Servidor Web embebido en FRDM-KL46Z con Wiznet
Dependencies: mbed
Dependents: Embedded_web_wiznet Embedded_web_wiznet
Fork of WIZnet_Library by
- Committer:
- Ademir501
- Date:
- 2014-07-01
- Revision:
- 3:53191b0b1f16
- Parent:
- 1:8138a268fbd2
File content as of revision 3:53191b0b1f16:
/* Copyright (C) 2012 mbed.org, MIT License * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software * and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #pragma once #include "mbed.h" #include "mbed_debug.h" #define TEST_ASSERT(A) while(!(A)){debug("\n\n%s@%d %s ASSERT!\n\n",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__,#A);exit(1);}; #define DEFAULT_WAIT_RESP_TIMEOUT 500 enum Protocol { CLOSED = 0, TCP = 1, UDP = 2, }; enum Command { OPEN = 0x01, LISTEN = 0x02, CONNECT = 0x04, DISCON = 0x08, CLOSE = 0x10, SEND = 0x20, SEND_MAC = 0x21, SEND_KEEP = 0x22, RECV = 0x40, }; enum Interrupt { INT_CON = 0x01, INT_DISCON = 0x02, INT_RECV = 0x04, INT_TIMEOUT = 0x08, INT_SEND_OK = 0x10, }; enum Status { SOCK_CLOSED = 0x00, SOCK_INIT = 0x13, SOCK_LISTEN = 0x14, SOCK_SYNSENT = 0x15, SOCK_ESTABLISHED = 0x17, SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT = 0x1c, SOCK_UDP = 0x22, }; #define MAX_SOCK_NUM 8 #define MR 0x0000 #define GAR 0x0001 #define SUBR 0x0005 #define SHAR 0x0009 #define SIPR 0x000f #define PHYSTATUS 0x0035 // W5500 socket register #define Sn_MR 0x0000 #define Sn_CR 0x0001 #define Sn_IR 0x0002 #define Sn_SR 0x0003 #define Sn_PORT 0x0004 #define Sn_DIPR 0x000c #define Sn_DPORT 0x0010 #define Sn_RXBUF_SIZE 0x001e #define Sn_TXBUF_SIZE 0x001f #define Sn_TX_FSR 0x0020 #define Sn_TX_WR 0x0024 #define Sn_RX_RSR 0x0026 #define Sn_RX_RD 0x0028 class WIZnet_Chip { public: /* * Constructor * * @param spi spi class * @param cs cs of the W5500 * @param reset reset pin of the W5500 */ WIZnet_Chip(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName reset); WIZnet_Chip(SPI* spi, PinName cs, PinName reset); /* * Connect the W5500 to the ssid contained in the constructor. * * @return true if connected, false otherwise */ bool setip(); /* * Disconnect the connection * * @ returns true */ bool disconnect(); /* * Open a tcp connection with the specified host on the specified port * * @param host host (can be either an ip address or a name. If a name is provided, a dns request will be established) * @param port port * @ returns true if successful */ bool connect(int socket, const char * host, int port, int timeout_ms = 10*1000); /* * Set the protocol (UDP or TCP) * * @param p protocol * @ returns true if successful */ bool setProtocol(int socket, Protocol p); /* * Reset the W5500 */ void reset(); int wait_readable(int socket, int wait_time_ms, int req_size = 0); int wait_writeable(int socket, int wait_time_ms, int req_size = 0); /* * Check if a tcp link is active * * @returns true if successful */ bool is_connected(int socket); /* * Close a tcp connection * * @ returns true if successful */ bool close(int socket); /* * @param str string to be sent * @param len string length */ int send(int socket, const char * str, int len); int recv(int socket, char* buf, int len); /* * Return true if the module is using dhcp * * @returns true if the module is using dhcp */ bool isDHCP() { return dhcp; } bool gethostbyname(const char* host, uint32_t* ip); static WIZnet_Chip * getInstance() { return inst; }; int new_socket(); uint16_t new_port(); void scmd(int socket, Command cmd); template<typename T> void sreg(int socket, uint16_t addr, T data) { reg_wr<T>(addr, (0x0C + (socket << 5)), data); } template<typename T> T sreg(int socket, uint16_t addr) { return reg_rd<T>(addr, (0x08 + (socket << 5))); } template<typename T> void reg_wr(uint16_t addr, T data) { return reg_wr(addr, 0x04, data); } template<typename T> void reg_wr(uint16_t addr, uint8_t cb, T data) { uint8_t buf[sizeof(T)]; *reinterpret_cast<T*>(buf) = data; for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(buf)/2; i++) { // Little Endian to Big Endian uint8_t t = buf[i]; buf[i] = buf[sizeof(buf)-1-i]; buf[sizeof(buf)-1-i] = t; } spi_write(addr, cb, buf, sizeof(buf)); } template<typename T> T reg_rd(uint16_t addr) { return reg_rd<T>(addr, 0x00); } template<typename T> T reg_rd(uint16_t addr, uint8_t cb) { uint8_t buf[sizeof(T)]; spi_read(addr, cb, buf, sizeof(buf)); for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(buf)/2; i++) { // Big Endian to Little Endian uint8_t t = buf[i]; buf[i] = buf[sizeof(buf)-1-i]; buf[sizeof(buf)-1-i] = t; } return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(buf); } void reg_rd_mac(uint16_t addr, uint8_t* data) { spi_read(addr, 0x00, data, 6); } void reg_wr_ip(uint16_t addr, uint8_t cb, const char* ip) { uint8_t buf[4]; char* p = (char*)ip; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { buf[i] = atoi(p); p = strchr(p, '.'); if (p == NULL) { break; } p++; } spi_write(addr, cb, buf, sizeof(buf)); } void sreg_ip(int socket, uint16_t addr, const char* ip) { reg_wr_ip(addr, (0x0C + (socket << 5)), ip); } protected: uint8_t mac[6]; uint32_t ip; uint32_t netmask; uint32_t gateway; uint32_t dnsaddr; bool dhcp; static WIZnet_Chip* inst; void reg_wr_mac(uint16_t addr, uint8_t* data) { spi_write(addr, 0x04, data, 6); } void spi_write(uint16_t addr, uint8_t cb, const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len); void spi_read(uint16_t addr, uint8_t cb, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len); SPI* spi; DigitalOut cs; DigitalOut reset_pin; }; extern uint32_t str_to_ip(const char* str); extern void printfBytes(char* str, uint8_t* buf, int len); extern void printHex(uint8_t* buf, int len); extern void debug_hex(uint8_t* buf, int len);