak_click)&&(!joystick.lingkaran_click)) { // Power Screw Down caseJoystick = 12; } else if (joystick.L3_click){ // elevasi ON/OFF caseJoystick = 34; } else { //tuneAksel = 0.6; } return(caseJoystick); } void aturSetpoint() { switch (mode) { case (-2): setpointT = -45.0; break; case (-1): setpointT = -20.0; break; case (0): setpointT = 0.0; break; case (1): setpointT = 20.0; break; case (2): setpointT = 45.0; break; } } void cekMode() { if (mode<-2){mode = -2;} else if (mode>2){mode = 2;} } void case_autoRotate() { if ((joystick.LY>175)&&flag_LYmax) // Bawah, Keluar { flag_LYmax = false; auto_rotate = false; setpointT = 0.0; inAutoRotate = false; mode = 0; } else if ((15<joystick.LY&&joystick.LY<175)&&!flag_LYmax){ flag_LYmax = true; } if ((joystick.LY<15)&&flag_LYmin) // Atas, Masuk (aktif) { flag_LYmin = false; auto_rotate = true; reset_encoder = true; inAutoRotate =true; setCenter(); mode = 0; } else if ((15<joystick.LY && joystick.LY<175)&&!flag_LYmin){ flag_LYmin = true;} if ((joystick.LX>200)&&flag_LXmax) { flag_LXmax = false; mode--; cekMode(); } else if ((55<joystick.LX&&joystick.LX<200)&&!flag_LXmax){ flag_LXmax = true; } if ((joystick.LX<55)&&flag_LXmin) { flag_LXmin = false; mode++; cekMode(); } else if ((55<joystick.LX&&joystick.LX<200)&&!flag_LXmin){ flag_LXmin = true; } } void init_rpm () { if (target_rpm>maxRPM){ target_rpm = maxRPM; } if (target_rpm<minRPM){ target_rpm = minRPM; } } void sliderMove() { if (readySlideFromLeft && slideNowLeft && !delay) { swipper.speed(swipper_dorong2); if(!(limitTengah) && flag_tengah) { swipper.brake(1); slideNowLeft = false; slideNowMid = false; readySlideFromLeft = false; readySlideFromMiddle = true; getBack = false; flag_tengah = false; } else {flag_tengah = true;} } else if (readySlideFromMiddle && slideNowMid && !delay) { swipper.speed(swipper_dorong1); if(!(limitKanan)) { readySlideFromMiddle = false; slideNowLeft = false; slideNowMid = false; readySlideFromLeft = false; getBack = true; } } else if (getBack) { swipper.speed(balik); if(!(limitKiri)) { swipper.brake(1); slideNowLeft = false; slideNowMid = false; readySlideFromLeft = false; readySlideFromMiddle = false; getBack = false; sliderReady = false; ReloadOn = true; isDown = false; } } else { swipper.brake(1); } } void lifterMove() { if(ReloadOn) { if(isDown) { powerScrew.speed(-1.0); if(!(limitBawah)) { ReloadOn = false; isDown = false; } } else if (!(limitAtas)) { isDown = true; readySlideFromMiddle = false; getBack = true; } else if (sliderReady) { powerScrew.brake(1); sliderMove(); } else if(!(limitFB)) { sliderReady = true; readySlideFromLeft = true; } else { powerScrew.speed(1.0); } } else { powerScrew.brake(1); } } void aktuator() { switch (case_joy) { case (1): { // Pivot Kanan motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT); motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (2): { // Pivot Kiri motorDpn.speed(PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(PIVOT); motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (17): { // Kanan + Rotasi Kanan motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT); motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (18): { // Kanan + Rotasi Kiri motorDpn.speed(PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(PIVOT); motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (19): { // Kiri + Rotasi Kanan motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT); motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (20): { // Kiri + Rotasi Kiri motorDpn.speed(PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(PIVOT); motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (21): { // Maju + Rotasi Kanan motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT); motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (22): { // Maju + Rotasi Kiri motorDpn.speed(PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(PIVOT); motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (23): { // Mundur + Rotasi Kanan motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT); motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (24): { // Mundur + Rotasi Kiri motorDpn.speed(PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(PIVOT); motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (25): { // Kanan + segitiga isLauncher = !isLauncher; break; } case (26): { // Kiri + segitiga isLauncher = !isLauncher; break; } case (27): { // Kanan + lingkaran ----- Lifter Up ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isDown = false; break; } case (28): { // Kiri + lingkaran ----- Lifter Up ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isDown = false; break; } case (29): { // Kanan + kotak ----- Lifter Down ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isDown = true; break; } case (30): { // Kiri + kotak ----- Lifter Down ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isDown = true; break; } case (13) : { // Serong kanan maju awal = true; motorDpn.speed(-serong); motorBlk.speed(serong); motorR.speed(serong); motorL.speed(-serong); break; } case (14) : { // Serong kiri maju awal = true; motorDpn.speed(serong); motorBlk.speed(-serong); motorR.speed(serong); motorL.speed(-serong); break; } case (15) : { // Serong kanan mundur awal = true; motorDpn.speed(-serong); motorBlk.speed(serong); motorR.speed(-serong); motorL.speed(serong); break; } case (16) : { // Serong kiri mundur awal = true; motorDpn.speed(serong); motorBlk.speed(-serong); motorR.speed(-serong); motorL.speed(serong); break; } case (3) : { // Kanan if (awal) { tuneAksel = 0.6; awal = false; } jarakXnow = getX(); if(jarakXnow-jarakXbefore>5.0) { tuneAksel = tuneAksel+0.05; jarakXbefore = jarakXnow; } if (tuneAksel>1.0) tuneAksel = 1.0; motorDpn.speed(-tuneAksel); motorBlk.speed(tuneAksel); motorR.brake(1); motorL.brake(1); break; } case (4) : { // Kiri if (awal) { tuneAksel = 0.6; awal = false; } jarakXnow = getX(); if(jarakXnow-jarakXbefore<-5.0) { tuneAksel = tuneAksel+0.05; jarakXbefore = jarakXnow; } if (tuneAksel>1.0) tuneAksel = 1.0; motorDpn.speed(tuneAksel); motorBlk.speed(-tuneAksel); motorR.brake(1); motorL.brake(1); break; } case (8) : { // Maju if (awal) { tuneAksel = 0.525; awal = false; } jarakYnow = getY(); if(jarakYnow-jarakYbefore>5.0) { tuneAksel = tuneAksel+0.025; jarakYbefore = jarakYnow; } if (tuneAksel>0.675) tuneAksel = 0.675; motorDpn.brake(1); motorBlk.brake(1); motorR.speed(tuneAksel); motorL.speed(-tuneAksel); break; } case (9) : { // Mundur if (awal) { tuneAksel = 0.525; awal = false; } jarakYnow = getY(); if(jarakYnow-jarakYbefore<-5.0) { tuneAksel = tuneAksel+0.025; jarakYbefore = jarakYnow; } if (tuneAksel>0.675) tuneAksel = 0.675; motorDpn.brake(1); motorBlk.brake(1); motorR.speed(-tuneAksel); motorL.speed(tuneAksel); break; } case (5) : { // Aktifkan motor atas isLauncher = !isLauncher; break; } case (6) : { // Target Pulse PID ++ target_rpm = target_rpm+100.0; init_rpm(); break; } case (7) : { // Target Pulse PID -- target_rpm = target_rpm-100.0; init_rpm(); break; } case (10) : { // Pneumatik pendorong if (ready) { Pneumatik = 0; previousMillis3 = millis(); flag_Pneu = true; ready = false; previousMillis6 = millis(); } break; } case (11) : { // Lifter Up ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isDown = false; break; } case (31) : { // start Elevator = 1; target_rpm = 3200; init_rpm(); break; } case (32) : { // select target_rpm = 1600; init_rpm(); break; } case (33) : { // R3 target_rpm = 2600; init_rpm(); break; } case (12) : { // Lifter Down ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; if (readySlideFromLeft) { sliderReady = false; readySlideFromLeft = false; } isDown = true; break; } case (34) : { // Pneumatik naikkan sudut naik = !naik; Elevator = 0; break; } default : { if (tuneAksel>0.4) { if (getX()>0.0) { jarakXnow = getX(); if(jarakXnow-jarakXbefore>4.5) { tuneAksel = tuneAksel-0.05; jarakXbefore = jarakXnow; } } if (getX()<0.0) { jarakXnow = getX(); if(jarakXnow-jarakXbefore<-4.5) { tuneAksel = tuneAksel-0.05; jarakXbefore = jarakXnow; } } } else { motorDpn.brake(1); motorBlk.brake(1); motorR.brake(1); motorL.brake(1); setCenter(); jarakXbefore = 0; jarakYbefore = 0; } if(PIVOT>0.2 || serong>0.2) { motorDpn.brake(1); motorBlk.brake(1); motorR.brake(1); motorL.brake(1); } awal = true; } } // End Switch } void launcher() { if (isLauncher) { currentMillis = millis(); // PID Launcher Belakang if (currentMillis-previousMillis>=Ts) { rpm = (float)Lenc.getPulses();; current_error = target_rpm - rpm; a = kpA + kiA*Ts/2 + kdA/Ts; b = -kpA + kiA*Ts/2 - 2*kdA/Ts; c = kdA/Ts; speed = previous_speed + a*current_error + b*previous_error_1 + c*previous_error_2; if(speed > maxSpeed){ Launcher.speed(maxSpeed); } else if ( speed < minSpeed){ Launcher.speed(minSpeed); } else { Launcher.speed(speed); } previous_speed = speed; previous_error_2 = previous_error_1; previous_error_1 = current_error; previousMillis = currentMillis; Lenc.reset(); } } else { Launcher.brake(1); current_error = 0; previous_error_1 = 0; previous_error_2 = 0; previous_speed = 0; } } // Main Program int main (void) { // Set baud rate - 115200 joystick.setup(); pc.baud(115200); wait_ms(1000); // initializing pneumatik Pneumatik = 1; Elevator = 1; wait_ms(500); while(init_slider) { swipper.speed(balik); if (!(limitKiri)) { init_slider = false; swipper.brake(1); } } while(init_lifter) { powerScrew.speed(-1.0); if(!(limitBawah)) { init_lifter = false; powerScrew.brake(1); } } startMillis(); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ //idle(); setCenter(); joystick.idle(); while (1) { if(joystick.readable()) { joystick.baca_data(); joystick.olah_data(); case_joy = case_joystick(); if (naik) { swipper_dorong1 = lempar_naik1; swipper_dorong2 = lempar2_naik; } else { swipper_dorong1 = lempar1; swipper_dorong2 = lempar2; } aktuator(); launcher(); lifterMove(); if ((millis()-previousMillis3 >= 500)&&(flag_Pneu)) { Pneumatik = 1; flag_Pneu = false; slideNowLeft = true; slideNowMid = true; ready = true; delay = true; previousMillis7 = millis(); //delay } if((millis()-previousMillis7>=200) && delay) { delay = false; } } else { joystick.idle(); } if(millis() - previousMillis5 >= 400) { display.write(0,((int)rpm) / 1000); display.write(1,((((int)rpm)%1000)/ 100)); display.write(2,((int)target_rpm) / 1000); display.write(3,((((int)target_rpm)%1000)/ 100)); display.setColon(true); previousMillis5 = millis(); } } }