
Dependencies:   C027 C027_Support M2XStreamClient PowerControl jsonlite mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of PONY_Ph0-uAXIS by Sean McBeath

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Dec 01 00:32:19 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Dec 01 00:35:55 2015 +0000
@@ -96,93 +96,10 @@
-    /*
-    // Get a good GPS message
-    printf("\r\nMessage loop wait=%fs\r\n",locationLoopWait);
-    int locationLoopIter = 0;
-    while(true) {
-        locationLoopIter++;
-        ret = gps.getMessage(buf, sizeof(buf));
-        // Test for location data in this priority: GLL, RMC, GGA
-        #define _CHECK_TALKER(s) ((buf[3] == s[0]) && (buf[4] == s[1]) && (buf[5] == s[2]))
-        // TODO: Add check that we're getting NMEA-formatted sentences
-        int sentenceType = getNMEAtalker(buf);
-        //char talkerType[3] = NMEA_talkers[sentenceType];
-        printf("Talker type = %s\r\n", NMEA_talkers[sentenceType]);
-        if (sentenceType == 5) {
-            break;
-        }
-        if ( _CHECK_TALKER("GLL") ) {
-            char ch = '-';
-            // FIX: The getNmeaItem isn't working to capture the check character in a valid GLL code, which is unusual; the workaround seems to be that invalid GLL values DOES find a "V"
-            if(!gps.getNmeaItem(6,buf,len,ch)) {
-                printf("\n\n\rHave GLL location data after %f seconds and %i requests:\r\n", ( locationLoopWait * (float) locationLoopIter ), locationLoopIter );
-                printf(buf);
-                break;
-            }
-            else {
-                printf("\rGLL inv...");
-                //printf(buf); printf("\r\n");
-            }
-        }
-        else if ( (_CHECK_TALKER("RMC") || _CHECK_TALKER("GGA")) && locationLoopIter > locationLoopCountout ) {
-            printf("\r\nTaking non-GLL data due to location timeout\r\n");
-            printf(buf); printf("\r\n");
-            break;
-        }
-        else if ( _CHECK_TALKER("RMC") ) {
-            printf("\rRMC loc...");
-            //printf(buf); printf("\r\n\n");
-        }
-        else if ( _CHECK_TALKER("GGA") ) {
-            printf("\rGGA loc...");
-            //printf(buf); printf("\r\n\n");
-        }
-        else {
-            printf("\rNo loc...");
-        }
-        */
-        //wait(locationLoopWait);
-    //}// LOOP THAT MOFO
-    // Begin parsing our GPS value
-    //gps.getNmeaAngle(1,buf,len,la);
-    //gps.getNmeaAngle(3,buf,len,lo);
     printf("Latitude: %G\r\nLongitude: %G\r\nUTC Time:%f\r\n\n", la, lo, UTCtime);
     //----- MODEM UP!!!
     // Now that we know where we are, let's do something with it (modem-wise...)