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Dependencies: DigitDisplay Motor PID Ping mbed millis
Fork of DagonFly__RoadToJapan_11Mei by
- Committer:
- Najib_irvani
- Date:
- 2017-04-24
- Revision:
- 46:85169ae8659b
- Parent:
- 45:964ae71a30e3
- Child:
- 47:6cac4f1a3c8e
File content as of revision 46:85169ae8659b:
/****************************************************************************/ /* PROGRAM UNTUK PID CLOSED LOOP */ /* */ /* Last Update : 16 April 2017 */ /* */ /* - Digunakan encoder autonics */ /* - Konfigurasi Motor dan Encoder sbb : */ /* ______________________ */ /* / \ Rode Depan Belakang: */ /* / 2 (Belakang) \ Omniwheel */ /* | | */ /* | 3 (kiri) 4 (kanan) | Roda Kiri Kanan: */ /* | | Omniwheel */ /* \ 1 (Depan) / */ /* \______________________/ Putaran berlawanan arah */ /* jarum jam positif */ /* SETTINGS (WAJIB!) : */ /* 1. Settings Pin Encoder, Resolusi, dan Tipe encoding di omniPos.h */ /* 2. Deklarasi penggunaan library omniPos pada bagian deklarasi encoder */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Joystick */ /* Kanan => */ /* Kiri => */ /* */ /* Tombol silang => Pneumatik aktif */ /* Tombol segitiga => Aktif motor Launcher */ /* Tombol lingkaran => Reloader naik */ /* Tombol kotak => Reloader turun */ /* Tombol L1 => Pivot Kiri */ /* Tombol R1 => Pivot Kanan */ /* Tombol L2 => Kurang PWM Motor Launcher */ /* Tombol R2 => Tambah PWM Motor Launcher */ /* */ /* Bismillahirahmanirrahim */ /* Jagalah Kebersihan Kodingan */ /****************************************************************************/ #include "mbed.h" #include "JoystickPS3.h" #include "Motor.h" #include "encoderKRAI.h" #include "millis.h" #include "Ping.h" #include "DigitDisplay.h" /***********************************************/ /* Konstanta dan Variabel */ /***********************************************/ #define PI 3.14159265 #define D_ENCODER 10 // Diameter Roda Encoder #define D_ROBOT 80 // Diameter Roda Robot // Variable Atas // indek 2 untuk motor depan, 1 untuk motor belakang double speed, speed2; const double maxSpeed = 0.95, minSpeed = 0.0, Ts = 12.5; const double kpA1=0.1478, kdA1=0.9295, kiA1=0.0004226; const double kpA2=0.1293, kdA2=1.007, kiA2=0.0002986; double a1,b1,c1; double a2,b2,c2; double current_error1, previous_error1_1 = 0, previous_error1_2 = 0; double current_error2, previous_error2_1 = 0, previous_error2_2 = 0; double previous_speed1 = 0; double previous_speed2 = 0; float rpm, rpm2; double target_rpm = 17.0, target_rpm2 = 17.0; // selisih 4 bagus, sama bagus const float maxRPM = 35, minRPM = 0; // Limit 25 atau 27 const float pwmPowerUp = 1.0; const float pwmPowerDown = -1.0; double jarak_ping=0; double ping_target = 12; double ping_current_error, ping_previous_error1 = 0, ping_sum_error=0; double ping_Kp = -0.13, ping_Kd =-0.049, ping_Ts=10; double ping_pwm, ping_previous_pwm = 0; // Variable Bawah float Vt; float keliling_enc = PI*D_ENCODER; float keliling_robot = PI*D_ROBOT; float speedT = 0.2; float PIVOT = 0.17; // PWM Pivot Kanan, Pivot Kiri float tuneDpn = 1.0; // Tunning PWM motor Depan float tuneBlk = 1.0; // Tunning PWM motor belakang float tuneAksel = 0.6; int aksel = 0; float tuneAkselBlk = 0.4; float tuneR = 1.0; float tuneL = 1.0; float serong = 0.4; float rasio = 3.0; float t_new = 0.25; /* variable tunning */ float tunning_L; float tunning_R; float tunning_Dpn; float tunning_Blk; /* Variabel Encoder Bawah */ float errTetha, Tetha; // Variabel yang didapatkan encoder /* Deklarasi Variable Millis */ unsigned long int previousMillis = 0; // PID launcher unsigned long int currentMillis; unsigned long int previousMillis2 = 0; // PID launcher unsigned long int currentMillis2; unsigned long int previousMillis3 = 0; // Pneumatik unsigned long int previousMillis4 = 0; // Ping unsigned long int previousMillis5 = 0; // Display /* Variabel Stick */ //Logic untuk masuk aktuator int case_joy; bool isLauncher = false; bool isReload = false; bool ReloadOn = false; bool flag_Pneu = false; bool ready = false; /*****************************************************/ /* Definisi Prosedur, Fungsi dan Setting Pinout */ /*****************************************************/ /* Fungsi dan Procedur Encoder */ void init_speed(); // void aktuator(); // Pergerakan aktuator berdasarkan case joystick int case_joystick(); // Mendapatkan case dari joystick //void speedKalibrasiMotor(); // Pertambahan target RPM motor atas melalui joystick void setCenter(); // Prosedur reset encoder, posisi saat itu diset jadi titik (0,0) float getTetha(); // Fungsi mendapatkan error Tetha /* Inisialisasi Pin TX-RX Joystik dan PC */ joysticknucleo joystick(PA_0,PA_1); Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); /* Deklarasi Encoder Base */ encoderKRAI encoderBase(PC_4, PB_15, 2000, encoderKRAI::X2_ENCODING); //inA, inB, pin Indeks (NC = tak ada), 2xresolusi, mode pembacaan /* Deklarasi Encoder Launcher */ encoderKRAI encLauncherDpn( PC_10, PC_11, 28, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING); encoderKRAI encLauncherBlk( PC_12, PD_2, 28, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING); /* Deklarasi Motor Base */ Motor motorDpn(PB_7, PC_3, PC_0); //(PB_9, PA_12, PC_5); //Motor motorBlk(PB_6, PC_14, PC_13); //(PB_6, PB_1, PB_12); (PC_7, PC_14, PC_13); Motor motorBlk(PB_2, PB_15, PB_1); Motor motorL (PB_9, PA_12, PA_6); Motor motorR (PB_8, PC_6, PC_5); //(PC_6, PB_4, PB_5); /* Deklarasi Motor Launcher */ Motor launcherDpn(PA_5,PB_12,PA_11); // pwm ,fwd, rev Motor launcherBlk(PB_3, PC_4, PA_10); // pwm, fwd, rev Motor powerScrew(PB_10, PB_14, PB_13); // pwm, fwd, rev /* Deklarasi Penumatik Launcher */ DigitalOut pneumatik(PA_4, PullUp); /*Dekalrasi Limit Switch */ //DigitalIn infraAtas(PC_9, PullUp); DigitalIn limitTengah(PA_9, PullUp); DigitalIn limitBawah(PC_7, PullUp); DigitalIn limitBawah1(PA_7, PullUp); /*deklarasi PING ultrasonic*/ Ping pingAtas(PC_15); /*Deklarasi Display*/ DigitDisplay display (PA_8, PC_8); /****************************************************/ /* Deklarasi Fungsi dan Procedure */ /****************************************************/ int case_joystick() { //---------------------------------------------------// // Gerak Motor Base // // Case 1 : Pivot kanan // // Case 2 : Pivot Kiri // // Case 3 : Kanan // // Case 4 : Kiri // // Case 5 : Break // //---------------------------------------------------// int caseJoystick; if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Pivot Kanan caseJoystick = 1; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Pivot Kiri caseJoystick = 2; } else if ((joystick.START_click)&&(!joystick.SELECT_click)&&(!joystick.R3_click)) { // tambah rpm dengan nilai tertentu caseJoystick = 31; } else if ((!joystick.START_click)&&(joystick.SELECT_click)&&(!joystick.R3_click)) { // kurangi rpm dengan nilai tertentu caseJoystick = 32; } else if ((!joystick.START_click)&&(!joystick.SELECT_click)&&(joystick.R3_click)) { // kurangi rpm dengan nilai tertentu caseJoystick = 33; } else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Kanan + Rotasi kanan caseJoystick = 17; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Kanan + Rotasi kiri caseJoystick = 18; } else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) { // Kiri + Rotasi kanan caseJoystick = 19; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) { // Kanan + Rotasi kiri caseJoystick = 20; } else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Maju + Rotasi kanan caseJoystick = 21; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Maju + Rotasi kiri caseJoystick = 22; } else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Mundur + Rotasi kanan caseJoystick = 23; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Mundur + Rotasi kiri caseJoystick = 24; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.segitiga_click)) { // Kanan + segitiga caseJoystick = 25; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.segitiga_click)) { // Kiri + segitiga caseJoystick = 26; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.lingkaran_click)) { // Kanan + lingkaran caseJoystick = 27; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.lingkaran_click)) { // Kiri + lingkaran caseJoystick = 28; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.kotak_click)) { // Kanan + kotak caseJoystick = 29; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.kotak_click)) { // Kiri + kotak caseJoystick = 30; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Serong kanan maju caseJoystick = 13; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) { // Serong kiri maju caseJoystick = 14; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Serong kanan mundur caseJoystick = 15; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) { // Serong kiri mundur caseJoystick = 16; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Kanan caseJoystick = 3; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) { // Kiri caseJoystick = 4; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Atas -- Maju caseJoystick = 8; } else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) { // Bawah -- Mundur caseJoystick = 9; } else if (joystick.segitiga_click){ // Motor Launcher caseJoystick = 5; } else if (joystick.R2_click){ // Target Pulse PID ++ Motor Depan caseJoystick = 6; } else if (joystick.L2_click){ // Target Pulse PID -- Motor caseJoystick = 7; } else if (joystick.silang_click){ // Pnemuatik ON caseJoystick = 10; } else if ((joystick.lingkaran_click)&&(!joystick.kotak_click)) { // Power Screw Up caseJoystick = 11; } else if ((joystick.kotak_click)&&(!joystick.lingkaran_click)) { // Power Screw Down caseJoystick = 12; } else { tuneAksel = 0.6; aksel = 0; } return(caseJoystick); } float getTetha(){ // Fungsi untuk mendapatkan nilai tetha float busur, tetha; busur = ((encoderBase.getPulses())/(float)(2000.0)*keliling_enc); tetha = busur/keliling_robot*360; return -(tetha); } float pidBase(float Kp, float Ki, float Kd) { int errorP; errorP = getTetha(); if (errorP<3.5 && errorP>(-3.5)) errorP = 0; return (float)Kp*errorP; } void setCenter(){ // Fungsi untuk menentukan center dari robot encoderBase.reset(); } void init_rpm (){ if (target_rpm>maxRPM-2){ target_rpm = maxRPM-2; } if (target_rpm<minRPM){ target_rpm = minRPM; } if (target_rpm2>maxRPM){ target_rpm2 = maxRPM; } if (target_rpm2<minRPM+2){ target_rpm2 = minRPM+2; } } void aktuator() { switch (case_joy) { case (1): { // Pivot Kanan motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT); motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (2): { // Pivot Kiri motorDpn.speed(PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(PIVOT); motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (17): { // Kanan + Rotasi Kanan motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT); motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (18): { // Kanan + Rotasi Kiri motorDpn.speed(PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(PIVOT); motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (19): { // Kiri + Rotasi Kanan motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT); motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (20): { // Kiri + Rotasi Kiri motorDpn.speed(PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(PIVOT); motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (21): { // Maju + Rotasi Kanan motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT); motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (22): { // Maju + Rotasi Kiri motorDpn.speed(PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(PIVOT); motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (23): { // Mundur + Rotasi Kanan motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT); motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (24): { // Mundur + Rotasi Kiri motorDpn.speed(PIVOT); motorBlk.speed(PIVOT); motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT); motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT); break; } case (25): { // Kanan + segitiga isLauncher = !isLauncher; break; } case (26): { // Kiri + segitiga isLauncher = !isLauncher; break; } case (27): { // Kanan + lingkaran ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isReload = false; break; } case (28): { // Kiri + lingkaran ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isReload = false; break; } case (29): { // Kanan + kotak ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isReload = true; break; } case (30): { // Kiri + kotak ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isReload = true; break; } case (13) : { // Serong kanan maju motorDpn.speed(-serong); motorL.speed(-serong-t_new); motorBlk.speed(serong); motorR.speed(serong+t_new); break; } case (14) : { // Serong kiri maju motorDpn.speed(serong); motorR.speed(serong+t_new); motorBlk.speed(-serong); motorL.speed(-serong-t_new); break; } case (15) : { // Serong kanan mundur motorDpn.speed(-serong); motorR.speed(-serong-t_new); motorBlk.speed(serong); motorL.speed(serong+t_new); break; } case (16) : { // Serong kiri mundur motorDpn.speed(serong); motorL.speed(serong+t_new); motorBlk.speed(-serong); motorR.speed(-serong-t_new); break; } case (3) : { // Kanan aksel++; if (aksel>300) tuneAksel = 0.9; motorDpn.speed(-tuneAksel); motorBlk.speed(tuneAksel); motorR.brake(1); motorL.brake(1); break; } case (4) : { // Kiri aksel++; if (aksel>300) tuneAksel = 0.9; motorDpn.speed(tuneAksel); motorBlk.speed(-tuneAksel); motorR.brake(1); motorL.brake(1); break; } case (8) : { // Maju aksel++; if (aksel>300) tuneAksel = 0.9; motorR.speed(tuneAksel+t_new); motorL.speed(-tuneAksel-t_new); motorDpn.brake(1); motorBlk.brake(1); break; } case (9) : { // Mundur aksel++; if (aksel>300) tuneAksel = 0.9; motorR.speed(-tuneAksel-t_new); motorL.speed(tuneAksel+t_new); motorDpn.brake(1); motorBlk.brake(1); break; } case (5) : { // Aktifkan motor atas isLauncher = !isLauncher; break; } case (6) : { // Target Pulse PID ++ Motor Depan target_rpm2 = target_rpm2+1.0; target_rpm = target_rpm+1.0; init_rpm(); break; } case (7) : { // Target Pulse PID -- Motor Depan target_rpm2 = target_rpm2-1.0; target_rpm = target_rpm-1.0; init_rpm(); break; } case (10) : { // Pneumatik if (ready) { pneumatik = 0; previousMillis3 = millis(); flag_Pneu = true; ready = false; } break; } case (11) : { // Power Screw Up ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isReload = false; break; } case (31) : { // start target_rpm2 = 22; target_rpm = 22; init_rpm(); break; } case (32) : { // select target_rpm2 = 11; target_rpm = 11; init_rpm(); break; } case (33) : { // R3 target_rpm2 = 17; target_rpm = 17; init_rpm(); break; } case (12) : { // Power Screw Down ReloadOn = !ReloadOn; isReload = true; break; } default : { tuneAksel = 0.6; aksel = 0; motorDpn.brake(1); motorBlk.brake(1); motorR.brake(1); motorL.brake(1); } } // End Switch } void reloader() { if(ReloadOn){ if(isReload){ powerScrew.speed(pwmPowerDown); if((!limitBawah)||(!limitBawah1)){ isReload = false; ReloadOn = false; } } else if(!limitTengah){ isReload = true; } else if(!flag_Pneu){ //pc.printf("%.2f\n", ping_pwm); ping_current_error = (double) (ping_target-jarak_ping); ping_sum_error += ping_current_error*ping_Ts; ping_pwm = (double) ping_Kp*ping_current_error + ping_Kd*(ping_current_error-ping_previous_error1)/ping_Ts; if (ping_pwm>1) ping_pwm=1; if (ping_pwm>0.049 && ping_pwm<0.5) ping_pwm = 0.5; if (ping_pwm<-0.049 && ping_pwm>-0.5) ping_pwm = -0.5; if (ping_pwm<-1) ping_pwm=-1; powerScrew.speed(ping_pwm); ping_previous_error1 = ping_current_error; } if ((jarak_ping>(ping_target-3))&&(jarak_ping<(ping_target+3))){ ready = true; }else{ ready = false; } } else{ powerScrew.brake(1); } } void launcher() { if (isLauncher) { currentMillis = millis(); currentMillis2 = millis(); // PID Launcher Belakang if (currentMillis-previousMillis>=Ts) { rpm = (float)encLauncherBlk.getPulses(); current_error1 = target_rpm - rpm; a1 = kpA1 + kiA1*Ts/2 + kdA1/Ts; b1 = -kpA1 + kiA1*Ts/2 - 2*kdA1/Ts; c1 = kdA1/Ts; speed = previous_speed1 + a1*current_error1 + b1*previous_error1_1 + c1*previous_error1_2; //init_speed(); if(speed > maxSpeed){ launcherBlk.speed(maxSpeed); } else if ( speed < minSpeed){ launcherBlk.speed(minSpeed); } else { launcherBlk.speed(speed); } previous_speed1 = speed; previous_error1_2 = previous_error1_1; previous_error1_1 = current_error1; encLauncherBlk.reset(); previousMillis = currentMillis; } // PID Launcher Depan if (currentMillis2-previousMillis2>=Ts) { rpm2 = (float)encLauncherDpn.getPulses(); current_error2 = target_rpm2 - rpm2; a2 = kpA2 + kiA2*Ts/2 + kdA2/Ts; b2 = -kpA2 + kiA2*Ts/2 - 2*kdA2/Ts; c2 = kdA2/Ts; speed2 = previous_speed2 + a2*current_error2 + b2*previous_error2_1 + c2*previous_error2_2; //init_speed(); if (speed2 > maxSpeed){ launcherDpn.speed(maxSpeed); } else if ( speed2 < minSpeed){ launcherDpn.speed(minSpeed); } else{ launcherDpn.speed(speed2); } previous_speed2 = speed2; previous_error2_2 = previous_error2_1; previous_error2_1 = current_error2; encLauncherDpn.reset(); previousMillis2 = currentMillis2; } pc.printf("%.2f\t%.2f\n",rpm,rpm2); } else { launcherDpn.brake(1); launcherBlk.brake(1); previous_error1_1 = 0; previous_error1_2 = 0; previous_error2_1 = 0; previous_error2_2 = 0; previous_speed1 = 0; previous_speed2 = 0; } } /*********************************************************/ /* Main Function */ /*********************************************************/ int main (void) { // Set baud rate - 115200 joystick.setup(); pc.baud(115200); wait_ms(1000); // initializing encoder pneumatik =1; setCenter(); wait_ms(500); //initializing PING pingAtas.Send(); pc.printf("ready...."); startMillis(); while(1) { // interupsi pembacaan PING setiap 30 ms if(millis() - previousMillis4 >= 10){ //30 jarak_ping = (float)pingAtas.Read_cm(); pingAtas.Send(); previousMillis4 = millis(); } // Interrupt Serial joystick.idle(); if(joystick.readable()) { // Panggil fungsi pembacaan joystik joystick.baca_data(); // Panggil fungsi pengolahan data joystik joystick.olah_data(); // Masuk ke case joystick case_joy = case_joystick(); //pc.printf("%d\n",case_joy); aktuator(); launcher(); reloader(); if ((millis()-previousMillis3 >= 320)&&(flag_Pneu)){ pneumatik = 1; flag_Pneu = false; } } else { joystick.idle(); } if(millis() - previousMillis5 >= 400) { display.write(0,((int) rpm2) / 10); display.write(1,((int)rpm2) % 10); display.write(2, (int)target_rpm2 / 10); display.write(3, (int)target_rpm2 % 10); display.setColon(true); previousMillis5 = millis(); } } }